Are you ready to go down the rabbit hole? To visit a surreal world, where black is white and white is carrots?
A friend, Metacognician in Shanghai, describes the situation as follows: “Life is more absurd than movies. I've gone down the rabbit hole too, when it just becomes more and more strange and you wonder how that all is supposed to make sense.” I asked him if I should just embrace it. He answered, “Why should you ... change the universe?”
It started with a psychotic named Jim Kiraly who resides, we think, at 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, California.
Jim Kiraly is a respected citizen. A churchgoer. A Vice President of Transamerica Corporation. And a violent abuser who tried to use an emergency anti-violence measure, one intended to protect battered women, to stop his victim in a wheelchair from writing a book.
Concise enough?
For attorneys: Jim Kiraly filed for CLETS against his son and victim, who lived 200 miles away, did not own a car, and was in a wheelchair. His son and victim was not asked to end communications. Jim had no (zero) specific and relevant allegations that were not perjury. But he turned down repeated offers of no-contact and a signed stipulation that gave him everything but CLETS. He insisted on CLETS if his victim ever once “discussed” him with third parties.
In the end, Jim Kiraly signed an agreement far weaker than the ones he'd been offered.
A review of Court paperwork and other materials will tend to
confirm that Jim and other parties, including attorneys on all
sides, committed multiple felonies, crimes, and faux pas.
The word “abuser” is stated here publicly and without equivocation. A formal offer is hereby made to reaffirm the word in writing and under oath. Attorneys will understand the significance of the point. In short, there is little terror of a threatened defamation suit on this side. Actually, we feel that such a suit will fit nicely up Jim Kiraly's abuser ass.
Jim has one son, Ken Kiraly, who invented the Amazon Kindle and is one of the leads at Amazon's secret Lab126. Another son, Tom Kiraly is one of the leads, a Vice President-CFO type, at medical insurance firms, including one of the largest, Humana Corporation.
These people and some of the biggest names in Silicon Valley legal circles have committed or are involved in multiple crimes.
For the next decade or two, we're going to explore the crimes that these people committed, the motivations and the denial involved, the background and histories that led each person to make the choices that they did, and ways to build upon what happened and move towards positive societal goals.
There's plenty to go over. These people committed or were involved in: Spousal abuse, child abuse, DDOS (a highly prosecutable violation of CFAA), extortion, perjury, conspiracy to commit perjury (a possible felony), false police reports, conspiracy to file false police reports (a possible felony), unlawful threats, barratry, defamation, malpractice, civil harassment, criminal harassment, abuse of process, and violations of SCCBA Professional Standards.
The point was to force Jim's oldest son and victim, me, to sign a gag order. I was in a wheelchair. I'd never made a single inappropriate threat against my abuser. I wasn't even asked to not to call anybody. But Jim threatened to put me in a violence database unless I agreed never to write about him.
I won the right to write, but I lost my home of 25 years, most of my possessions, my chances for retirement, everything. Everything but a realization.
I can make a difference. I can conduct research for legitimate and reasonable purposes, document what happened, and analyze the choices of the people involved:
- Jim Kiraly, abuser. Possibly Treasurer at St. Johns Lutheran Church. Vice President of Transamerica Corporation. Also connected to New Life Pismo Church. Involved with Service Core for Retired Executives (SCORE).
- Grace Kiraly, abuse victim and Christ Follower.
- Tom Kiraly, abuse victim, VP or CFO of firms such as Hanger Inc., Humana Corporation, and Sheridan Healthcare.
- Gail Cheda, slightly demented Realtor, spittle flying.
- Ken Kiraly, abuse victim, inventor of the Amazon Kindle, lead at Amazon's secret Lab126, sociopath.
- Tom Stutzman of Thomas Chase Stutzman, a Family Law attorney whose hobbies include martial arts and alleged sexual harassment
- John Perrott of Thomas Chase Stutzman, a personable albeit lazy Family Law attorney who has a slight tendency towards fraud and malpractice
- Chris Burdick, head of the Santa Clara County Bar Association (SCCBA). Chris, you broke a written promise to speak with me because, you said, we had “Prior...” You didn't finish the sentence. Were you worried that I might take false statements to the State Bar? What's the deal with you and Hoge Fenton, anyway? What will we find if we dig?
- Michael Bonetto of Hoge Fenton. Michael, seriously, what are you?
- Alison Buchanan of Hoge Fenton, ethics specialist. Alison, did you contribute to the SCCBA Professional Standards, or was that before your time?
- Tracie Zerr of Thomas Chase Stutzman, a woman of boundless intelligence and sensitivity.
- Maggie Desmond of Hoge Fenton. Maggie, information, please. What is your role in Hoge Fenton's campaign to hush victims of abuse? When the clients that you've protected beat up women, how do you compartmentalize?
Maggie told me that she didn't know what she could say to me about what happened. However, we have decades to work it out. It will be productive. I'd like to direct the attention of attorneys and other parties to the:
Legitimate and Reasonable Purposes List
Questions or comments are welcome. For technical notes and disclaimers, click here.
Free Downloads
The current free ebook is located at this link: For details about the ebook, click here. |
140731 Thursday —
Odd Letter from Tom Stutzman
cases kiraly stutzman tom
A full Kiraly Cases tags system will be added in 2014.
140731. I've received an odd letter that claims to be from Tom Stutzman of the law firm Thomas Chase Stutzman in San Jose, California. The letter is posted below.
I don't believe the letter is actually from Mr. Stutzman. I thought initially that it was sent by a semi-retired buddy of his who handles IT chores for him. Metacognician in Shanghai has another theory. If it's right, the letter is laugh out loud funny. We'll come back to his theory below. I've dropped the semi-retired buddy idea for now. One odd part is that the author claims to be Mr. Stutzman, albeit with a misspelled name. His old friend wouldn't use a fake name. Another oddity is that the letter seems to have been routed through India. Additionally, it doesn't make sense that Mr. Stutzman's friend would write to me. Note: The image of John Perrot below was obtained from The rights to the image seem to reside there. Parties interested in DMCA and similar intellectual property issues should click here for related information.
It's possible that Mr. Stutzman should be concerned about the matter. After all, John Perrott arguably misleads his clients and overcharges them. If clients of Thomas Chase Stutzman, Family Law Firm, express concerns that John Perrott may be driving up costs intentionally, John has techniques he's developed over the years that he uses to keep them off balance. He refers to the techniques matter of factly as “client management”.
Tom Stutzman's client felt that Mr. Stutzman, a San Jose Family Law Attorney trusted with sensitive matters, was seeking sexual favors. However, Mr. Stutzman contends that he was not actually planning to force the woman to be a prostitute. If I understand the findings on Mr. Stutzman's escapade correctly, it simply looked that way. Note: Mr. Stutzman has been offered the opportunity to correct any inaccuracies in this reference to his alleged attempt to extort sex from a female client. I'm concerned about fairness. I'd like to present a balanced picture, even when I'm dealing with an Attorney who has been disciplined for multiple instances of inappropriate behavior, including alleged mishandling of clients' funds as well as alleged sexual misconduct. At any rate, Mr. Stutzman is fighting to prevent me from obtaining paperwork that might confirm John Perrott's actions constituted malpractice or possibly prosecutable crimes. In fact, Mr. Stutzman has made aggressive threats towards me. The threats seem to be aimed at preventing me from getting my hands on the documents in question. I don't think Tom Stutzman would encourage his old friend to write to me. As you're about to read, the purported Stutzman letter is, like so many Kiraly Cases issues, another in an endless series of attempts to take down website content. These people never give up. Metacognician has a theory. If he's right, Tom Stutzman, Family Law Attorney, isn't as sharp as he seems. Metacognician, who knows about such things, told me:
I asked Metacognician what happens when people cheated by these hucksters realize that the number of links pointing to unwanted material is going to *increase* due to their miscalculation. He told me, the hucksters simply say, For the hacker kids, IPV4 addresses associated with the letter, most likely POPs or relays, seem to include the following:
* The Attorneys referred to this post include:
Chase Stutzman
John H. Perrott Letter allegedly from Tom Stutzma[n]:
Hi, I am Tom Stutzma (sic)
working for
I would really appreciate your help in removing these links.
Here is a sample link The links may hurt both our rankings and I will be grateful if you can remove the link. If you could please send a confirmation note letting me know that the link has been removed, I would really appreciate it.
If you have any queries please feel free to enquire at Thanks in advance! I hope to hear from you soon.
Webmaster This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
I left Tom Stutzman the following voicemail message a few minutes ago. By the way, Tom, see my note elsewhere to Michael regarding cellphone SIM chips, etc. Additionally, we need to talk about jurisdiction for the action you've threatened. Oh, and scope. Tom, you're familiar with scope, right? I want my paperwork, Tom. I'll get it through the State Bar if need be. I'm sure they'll be pleased to see you up before them again. And over a cover-up this time. (start of voicemail transcript) Mr. Stutzman, yesterday I received a letter stating that it was from you. Initially, I suspected that the letter had come from your old IT friend. However, I no longer believe this. I have posted the letter publicly and so you can read it if you wish to do so. I would appreciate a statement from you regarding whether or not you are associated with the sender. As a related note, you are invited to check the description in the post of your alleged sexual misconduct. I am always concerned about accuracy and I wish to hear about any corrections that may be required. In closing, the issue of your aggressive and unwarranted threat against me remains. I am referring to the threat that is intended to prevent me from obtaining my paperwork and demonstrating malpractice. If you wish to proceed with the threatened action, there are practical matters such as jurisdiction and scope that ought to be discussed. In light of new information, the issue of scope is of special interest. |
Tom Stutzman Attorney Trio
John Perrott, Family Law Attorney, is on the left. Thomas Stutzman, Family Law Attorney, is on the right. I think that's Lisi in the middle.
Rights to this image are apparently held by Dailymotion. Whether or not this is the case, people interested in DMCA or other intellectual property issues are advised to click here for related information.

140731 Thursday —
Neurodiverse is Not Worse
A full Kiraly Cases tags system will be added in 2014.
140731. Today, we'll visit a late-20s neurodiverse developer, Pardulphus, who lives with his parents in Burgundy, France. 1. Educational system. In France, the public school system, below college level, is similar to that of the U.S. There are slight differences in the years. Kindergarten (école maternelle) is longer than in the U.S. It lasts for three years. Students are typically ages 3 to 6. Primary school is similar to grade school in the U.S. It lasts for five years. Ages are 6 to 11. Middle school (collège) is longer than the U.S. equivalent. Four years long, for students ages 11 to 15. High school (lycée) is shorter than in the U.S. It runs for three years. Ages are 15 to 18. 2. My education as a minor. I had a largely standard education throughout the four schools. I was good at math. So teachers suggested twice that I skip a grade. My parents refused, the first time. But, the second time, they agreed. So I skipped the last year of Primary School. The math issue was interesting. The standard way to approach math is deduction. Search equivalences, apply formulae, and proceed to results. Teachers like this. But I usually feel results, then seek to explain them. In Middle School, I became interested in programming languages; in particular, in Logo and BASIC. This was the first sign of the direction that I'd ultimately take. In High School, I went for the scientific section. In the U.S., this would be a Science Major. It include mathématiques (maths), physiques (physics), chimie (chemistry), and natural science. One must also take classes in soft subjects such as history, geography, literature, languages, etc. I did well in the technical courses, a little less so in other areas. 3. My university education. I had an aptitude for engineering and was interesting in related subjects. So, after High School, I entered CPGE. CPGE is short for classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles. In English, this means classes to prepare to enter training as an engineer. Typically, CPGE lasts two years. If one does well, one will then enter a second phase that lasts three years. Upon successful completion of the full five year period, one is awarded the equivalent of a Master's Degree program in Engineering. CPGE didn't work out for me. My grades for the 1st year weren't good enough to continue with the 2nd year. So I switched to a two-year DUT program. This might be thought of as similar to a U.S. Associate of Arts degree. The year in CPGE was lost time, to some extent. Credits weren't transferrable. However, I did learn from the CPGE classes. The DUT program went better. I focused on software engineering and did well. In France, a DUT degree may be accepted as the equivalent of the first one or two years of a standard university program. My grades were good enough that my DUT counted as two years. Upon graduation, I was accepted as the equivalent of a third-year student at the University of Burgundy. After a year at the University, I'd completed three years of University level education, counting the DUT. The three years earned me a “license” to go with the DUT. A “license” is similar in some respects to a U.S. bachelor's degree. The French system is strict. With the license, I was allowed to work at some technical jobs. However, I could neither be called an engineer (only the CPGE path would permit that) nor work at some engineer jobs. So I decided to spend another two years at the University of Burgundy. During this period, I earned a masters degree. The masters degree entitled me to work at most engineer jobs, though I still could not use the word engineer as a title. I was now 23 years old. I sought employment based on my masters degree. I was not able to find any. The issue might have been a poor economy around Burgundy. But I'm not sure if other areas would have been better. Regardless, I wanted to start out in Burgundy because this would allow me to stay with my parents and siblings until I was established. So I decided to seek a doctorate degree. This degree would provide a title and status, and help to ensure that I could get a job, The next step was to obtain a research masters degree that the doctorate program would require. My existing masters degree was professional in nature. It couldn't be used for the purpose. The research masters wouldn't be costly in terms of time. The professional masters had provided me with educational credits that could be reused. I'd only need to spend another year in school to obtain a second masters. Then I'd be ready to try out the doctorate program. But I failed at the research masters. I finished the extra year but didn't do well enough to continue. I'd succeeded with the professional masters. But the research program was less hands-on and more theoretical. It wasn't a match for me. The professional masters had had theoretical aspects. But they had had practical applications. This was, I found, important to me. Additionally, the research master was broader than I had expected. It included areas that were not of great interest to me. 4. My career. I started looking for jobs again. Eventually, at the end of 2012, age 25, I found a part-time webdev position. It was mostly updates for a Wordpress site and PHP+MySQL development for related subdomains. The job didn't really need a masters degree but it's all that I was able to find. This was a contract position. It was originally for six months with the possibility of extensions up to a maximum of 24 months. I did well enough that they added 12 months to the initial six. So I ended up with 18 months of work. The 18 months ended about two months ago. I'm 27 years old now. I have a professional masters and I'm qualified to work. But presently I'm unemployed again. I don't feel distressed. I hope to perhaps have another job by the end of the year. I'll survive with the assistance of family. 5. Connections to people. I find fulfillment mostly through solitary activities. Not through social interaction. I don't seek to speak with people. I have relatively few real-life friends. Most people that I know socially in real life are friends of friends. A small number are people that I got to know in IRC first. I don't go outside much except for specific reasons. It's typically for errands, to visit the library, for movies at the cinema, or for conventions or other special events. I usually go alone on these occasions. Sometimes I go out with family members or to visit them. For example, when I go to the library, I stop to visit my grandparents who live near the building. I don't avoid human contact. If I need to talk to people, I'm comfortable doing so. Additionally, I don't mind it if people talk to me. In either case, I communicate well enough. So, I'm probably not autistic. Additionally, when I was young, I was in Scouts and it was O.K. But, thinking back, I went mostly because a close friend wanted me to accompany him. When he stopped going, I stopped going as well. I've had close friends since then. But some of them are only online. And I don't go out often simply to visit the people I do know in real life. 6. Technology and reading. I run Windows 7 X64 Sp1 on a Dell Inspiron 1520. Debian 7 on a Dell latitude D630. Mac OS X 10.9.4 on a Macbook Pro. I have a FreeBSD VM too and I've worked with Gentoo servers. It makes sense to have multiple systems and/or OSes. As a sysadmin, I'd like to be sure I know how to administrate in all the major contexts. And, as a developer, I'm interested in issues related to portability. I usually read a book or two a week. Mostly fiction from 300 to 1,000 pages. I have an iPhone. I chose iPhone partly because I had a friend who helped me to obtain one cheaply. 7. My life. I know that I'm different. I'm an introvert, more than usual. I might lack initiative as well. I'm reserved, not timid. Naturally calm most of the time. I've always been good with children and the elderly. My life could be better, but I'm still happy. Well, I'm more happy than sad. The balance is all right. If something goes wrong in life, that's a bad moment to pass, but there's no need to brood over it. |
Be grateful for the home you have, knowing that at this moment, all you have is all you need.

140709 Wednesday —
Message for Hoge Fenton
bonetto cases kiraly fenton hoge michael
A full Kiraly Cases tags system will be added in 2014.
140709. This is a transcript of a voicemail message that has been left at Hoge Fenton. 1. Courtesy copies of the voicemail have been left for individuals, not associated with Hoge Fenton, in other venues as well. 2. More than one copy has been left. Some key parts were added after the first copy. Added parts are marked as such in the transcript. The transcript should be considered as a reference for the intended wording. 3. Two parts where domain names are spelled out letter by letter are omitted. 4. As a side note to Michael Bonetto and/or Hoge Fenton: If you decide to initiate false and fraudulent actions as part of the abuse of process that Hoge Fenton has committed, abuse of process that is connected to multiple prosecutable crimes, including highly prosecutable felonies related to “hacking” by Hoge Fenton clients, cover-ups of child abuse, and cover-ups of violent spousal abuse, you're free to subpoena lists of things like people I've called or phone numbers that I've used. Regrettably, though, I don't possess a list of people that I've called. And I'm afraid that the SIM cards and/or SIM data involved may not exist by the time that subpoenas are issued. I tend to forget to renew SIM cards, so the numbers change. I also lose phones and SIM cards sometimes. Additionally, I've been too busy to maintain a list of the phone numbers associated with the SIM cards, so if you were to ask me if a particular number belonged to me, I probably wouldn't be able to tell you.
I'm truly sorry regarding the poor quality of the record keeping
on my part
5. The Michael Bonetto referred to in the message is:
Michael T. Bonetto
This is a courtesy copy of a message for Michael Bonetto of Hoge Fenton. [Added after 1st copy] As a legitimate and reasonable request, I'm asking members of the firm to provide me with information concerning Hoge Fenton's role in the crafting of the Santa Clara County Bar Association Professional Standards. For the purposes of future legal actions in either direction, this message may be viewed as research in that context. It's a short P.S. to a voicemail message that was left the other day. Transcripts of both messages will be posted online today at michael bonetto dot com. And at gail cheda dot com as well. [Omitted parts where domains were spelled out] [Added after 1st copy] Contact information for the requested information may be found on the sites. Michael, I'm editing a little photo provided by Phenek from Finland. One of my startupers, some of whom are interested in the situation. The photo will go online this morning. It's simply a toy that's waiting to be played with. The scene makes me feel a bit sad for a couple of reasons. One reason is thematic and one is meta. The meta-issue is that I'll never get to create toys like this or, for that matter, have children. You took this from me. You killed any children that I might have had. And you did it, not in the name of duty, but by violating the standards that your own company Hoge Fenton wrote. I've asked the head of the Santa Clara County Bar Association to discuss the role that Hoge Fenton played in the crafting of the standards. She's expressed reluctance regarding the matter. But in the long run there will be no way to prevent the answers from coming out. The system is designed to facilitate cover-ups, but not for a situation as odd as this one. I don't have many years left, Michael. Not enough to start over. But you and your clients lied, you committed prosecutable crimes, and you stole my time in the world. There are enough years remaining to see that justice is done.
The photo is by Phenek of Finland. It is distributed under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works 3.0. For attribution purposes, the rights holder is Phenek. For more information about the license, click here. The little car was originally designed for toy mice. The toy mice were sleeping in their mouse house, so Phenek's baby daughter took two toy cats and put them in the car instead. To see the card that I made for the baby when she was born, click here. |
When somebody loved me, everything was beautiful. Every hour we spent together lives within my heart.

140706 Sunday —
Hire George Kerechanko
george kerechanko
A full Kiraly Cases tags system will be added in 2014.
140706. George Kerechanko is one of my Mother Grace Kiraly's Cousins and somebody that LittleCoder thought of as the older Brother he'd never had. I don't recall speaking with George subsequent to his Daughter Lisa's letter to me roughly one year ago. In that letter, Lisa suggested that I was seeking to tar the character of her dead Brother Russell. For my response to Lisa, click here. George does building-related work, including the installation of carpets and other floor coverings. In recent years, he's started to slow down due to age and, I think, some physical pain. But I've just checked and I'm glad to see that he's still in business. I'd like to suggest that anybody in the Paso Robles, California area who needs assistance with carpets or floor coverings in general hire George Kerechanko. There is what appears to be professional information related to George at this link: |
140706 Sunday —
Message for Michael Bonetto
cases bonetto kiraly michael
A full Kiraly Cases tags system will be added in 2014.
140706. Michael Bonetto, this isn't the letter to John Perrott that I referred to. It's the voicemail transcript. For the letter to John, click here. This transcript most likely contains minor errors. However, it's believed to be reasonably accurate.
To: Michael T. Bonetto
Cc: John H. Perrott This is a courtesy copy of a notification for Michael Bonetto. If any part is not clear, a transcript is available online at michael bonetto dot com. Michael, I owe you a formal response to points that you made earlier this year. And I do intend to respond as the points were odd. For example, you neglected to define a crucial term related to email, you skipped over a point that might justify a State Bar investigation into your remarks, and you made a strange comment to the effect I'd alleged your past clients had not asked me not to contact them.
The last part was especially confusing as I don't recall that you
yourself alleged
[corrected: That was sort of embarrassing for you, wasn't it? You're aware that the fact I was never asked not to call my abuser is going metaphorically up where the sun doesn't shine, right? And that no restraining order can prevent this legitimate and reasonable Free Speech exercise? A simple fact that you should have explained to the abuser Jim Kiraly of 32 La Gaviota, Pismo Beach, California. These remarks are intended respectfully and as a polite assessment. But, moving on, I don't wish to rush the formal response. In the interim, I expect to serve you soon with notice that I am not legally obligated to use you as an intermediary when I communicate with the abuser Jim Kiraly or his idiot Son Tom Kiraly, Vice President of Sheridan Healthcare.
John Perrott has offered some remarks related to the matter. I'd like
to invite you to read a
from me to John which briefly discusses the
[corrected: You'll find my letter to John Perrott on the front page of michael bonetto dot com. It's about halfway down. You can skip the long article about Salvation unless you'd like to comment on that subject. Note that the letter to John doesn't end with the photo of the Kmeta children. It continues after the photo. By the way, Twisted Time, the witness that you decided not to call, persists. He and I would love to get a photo of you posing smiling with him next to his hospital bed. How about it... Son? |
140706 Sunday —
Rubidiun Rising
kiraly rubidiun
A full Kiraly Cases tags system will be added in 2014.
140706. For notes related to the use of a photo of Thomas Kiraly in this article, feel free to click here. Rubidiun, also known as Loome and Dr. Beth, surprised me this weekend. Rubidiun is neurodiverse, unpredictable, different. None of this is important to me. What matters is that he possesses qualities that matter. Qualities that Christ valued. He's said positive things recently. I told him that the differences were not significant and he said: “u r very thoughtful and patient.” A few days later, I showed him the decades-old photo of me at this link. He commented about the Young Coder, “he looks extremely redacted cool. he's kind of nonchalant.” It isn't true but that isn't the point. The other day, I asked Rubidiun to comment on his ADHD for Charles Artisan, who has a similar condition. I fell asleep and found a message the next day. It was directed to me as opposed to Charles Artisan. “i have seen in my life and have met many folks from different walks of life. my impression, largely, is that people are fundamentally good. but sometimes they steer off from their being of goodness because they are sidetracked and distracted. by the trivial, by the accidents, by the miscommunications.” “some can deal with it really well, some cannot. you seem to have dealt with your situation with supreme grace. most, i think, probably could not have. you were dealt a redacted hand, and that's no fault of yours — it's just too damn bad that it happened.” “i hope you've had times of happiness in your life though, for the years you have lived. of course, you're going to have new opportunities to find more moments of happiness. that's good. it's probably thing one can make out of life.” “play it out to the best of your abilities. have fun, that's all.” I've talked about different types of Christians recently. There are different types of people in general. One type is the instantiation of Evil. Not possessing the quality of Evil, but defining it. These are the sanctimonious, those who believe that God is there to serve them. Evil does not wear a Nazi shirt or a large blinking neon sign labelled “Evil”.
I know the names of these people now. After decades in the dark. Jim Kiraly of St. John's Lutheran Church, Grace Kiraly of New Life Pismo Church, and Tom Kiraly of Sheridan Healthcare. Another type, and there are more than two, is strong when necessary but kind when possible. This type understands the fact of the skull beneath the skin. The nature of the polite fictions that Evil uses to manage society. What it is like to be one of the Sheeple. And what it means to cast aside that role. If somebody attacks, this type knows, Machiavelli is the Kindergarten Primer to follow. The first step. If somebody falls, this type believes, they are not there to be mocked as they lie there bleeding. They are there to be picked up. To be helped.
I am proud to stand and be counted in this group. With Rubidiun at
my side. Or wandering off as he does
140628 Saturday —
Letter to Tactician
A full Kiraly Cases tags system will be added in 2014.
140628. This is a letter to Tactician regarding salvation and transformation. 1. Tactician, you're speaking with a neurodiverse person who's had difficulty all his life with answering the supposedly straight-forward question “How are you?” It used to be considered humorous that he could not answer the question in the expected manner. He did not process the fact that people asked the question but expected something other than a literal answer. This issue, the fact that he did not process the fact, was considered to be a “choice”. One to be laughed at. But it was not a “choice”. 2. The question that you've asked today is of a different nature. But it goes deeper than “How are you”. It's not as simple to respond as you imagine. 3. You've observed my move, over two years, into a space of metaphor and introspection. The things that the Kiralys and their associates did to me, the fact that it was even possible, something that I couldn't comprehend, changed me. 4. Metacognician and I discussed the process a few times. We talked primarily about the “what” of the changes. Less about the “why” and the “how”. The “why” seemed clear. We agreed that the “how” was a mystery. He offered thoughts such as this: Post continues below the illustration. The illustration is distributed under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works 3.0. For attribution purposes, the rights holder is OldCoder. For more information about the license, click here. |
This is a rare photo of OldCoder, Puzzle on a visit to the West Coast, Ken Kiraly (inventor of the Amazon Kindle, key figure at Amazon Lab126, and believed to be a sociopath), and Scott Kiraly (self-absorbed, considered by his parents to be dangerous to Ken, possibly deceased now due to obesity). Tom Kiraly, perjurer, Vice President of Humana Corporation, and Executive Vice President of Sheridan Healthcare, might be taking the picture, but this is not clear.

5. Regardless of the “what”, I understand better now what is possible. For others as well as for me. More *is* possible. I can bring out positive things in others that one might not expect to find. I can write again after 40 years. I'm coming into my own in other respects. I'm operating at close to my full intelligence. I'm not the frightened child that I was into my 50s. The beaten down figure that my abuser and the others that surrounded me made me into 40 years ago. It's nice to be free of that part of myself. To be free, to know that in the years to come, I'll be free to tell the truth, to fight back, to demonstrate that there are limits to what wealth can do, limits imposed by God and by the Law — it's wonderful.
I see the patterns
I am the information processor
It is not right for you 7. I'm the Christ Follower now, Tactician. I've assumed the title. The title that my Mother Grace Kiraly, the harlot made of lies, claimed. I'll be the one to determine what the term means to me. I'll start with a basic principle: The Word is the Truth. The Truth is the Light. The Light is the Way. 8. Is it possible to see the Light? Does it shine on Earth? The answer is yes. I've seen it.
The Word, to Ivan, was a feeling, a force, a direction that was real. It was something that he was subsumed into. It was not a “choice”. It was a fact. There are others who are similar. What does it mean? This is the answer. There are people who have been transformed. They are compelled to serve. To honor something greater not only than themselves but greater than all the constructs of Man. They are obedient to the compulsion. They are humble in its presence. Ivan Kmeta was the first of these people that I met. One of them is Charles Artisan. Another is Tactician; you. 9. There are those who speak of the Word but who experience no transformation. Two categories: Those who have not been transformed; but are obedient to an imagined compulsion that they wish to feel. Who are humble. Those who work backwards from a notion. The notion is that if something greater exists, it is subservient to them. The latter people are the Pharisees. The ones whose arrogance transcends that which is possible in a temporal context. The ones who spit upon the Word. Such people exist. I've met them. They are my Parents Jim Kiraly and Grace Kiraly of Pismo Beach, California. My Brothers. Scott Kiraly, to be sure; the one who considers God to be his personal servant. “Christians” of the bigoted, sanctimonious type. The ones who are full of hatred. These are the prototypes for the breed. 10. Who are the ones that matter? They are the ones who are compelled. The ones through whom it is possible that a Light might shine.
A Light that I will follow 11. Why is the Light there, in the faces of these people? The answer is that they are transformed. You were transformed, Tactician, weren't you? You've never explained exactly what happened. You've hinted, though, at things that should be discussed further. I spoke with Charles Artisan today regarding you and your question. You've heard part of his story before. I'll repeat it here for others. I prayed the Sinner's Prayer when I was young. Lord, give me Faith. I didn't feel anything. Months later, I died. It happened in my yard. I found myself standing at the Great White Throne. I had a sense of what the place was like. It was a place where all was explained and it went on forever. A figure that I felt might be Christ was present. The figure had taken me out of a place of darkness. I tried to walk closer. As I did, everything that I had ever done, everything that I had ever thought, became apparent. I was stopped. I could not move closer because I was not covered with the Blood of Christ. God did not chide me. However, I perceived my own failure. I knew that I was a creature of Sin. Not one thing that I had done had been unselfish. I felt that I would be carried back to the place of darkness. I said, God may I tell my Family about what I've seen, that they may be saved? I found myself in my body on Earth. There was a sense of distance traveled and yet it was all in an instant. I looked down and I saw a cyclone. The cyclone was the Earth. There were people in the cyclone. I heard a voice, not physical. It said, I made that for Man. It wasn't the voice of God. I was then alive. Puking. I felt that something was trying to suffocate me and that I had to shake it off. I proceeded with my life. I felt that God had saved me. And I understood what separation from Him would be like. Since then, I've been... I've lived a different sort of life. 12. Today, Charles Artisan added: Salvation is not by works. But God does put it on your heart to do what is right... you do what He asks, not out of fear or out of expectation of reward, but because you're happy to do it... happy to do what you can for the Light while you're on the Earth. 13. Salvation is, I think, the transformation that I've alluded to. I pressed Charles Artisan to explain the nature of Salvation. How is it that it happens? What must somebody do? He mused on the subject. He spoke of the Sinner's Prayer he had prayed that had done nothing. And of the class of people who wish to experience the transformation. Who act in accordance with their guesses regarding what the compulsion might require of them. 14. Charles Artisan did not have conclusions. He knew simply what he had experienced. The experience that was not a “choice” but a transformation. 15. I challenged Charles Artisan, as I'd done before, to comment on what the Truth might be. Is it possible, I asked, that souls are seeds cast upon the ground by God, that grow randomly into plants that He can transform and find use for, or that do not grow, as determined by chance? In short, are the Calvinists, in a sense, correct? 16. Charles Artisan was intrigued by the notion. I myself feel that the matter requires thought. What is clear is this: Salvation, transformation, these things are not a “choice”. One can't demand them. They are granted or they are not. Those in the second category that I've mentioned, who have not experienced a transformation but behave as though it has occurred in the hopes that it will occur, these people are not to be mocked or judged. Those in the third category, the Pharisees who state that they have made a “choice”, who assert that they are therefore “saved”, and who behave as though God is a tool that exists to serve them... these are the ones that the cyclone is for. 17. The Masked Lua offered me these thoughts: I believe in Jesus Christ, that He died for our sins and saved us from them doing so, raising on the third day. I don't adhere to the idea of religion, considering how religion is used today, but follow what the Bible says (to a point, I'm not perfect), versus what men say or organizations wish of men. Salvation is thru Jesus Christ, you place in Him your belief, that He is God's Son and died and then rose in 3 days, the transformation is difficult. There is a war within, an old man and a new man. The new, created with the arrival of the Holy Spirit. The old, who still wishes to sin. And the one in-between, who has to try to consistently go with what is right versus what one wishes to do. It's not so much a transformation, but a gradual change. One does not just stop sinning instantly. There will always be a struggle that a Christian has. But, thru all things, God gives ways to overcome in such a way that gives Him the glory, that which He will not share with any other thing. As all Glory belongs to Him. 18. Upon reflection, the Masked Lua added: It's quite possible that ppl could experience changes twice. Their childhood, then their adulthood. When you're a child, things effect you greatly for the moment; but fade. When you're an adult, they stick with you. For instance, I knew what flames felt like when I was little, or extreme heat. I had fell on a heater when around 3. So, they told me hell was like permanent burning. And they also told me how great Jesus was. Tho I understood not much, really, I was convinced I should become a Christian and try to do right. Later on in life other things happened that reminded me that so much of what I did up to that point was ridiculous. And that I needed to return to the correct direction. It wasn't a revival, or reflection, it was like realization moreso. I realized when I was young I should be following Christ. Later on in life I realized again. Basically the first time I thought it was good, the second time I realized God kept me here for a reason, considering the case it was only logical that I be dead. But I can't, especially at the moment, articulate as well as your letter has, my thoughts. 19. What am I? What category do I fit into? In a sense, none. I'm the Martian Child. I stand outside your world and hold it in my hand. It's a little snowglobe. I see the people in the snowglobe but I can't go in. However, something *has* happened. I'll repeat something that I said a few months ago: I asked Twisted Time if he'd been transformed by the visions. As nearly as I can tell, we've both been transformed. By what, and into what, remains to be seen. 20. Charles Artisan and the Masked Lua fall into different categories. They fall into different categories. What about your own experiences? Are they of the transformation type or of the realization type? What conclusions do you draw from the range of experiences that occur? 21. The best answer that I can give to your question today is this: I'm on a journey. There are some who may wish to stay out of the way. There are others that I see as companions on the road. You're one of the latter. Regards, Robert (the Old Coder) For a large version of the drawing below, click here. The drawing is distributed under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works 3.0. For attribution purposes, the rights holder is Ray-N-Bow. For more information about the license, click here. |
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