Are you ready to go down the rabbit hole? To visit a surreal world, where black is white and white is carrots?
A friend, Metacognician in Shanghai, describes the situation as follows: “Life is more absurd than movies. I've gone down the rabbit hole too, when it just becomes more and more strange and you wonder how that all is supposed to make sense.” I asked him if I should just embrace it. He answered, “Why should you ... change the universe?”
It started with a psychotic named Jim Kiraly who resides, we think, at 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, California.
Jim Kiraly is a respected citizen. A churchgoer. A Vice President of Transamerica Corporation. And a violent abuser who tried to use an emergency anti-violence measure, one intended to protect battered women, to stop his victim in a wheelchair from writing a book.
Concise enough?
For attorneys: Jim Kiraly filed for CLETS against his son and victim, who lived 200 miles away, did not own a car, and was in a wheelchair. His son and victim was not asked to end communications. Jim had no (zero) specific and relevant allegations that were not perjury. But he turned down repeated offers of no-contact and a signed stipulation that gave him everything but CLETS. He insisted on CLETS if his victim ever once “discussed” him with third parties.
In the end, Jim Kiraly signed an agreement far weaker than the ones he'd been offered.
A review of Court paperwork and other materials will tend to
confirm that Jim and other parties, including attorneys on all
sides, committed multiple felonies, crimes, and faux pas.
The word “abuser” is stated here publicly and without equivocation. A formal offer is hereby made to reaffirm the word in writing and under oath. Attorneys will understand the significance of the point. In short, there is little terror of a threatened defamation suit on this side. Actually, we feel that such a suit will fit nicely up Jim Kiraly's abuser ass.
Jim has one son, Ken Kiraly, who invented the Amazon Kindle and is one of the leads at Amazon's secret Lab126. Another son, Tom Kiraly is one of the leads, a Vice President-CFO type, at medical insurance firms, including one of the largest, Humana Corporation.
These people and some of the biggest names in Silicon Valley legal circles have committed or are involved in multiple crimes.
For the next decade or two, we're going to explore the crimes that these people committed, the motivations and the denial involved, the background and histories that led each person to make the choices that they did, and ways to build upon what happened and move towards positive societal goals.
There's plenty to go over. These people committed or were involved in: Spousal abuse, child abuse, DDOS (a highly prosecutable violation of CFAA), extortion, perjury, conspiracy to commit perjury (a possible felony), false police reports, conspiracy to file false police reports (a possible felony), unlawful threats, barratry, defamation, malpractice, civil harassment, criminal harassment, abuse of process, and violations of SCCBA Professional Standards.
The point was to force Jim's oldest son and victim, me, to sign a gag order. I was in a wheelchair. I'd never made a single inappropriate threat against my abuser. I wasn't even asked to not to call anybody. But Jim threatened to put me in a violence database unless I agreed never to write about him.
I won the right to write, but I lost my home of 25 years, most of my possessions, my chances for retirement, everything. Everything but a realization.
I can make a difference. I can conduct research for legitimate and reasonable purposes, document what happened, and analyze the choices of the people involved:
- Jim Kiraly, abuser. Possibly Treasurer at St. Johns Lutheran Church. Vice President of Transamerica Corporation. Also connected to New Life Pismo Church. Involved with Service Core for Retired Executives (SCORE).
- Grace Kiraly, abuse victim and Christ Follower.
- Tom Kiraly, abuse victim, VP or CFO of firms such as Hanger Inc., Humana Corporation, and Sheridan Healthcare.
- Gail Cheda, slightly demented Realtor, spittle flying.
- Ken Kiraly, abuse victim, inventor of the Amazon Kindle, lead at Amazon's secret Lab126, sociopath.
- Tom Stutzman of Thomas Chase Stutzman, a Family Law attorney whose hobbies include martial arts and alleged sexual harassment
- John Perrott of Thomas Chase Stutzman, a personable albeit lazy Family Law attorney who has a slight tendency towards fraud and malpractice
- Chris Burdick, head of the Santa Clara County Bar Association (SCCBA). Chris, you broke a written promise to speak with me because, you said, we had “Prior...” You didn't finish the sentence. Were you worried that I might take false statements to the State Bar? What's the deal with you and Hoge Fenton, anyway? What will we find if we dig?
- Michael Bonetto of Hoge Fenton. Michael, seriously, what are you?
- Alison Buchanan of Hoge Fenton, ethics specialist. Alison, did you contribute to the SCCBA Professional Standards, or was that before your time?
- Tracie Zerr of Thomas Chase Stutzman, a woman of boundless intelligence and sensitivity.
- Maggie Desmond of Hoge Fenton. Maggie, information, please. What is your role in Hoge Fenton's campaign to hush victims of abuse? When the clients that you've protected beat up women, how do you compartmentalize?
Maggie told me that she didn't know what she could say to me about what happened. However, we have decades to work it out. It will be productive. I'd like to direct the attention of attorneys and other parties to the:
Legitimate and Reasonable Purposes List
Questions or comments are welcome. For technical notes and disclaimers, click here.
Free Downloads
The current free ebook is located at this link: For details about the ebook, click here. |
140224 Monday —
Letter to a logistics startuper
A full Kiraly Cases tags system will be added in 2014.
140224. Recently, a startuper offered me a chance to apply for a lead developer position on a project related to tattoo and marijuana logistics. This is the reply that I sent. Chris, I received an offer from you to apply for a lead position on the tattoo and marijuana logistics project. I'd like to apply for a junior and/or part-time role instead. I'll explain further below. I've got 35 years experience in a wider than usual number of areas. For a while in the 1980s, I was the sole maintainer for the software that counted 1/3 to 1/2 of the U.S. vote. I also did the initial design for one of Adobe's network protocols; granted, I simply adapted one of the BSD stacks. In the decades that followed, projects included compilers, software analysis tools, a word processor, web servers and servers of other types, crawlers and other network clients, database libraries, a Photoshop plugin, GIMP plugins, a BIOS, embedded OSes, hardware simulators, FOSS games, a stock portfolio tool, and eventually my own Linux distro. I was always a generalist. I knew a bit of everything and this remains true. Additionally, my code was always above average. There's some sample JS code on my technical site, for example, that's better documented than most JS modules you'll find out there. Note: There are examples of code written in other languages in my GitHub repos. But requirements for project leads have evolved increasingly towards specialties. I find that I'm no longer qualified to be a lead for most Web and/or app projects. I did a Web app last year; specifically, a prototype that used a framework based on jQuery for Mobile as opposed to native iOS or Android toolkits. But for the tattoo and marijuana project I'd need to get up to speed on iOS. Accordingly, there isn't a match for project lead. However, I might be useful in other roles. If you'd like to discuss the matter further, I'll waive the payment that you offered for an interview. Regarding the marijuana aspect, it appears that the USPTO might award me the trademark for CannaCola, a cannabis soft drink product that my startupers and I came up with recently. But it turns out that there's already a firm that is selling a product with this name. They didn't register the CannaCola trademark but, as they were selling cannabis cola first, they might be entitled to the trademark. I'm considering simply donating it to them. Regarding the tattoo part, I'm presently a transient, albeit an unusual one, and I'm staying temporarily with other people who have diverse backgrounds. One person spends time at biker bars and another is totally tattooed except for his face and back; his back will be filled in later. I'm learning about tattoos from the latter person. Whether or not there's a role for me on the current project, you're invited to join my startups group in IRC. I run one of the alternate startup channels at Freenode. I forked the primary startups channel in 2012 and I've been building a sensible community since then. Tattoo and marijuana logistics are exactly the sort of thing that my startupers are interested in discussing or working on. Incidentally, people have proposed that I work on apps of an adult or mature nature. The head of Engineering at one of my previous firms has a side project of this type and we agree that apps for the adult audience are an area with considerable promise. Limitations imposed by app stores aren't a problem as Web apps are able to bypass limitations of this type. If you have an interest in the adult market, or if you know of others who might be interested, feel free to let me know. Regards, Robert (the Old Coder) |
140224 Monday —
Message for a few people
cases kiraly
A full Kiraly Cases tags system will be added in 2014.
140224. This is an approximate copy of a message that has been transmitted to various parties. The first few people received copies that were slightly different but the gist was roughly the same. This copy should be considered canonical as far as the intended content goes. Note: A list of recipients has not been retained. This is a courtesy copy of a message to Family Law attorneys John Perrott and Michael Bonetto, to the SCCBA CEO Chris Burdick, and to others. Good morning. This message is being sent for legitimate and reasonable purposes. If you're not already familiar with the Kiraly Cases, you're invited to review the Christ Follower weblog, which may be found by googling the words Michael Bonetto Incompetent or James Kiraly Abuser. Or you can go to Christ Follower dot me. Or Haggis Hell dot com. There are some updates tonight, but nothing too significant. The status report does spell out how I feel about all of this. John, Michael, Chris, and parties associated with Hoge Fenton, I've been preoccupied due to the loss of my home, my health, and my future, but it's my view that we ought to talk at some point. You have two primary tools that you can use to cover things up. They're a poor fit and neither will be effective. Stop and think a bit. It isn't possible for you to prevent the truth from coming out. Hoge Fenton's decision to take the cases was ill-advised. Regardless, I'll be in legitimate and reasonable communication with some of you as things proceed. |
140222 Saturday —
Kiraly Next Generation Celebration
family kiraly
A full Kiraly Cases tags system will be added in 2014.
140222. I'm a little busy dealing with the loss of my home, the neighborhood I lived in for 25 years, most of my books, my health, my future, etc. However, I do make a sincere effort to keep up with Kiraly Family News for Legitimate and Reasonable purposes. Additionally, I possess, as I've always possessed, a sentimental nature. I wish to be sure that all is well with people who are connected to my genes and/or to my life. Attorneys and others who may be interested in the Legimate and Reasonable purposes referred to above should proceed to click on the following link: Legitimate and Reasonable Purposes
This is a side note, however, as sentiment is most relevant
today. I've discovered, by chance, that two of my Kiraly
Nephews are doing well.
As part of the process of “gathering information” for Legitimate and Reasonable purposes, I routinely check Legitimate and Reasonable sources for such information as can be “gathered” regarding James Kiraly, the unpleasant person who has resided, in the past, on Gerry Court, Walnut Creek, California and on La Gaviota, Pismo Beach, California. The James Kiraly in question shares his name, middle name excluded, with assorted other James Kiralys across the United States. Accordingly, reviews of the past history and current doings of James Kiraly, the person who has committed and/or is involved in multiple felonies, often turn up information concerning James Kiralys who happen to be different persons. I see, for example, that James Kiraly, my Nephew and the Son of Ken Kiraly, not to be confused with James Kiraly, the person who is believed to have spent up to six figures trying to take down this website, competed recently in a 10K “Half Marathon”. The event is said to have taken place on Saturday, January 25, 2014, at Coyote Hills Regional Park in Alameda County, California. James seems to have placed last in his class, Male 13 to 17, but I may be misreading this and, it should be noted, it's an event that I doubt I'd have qualified for myself at his age. The boy has been racing for a while. In Spring 2011, at age 12, James placed 410 out of approx. 683 overall at the M-A Big Bear Run in Atherton. And, a year earlier, at about 11 years old, James participated in a 5K race which was apparently hosted by Twisted Oak Winery. He seems to have come in 17th out of 18 overall for men and boys. James isn't a stellar performer in this context. He's comparable to me at the same age, though, and he's to be commended for keeping at something. In the end, it's possible that he'll achieve his goals. As I pursue my own goals, I'll do what I can to live up to his example.
Paul Kiraly seems to be an exceptional young man who is focused on achievements. It's possible that in the future he might follow Akhil Amar's path. Note: For legal purposes, such as DMCA or similar actions, the rights holder of the Paul Kiraly photo used here does not appear to be the subject of the photo; i.e., Paul Kiraly. Additionally, the rights holder does not appear to be either of his legal guardians, Ken Kiraly and Virginia Chang Kiraly. For additional remarks related to DMCA, interested parties are advised to click here. As of early 2014, both Paul Kiraly and James Kiraly, the non-violent James, have (or had) LinkedIn pages. Paul's LinkedIn page is (or was) located at: James's LinkedIn page is (or was) located at: There's a minor but interesting dichotomy:
The robot illustration used here is distributed under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution No Derivative Works 3.0. For attribution purposes, the rights holder is Ry-Spirit. For more information about the license, click here. The Robotics Club did well in Hawaii. It's apparently going to go to St. Louis next. But the part that catches my attention is this. The Raven Report states: “The Robotics Team is mostly unknown on Sequoia's campus. Other than its appearances at Club Day and community outreach activities, the Team keeps to itself, quietly but relentlessly engineering a robot of shocking complexity.” “Whereas most high school students give up on challenging problems after an hour or less, these students work tirelessly, sketching, building and testing for months on end.” “They are so incredibly self-motivated. Sometimes on a Friday night, and it's six o'clock and I'd rather go home, they are working.” “Sequoia's Robotics Team is a geeky, quirky group of teenagers who are so passionate about robotics that they're willing to nearly double the time they spend at school in order to perfect their work.” So, let's sum up James Kiraly, the developer as opposed to the abuser. These are simply guesses that might be off the mark. For example, I don't know how much time James put into the Robotics Club or if he's like the other members that I've read about. However, he *was* invited to go on the Club's Hawaii trip. At any rate, it appears that the young developer:
I'd like to know more about the sports issue. It appears that James engages in a physical sport that he doesn't excel at, to challenge himself, to please others, or both. There isn't enough information to draw conclusions. For all I know, he plays Basketball or Soccer and is a natural at it. The bottom line, regardless, is that James might be a Geek similar to his Uncle Robert. I don't think he's a Geek in the same way that his Father Kenneth is, though he presumably inherited it from the Kiraly side of his Family.
“So Family. Very History. Many Odd.” If James Kiraly *is* a Geek, is he a potential webdev like Mr. Meow? A Coder like QuadCore? A math and security enthusiast like Shiing Shen? A junior startuper like Heisenberg? A writer like Skittles? Interested, as Bacon Bits is, in Intellectual Property, FOSS, and global issues? Is he going to go into IT as the Masked Lua did? Time will tell. Whatever it is, I hope that James Kiraly learns some lessons early. If, as a Geek or as a Coder, James is more logical than most people, he needs to understand one important point: Facts don't matter to normal people. Perhaps his Father Ken Kiraly will be able to explain this to him. By the way, Ken Kiraly, how are you doing? And, as a matter of curiosity, do you and your people at Amazon Lab126 still intend to “grease” my “ass” ?
Returning to Paul Kiraly, I see that he's had his LinkedIn
skills ratings bumped up... by his Mother,
Chang Kiraly.
Surely the boy's Mother is objective
I hadn't heard of El Camino Youth Symphony (ECYS) before. But I've reviewed the group's website at: It strikes me as a fine group. When I've dealt with minor issues such as the aforementioned loss of my home, my possessions, my health, and my future due to felonies committed by the Kiralys, if there's time for music, I'll need to look into tickets for concerts by ECYS and groups of a similar nature. I look forward to attending sometime and possibly meeting some of the performers. |

140222 Saturday —
Remarks related to DMCA
A full Kiraly Cases tags system will be added in 2014.
140222. These are some updated remarks related to DMCA or similar actions and how such actions might apply to the Christ Follower and/or Haggis Hell sites. Note: A stand-alone copy of this post is presently located at this link. Nothing stated here is represented as accurate. In fact, people are invited to write to me and suggest corrections. 1. First, it's my understanding that DMCA filings should be made by the rights holders involved. As a related note, it appears that, in some cases, the rights holders for photographs that I use might be, not the subjects of the photos in question, but the entities that published the copies of which my copies are copies. 2. It should be noted that DMCA attempts by parties who are not entitled to file them might leave such parties liable for penalties or, depending on various factors, prosecution. 3. And, of course, if I receive a DMCA notice, I have the option of filing a counter notification. In which case, as I understand it, rights holders might need to obtain attorneys and seek court orders. 4. Additionally, it should be noted that, where hosts in countries other than the U.S.A. are involved, which as of 2014 coincidentally includes most or all of my weblog hosts, DMCA per se may not be applicable. It appears that parties who wish to employ DMCA in such cases might need to substitute the notices and/or procedures that are applicable under the rules of each of the countries in question. The countries involved might ultimately include, but not be limited to, China, Russia, Vietnam, and other sensible locations that are suitable for hosting purposes. 5. In the event that a Fair Use defense is applicable to legal actions of any type, if I mount such a defense and lose, I'll most likely make such changes as are needed to ensure that Fair Use does apply and repost immediately. If this course of action proves to be impractical, it's my guess, and simply a guess, that contested material will appear subsequently on external websites that are not under my control. Note: The preceding point is neither an assertion nor an acknowledgment to the effect that any particular websites are, or are not, presently under my control. If I happen to link to external material, it's possible that people will attempt to litigate against me further. If I understand correctly, though, neither DMCA nor equivalent actions in other countries will apply to links. People will probably need to use false and fraudulent claims of “contributory infringement” as the basis for ongoing harassment. |

140222 Saturday —
Coder Status Report
A full Kiraly Cases tags system will be added in 2014.
140222. I need to decide where to go to live. And how to manage things. I'm leaning towards Pismo Beach, California. However, other locations have been suggested. Some parts of all of this have seemed surreal from the start. Others are just now becoming odd. A few days ago, Charles Artisan took me to a rural town. I don't remember the name of the place. There was a table in a field. It was (and is) where he makes some of his Space Paintings. He showed me how he creates them. It isn't usual painting. Part of the technique comes from YouTube. The rest is steps that he figured out himself.
Two small bunny rabbits hopped up to watch Charles as he painted.
He said that this often happens. Or hoppens
The odd part came after Charles walked up a tilted board nearby to retrieve a garden rake that was in storage. I tried to follow him up the board. I only needed to make it a few feet off the ground. But I wasn't strong enough to do this. This wasn't acceptable. But there wasn't anything that I could do about it. I was young until a few years ago. Some days I couldn't walk due to pain, but I was young. I'm young still. How is all of this possible? I feel O.K. right this minute. But my hands are swollen. My gums have deteriorated and so I need to be careful when I eat. It's bad if food goes behind the gums or if anything cold or even cool hits certain teeth. I go into the breathing-shock state once or twice a day. And if I've been sitting for a bit I can't stand up. It takes me a minute or two.
Once I'm standing up, I sometimes walk oddly. Charles Artisan says that because of this he can't take me to the biker bars. One isn't supposed to look odd there. He adds that the ties are part of it. I wear ties now and people in biker bars are dubious about visitors who wear ties. I've told Charles Artisan that George Kerechanko was a biker. And that George and his Wife Sandy had apparently been at the biker shoot-out in Nevada a few years ago. I'm not sure about the details of the shoot-out. I've thought about calling George to get the facts. If I do so, I'll ask him to tell me the truth about how his son Russell Kerechanko died. That's another odd change. I can feel what to do in some situations. If George tells me that the details of his son's death are none of my business, I'll tell him that after the letters and threats I've received, I'm owed an explanation. Surprisingly, after what I've been through, I care more about people's feelings and not less. But I'm inclined to tell people to “shove it” now when this is appropriate. The dichotomy has occurred because I've seen both the best in people and the worst in them come out. The angel side and the tedious smears of excrement. The excrement that is the essence of my own Mother's soul. I know what it's like to be hunted. I care about the ones who are denigrated and attacked. I always did, but I'm no longer apologetic about it. Or about much else in this context. Why was I apologetic? Why did I think it was O.K. for people to knock me to the ground both at home *and* at school? Or for people to chase me, or to strike me with objects, or to suffocate me? I have regrets; large ones. And I'm too frightened and sad at times to function efficiently. Last week, there was one day when I was back to not being able to perceive the workings of my mind. For a few hours, fear and despair stressed me too much for this to be possible. I didn't feel these emotions consciously, but I was swimming in them. Splashing around, looking for the shore. This doesn't change how I plan to approach things. The bottom line is that what's happened wasn't my “choice”. The people who made the “choice” to lie and to destroy my life... they're free to pretend that it didn't happen. And to “position” things as they wish; in fact, I look forward to hearing more “sound bites”. But the truth can't be stopped. I'm going to speak. And I'm going to proceed, bluntly and honestly. Life is short. And I've taken enough sh*t. More than enough for a lifetime. |
140222 Saturday —
Anunakki the God: Their World Not Ours
A full Kiraly Cases tags system will be added in 2014.
140222. Anunakki the God has offered to share a song with you. The song is named: Their World Not Ours. Click here for Their World Not Ours by Anunakki the God The music is posted with permission. If the preceding link does not work, here is an alternate direct download link for the music in MP3 format: Anunakki_the_God_-_Their_World_Not_Ours.mp3 Warning: The song has adult lyrics. The license for the song is CC BY-NC-ND 3.0, also known as Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works 3.0. For attribution purposes, the rights holder is Anunakki the God. For more information about the license, click here. |
140221 Friday —
A full Kiraly Cases tags system will be added in 2014.
140221. Jack of Shadows expressed an interest tonight in movie recommendations. I offered him a few suggestions. One of them was a 1970s fantasy named Phantom of the Paradise.
The film was a good choice for movie rooms at 1970s Science Fiction conventions; I probably saw it at one of those. When I thought about the movie, the song “Faust” ran through my head. I can still hear it as I write this. The song was written and performed by Paul Williams. The lyrics are excerpted below. The use of the movie poster to the right (or above) is believed to fall under Fair Use. The Faust illustration that appears below the lyrics is a clip from Faust and Mephistopheles on the Blocksberg by Eugène Delacroix (1798 to 1863). It's in the public domain. For the complete scene, click here.
I was not myself last night
And as I lost control
Dream a bit of style
All my dreams are lost and I can't sleep |
For the complete scene, click here

140221 Friday —
Christ Does Not Hate the Sick
A full Kiraly Cases tags system will be added in 2014.
140221. This is the latest painting in the Space Art series that I'm scanning and editing for Charles Artisan. For a large version, click here. Charles is not able to title the painting today. Nor is he able to provide us with comments about the scene. He feels slightly under the weather. As he has for years. An aging transient who isn't well. The sort of person that Jim Kiraly, of Transamerica Corporation and Pismo Beach, and his Wife Grace Kiraly dislike. Charles has visited God in Heaven. His description of Heaven is intriguing. It's a place for education that continues for all Eternity. There's no end, I gather, to what can be learned on the plane where God, be he El, Elohim, Yahveh, or something that can't be named, resides. But Heaven isn't of great significance to faux Christians; the sort of Christians who are focused on riches in the temporal world. People of this type consider illness to be a “choice”. They speak with disdain of those who are sick but are not wealthy. If somebody is wealthy, illness is permitted. But if somebody is ordinary, a person who struggles, it's a badge of dishonor. I find it ironic, and I understand the word at last, that Tom Kiraly, the Vice President of a series of medical companies, is one of these creatures. I'm not sure what Humana Corporation was thinking. Not to mention Sheridan Healthcare. As of February 2014, it appears that Tom is one of the top people there. But perhaps it's normal for health-care firms to place those who despise the ill in charge. I'm reminded of the vision that I had in mid-2012. The one where Christ made an attempt to be polite to my Parents but, in the end, was unable to hold back His vomit. For today, pending the official name, I'll refer to the painting as: Christ Does Not Hate the Sick. The license for both copies of the painting is CC BY-NC-ND 3.0, also known as Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works 3.0. For attribution purposes, the rights holder is Charles Artisan. For more information about the license, click here. |
For a large version, click here

140220 Thursday —
A full Kiraly Cases tags system will be added in 2014.
140220. There are photos of two possessions below. The first possession, a dresser, is gone now. I purchased the dresser in 1981. 33 years ago. I paid $75 for it. Money is worth less now than it used to be. At the time, $75 was a fair amount. Additionally, the dresser represented a commitment. I'd never bought large furniture before; things that I couldn't lift by myself. Every large piece, such as my bookcases, had been a gift. If I purchased such things, it would mean that I was voluntarily adding to a load. I'd need more help to move. But adults did this sort of thing. It was part of settling down. The dresser wasn't fancy. But it served me well enough. I managed to keep it until the end of 2013. Three decades. During the years that I had the dresser, it suffered some damage. The worst of it happened in 2013. Management at my final apartment, the one that I was in for over 25 years, moved the dresser carelessly and ripped off some pieces. But it remained serviceable. When I left my apartment, after a quarter of a century, I couldn't take large or heavy furniture with me. In 2013, towards the end of Jim Kiraly's and Tom Kiraly's onslaught, I'd prepared to leave the country. During this period, I'd given away my large bookcases and a computer stand. The dresser was the last major piece of furniture that remained. Just one large piece to deal with. But I couldn't find a home for the item. Management told me that they'd throw it away. This didn't seem right. The dresser was old and battered. However, it could still be used. I didn't feel that it should be wasted. I paid somebody to take away the dresser. I told them to look for people who could make use of it. The person who took away the dresser probably threw it away. I didn't ask him if this was so. I wanted to imagine that it had gone to a place where it could be useful. I didn't want to think of the dresser needing to go into the trash. I knew that it wasn't in the best shape. But I'd rather have had it than the automatons that were my biological family. The second photo shows a toy airplane. Specifically, an airplane balloon. It is very old. I believe that I purchased the airplane in New York City circa 1978. 36 years ago. I don't recall that the airplane was ever inflated in all the years since then. Nearly four decades and it never had a chance to fly. However briefly, and whatever its fate, for a few moments, it now flies at last. |

140220 Thursday —
Pancakes Large Enough for Earthquakes
A full Kiraly Cases tags system will be added in 2014.
140220. It's time for Transient Kitchen. The photo below shows the first pancakes that I've cooked in about 40 years, or possibly the first ever. The recipe is included. It's based on tips provided by Charles Artisan. For a large version of the photo, click here. The placemat was a gift to me from Olga (Kerechanko) Kmeta. She was Ivan Kmeta's wife and my Grandmother. Dead for over 25 years now. But alive to me. The table that the placemat is sitting on is similar to one of the Kiraly Family dining room tables. But it isn't the same table. I gave the original table to Monty Swaiss over 20 years ago. I doubt that he kept it for very long. It was damaged in transit. This happens to people as well as to objects. We're damaged in transit through Time. I might have cooked pancakes around 1970 but, if so, four decades is long enough to wait for a new batch. Additionally, we're going to make pancakes that are larger and possibly more cake-like than most. These pancakes are “from a mix” as opposed to “from scratch”. I might learn how to do them “from scratch” someday. “Someday” is an interesting concept. It's a repository that's out there somewhere. Believing this allows us to go on. The license for the photo is CC BY-NC-ND 3.0, also known as Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works 3.0. For attribution purposes, the rights holder is OldCoder. For more information about the license, click here. PANCAKES LARGE ENOUGH FOR EARTHQUAKES Ingredients: Purchase a box of Bisquick (tm) HeartSmart Pancake and Baking Mix. Other, similar, baking mixes should work as well. However, Charles Artisan prefers this brand. His reasoning is that this product is healthier than others because it contains no Trans Fats. Get some chicken eggs (fresh and uncooked). Preferably the “non-antibiotic” type laid by chickens that are not pumped full of artificial stuff as modern chickens often are. You'll also need some cooking spray or cooking oil. Canola oil is recommended but most cooking oils should work. Don't use olive oil for this recipe. Additionally, you'll need some vanilla extract or imitation vanilla flavoring. Get milk too, if possible. Charles Artisan recommends soy milk but regular milk will do. If neither type of milk is available, water may be used instead. But milk is better. Finally, pancake syrup is a must. Aunt Jemima's (tm) will do nicely but other brands are fine too. Tools required: You'll need a mixing bowl, a whisk, a stove, a frying pan, and a spatula. 1. Break from one to three eggs into a mixing bowl. Discard the shells. Remove any bits of shells that made it into the mixing bowl. 2. Add one cup of milk or water per egg. For example, if you use two eggs, add two cups of milk or water. 3. Add a very small amount of vanilla extract or imitation vanilla. Charles Artisan says to use a “capful”. For two eggs, this works out to about half a teaspoon. Use a fraction less for one egg and a fraction more for three eggs. 4. Whisk the combination. Then whisk it some more. After that, whisk it again. Clean the whisk. 5. Add one cup of pancake mix per egg. For example, if you used two eggs, add two cups of pancake mix. 6. Whisk the combination. Then whisk it some more. After that, whisk it again. Clean the whisk. 7. At this point, the combination should have the consistency of a thick pudding with no lumps. If the combination is not uniform in consistency, repeat the preceding step. 8. Lightly grease a frying pan using a cooking spray. Or, add a small amount of canola oil or other cooking oil to the pan, then wipe the pan, using a paper towel, until the cooking surface is entirely coated but also free of visible liquid. Don't use olive oil for this purpose. 9. Place the frying pan on the stove and set heat to the setting below highest. For some stoves, you may need to use the highest setting instead. 10. Pour the combination into the frying pan. Stop before the entire bottom of the pan is covered. If 3/4 of the bottom surface is covered, this should be about right. Ideally, the combination should spread afterward by itself and cover the entire bottom of the pan. 11. Cook for one to three minutes. Watch for the following signs: If the pancake under construction can be moved, using a spatula, without sticking, and the bubbles on the top surface have broken, and the top surface has started to look slightly glazed, it's time to flip the pancake. 12. Flip the pancake under construction. In other words, get the cooked side facing up and the uncooked side facing down. Experts can do this by lifting the frying pan using its handle, tossing the pancake in the air, and catching it the correct way as it comes down. However, novices are strongly advised to use a spatula for flipping purposes. 13. Cook the second side of the pancake, the one which is now facing down, for slightly less time than the first side, the one which is now facing up, required. 14. Use a spatula to move the pancake to a plate. 15. Repeat steps 10 to 14 until the combination is used up or a sufficient number of pancakes have been produced. 16. Pour some pancake syrup onto the completed pancakes. Consume and enjoy. |

140220 Thursday —
Doge Memes Odd Seems
A full Kiraly Cases tags system will be added in 2014.
140220. Somebody has directed me to a new Doge project. Step
aside, DogeCoins.
DogeOS is the new cutting edge
DogeOS is a proposed Linux distro whose themes seem to include network tools, security, and encryption. The connection to Doge isn't clear, but I imagine we'll find out. As of early 2014, the DogeOS project was located at: However, the link may have broken since then. |

140219 Wednesday —
Diamond Dog is a Jewel
A full Kiraly Cases tags system will be added in 2014.
140219. This is a photo of Diamond Dog that was taken circa Thanksgiving 2013. It was months ago but I didn't have time to post the photo until now. The night was cold and the dog didn't feel bold. But she had people to be with and a place to live. She was content with this. |

140218 Tuesday —
Sample MinGW code
A full Kiraly Cases tags system will be added in 2014.
140218. This is some sample MinGW code that might be useful to Linux developers who are called upon to do MS-Windows work unexpectedly. For documentation, including “build” instructions, see the comments in the code. A browsable HTML version is displayed below. To download the code itself, click here.
// 140218.c - MinGW MS-Windows sample program // Original author: OldCoder (Robert Kiraly) // License: MIT/X // Revision: 140218 //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Documentation. // 1. This is an off-the-cuff MS-Windows 'C' program that may be use- // ful as an example. // An IRC associate needed a program of this type. I didn't have a // copy of MS-Windows handy, but I was able to whip this up. The ap- // proach I used might be useful to other Linux people who are asked // to help out MS-Windows developers. // 2. To explain: // // Under Linux, you can use MinGW to cross-compile simple 'C' pro- // grams and produce MS-Windows EXE files. The EXE files will run both // under Linux, via WINE, and under most versions of MS-Windows with // no non-standard DLLs needed. // To proceed, install MinGW. Your Linux distro's package manager may // refer to MinGW as "mingw" or "mingw32". Locate the directory that // contains the following executable: // // i686-pc-mingw32-gcc // Prepend that directory temporarily to PATH. Write an MS-Windows 'C' // program. Execute a CLI command similar to the following: // // i686-pc-mingw32-gcc -o bacon.exe bacon.c -lgdi32 // If all is well, this will produce an output file named "bacon.exe" // that will delight your MS-Windows friends. // 3. This particular example (this program) draws a vertical bar on- // to the screen. Under MS-Windows, usage is as follows: // // 140218.exe xoffset width red green blue // // xoffset = Horizontal pixel offset (zero to a few hundred) // width = Width of a bar in pixels // red = Red component (decimal number from zero to 255) // green = Green component (decimal number from zero to 255) // blue = Blue component (decimal number from zero to 255) // This program draws a vertical bar on the MS-Windows screen, at the // specified horizontal offset, of the specified width, using the spe- // fied color. // The bar lasts until the user presses a normal key such as "Q" or // Space. If the user presses Alt-Tab and thereby shifts window focus, // Control-C must be used instead to exit. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Header files. #include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Standard constants. #define ZERO 0 // Integer zero #define ONE 1 // Integer one //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Support routines. // This is an MS-Windows event processor. LRESULT WndProc (HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { // Has window been closed and/or has a // normal key been pressed? if ((Msg == WM_DESTROY) || (Msg == WM_KEYDOWN)) { // Yes PostQuitMessage (ZERO); // Post a "Quit" message } // Pass event on to next level return DefWindowProcA (hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main program. int __stdcall WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevious, char *Cmd, int Show) { MSG Msg; // Windows message // Color value unsigned long color = RGB (255, ZERO, ZERO); int x = ZERO, y = ZERO; // Zero-based X-Y coordinates int red, green, blue; // Red Green Blue components of color // value (integers from zero to 255) int width; // Width of bar in pixels // Usage: 140218.exe xoffset width red green blue // Note: __argc should be six if (__argc != 6) // Check argument count { // Usage error puts ("Usage: 140218.exe xoffset width red green blue"); exit (ONE); } x = atoi (__argv [1]); // Horizontal pixel offset (0+) width = atoi (__argv [2]); // Width of a bar in pixels red = atoi (__argv [3]); // Red component (zero to 255) green = atoi (__argv [4]); // Green component (zero to 255) blue = atoi (__argv [5]); // Blue component (zero to 255) // Get screen height including taskbar // height int height = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYSCREEN); // Construct appropriate color color = RGB (red, green, blue); WNDCLASSA wcl = // Create a brush { CS_VREDRAW | CS_HREDRAW , (WNDPROC) WndProc, ZERO, ZERO, hInstance , ZERO, ZERO, CreateSolidBrush (color), ZERO, "win" }; RegisterClassA (&wcl); HWND wind = CreateWindowExA // Draw a vertical bar ( WS_EX_TOPMOST , "win" , "Pixel" , WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_SYSMENU , x, y, width, height, ZERO, ZERO, hInstance, ZERO ); while (GetMessageA (&Msg, ZERO, ZERO, ZERO)) { // Process MS-Windows messages TranslateMessage (&Msg); DispatchMessageA (&Msg); } return ZERO; } |
140215 Saturday —
St. John's Lutheran Church
A full Kiraly Cases tags system will be added in 2014.
140215. I've continued communications with Saint John's Lutheran Church in the Pismo Beach area. The people there tell me that the Church is involved in social programs, including projects related to the homeless. It sounds positive in general. It's possible that I'll join the congregation. One point that I remain curious about is the meaning of the term “Christ Driven” and how it compares or contrasts with the term “Christ Follower”. |
140215 Saturday —
Letter to John Perrott
cases kiraly
A full Kiraly Cases tags system will be added in 2014.
140215. This is a copy of a letter for John Perrott of Thomas Chase Stutzman (Family Law, San Jose) and for others who may be interested and/or able to provide assistance. This is a copy of a letter to John Perrott, Family Law Attorney, of Thomas Chase Stutzman, San Jose, California. The context is a pair of legal cases that you may, or may not, be familiar with. The cases were arguably unusual. I'd like to contact and/or hire a torts specialist, a private detective, and one or more white hats in connection with the cases. I'd also like to speak with people interested in Free Speech, who are involved in autism advocacy, or who are opposed to spousal and child abuse. If you're able to offer referrals in these areas, let me know. To learn more about the legal cases, Google for these three words: JIM KIRALY ABUSER These three words should work as well: THOMAS KIRALY IDIOT. You can also try: MICHAEL BONETTO INCOMPETENT. Or possibly: GRACE KIRALY LUCIFER. The next one should be good for a while: KEN KIRALY BIRTHDAY
Depending on your location, these search terms might bring up the
cases somewhere in the first page of search results. Your mileage may
vary. Offer void where prohibited
John H. Perrott Dear John, I'll respond here to points that you raised in your latest letter to me. I'll catch up with other letters as time permits. 1. John, you said, “You have left me several voice mail messages which I did not reply to, as the contents seemed redundant and I was buried in other projects.” (a) The “buried in other projects” part is understandable. I'm sympathetic to the issue. I've been quite reasonable about this sort of thing considering the manner in which you handled the Kiraly Cases. John, you neglected to file paperwork, you charged me for paperwork that *I* worked on and that you never used, you charged me thousands of dollars for a Free Speech Memorandum that was originally supposed to be a simple motion, the Court was appalled by the Memorandum and admonished you, and you charged me for the time needed to review (and largely ignore) my complaints that you were neglecting to file paperwork and ignoring specific directives.
Is any of this incorrect? And these points don't include the possibility that you mishandled the Kiraly Cases intentionally. For example, the possibility you billed for work that you didn't complete or even plan to complete. Or that Michael Bonetto of Hoge Fenton and you might have colluded to drive up costs on both sides. John, there are multiple issues that might support this interpretation of events. I plan to send one letter in particular from you around town and see what people make of it. I'm referring to the letter in which, I believe, you discussed steps that Michael Bonetto might be pleased to see me take. Steps that would drive up his clients' costs. It might be nothing but it's always seemed strange. If I remember correctly, you characterized the letter as guesswork about Michael Bonetto's thought processes but it was oddly detailed for guesswork. And, subsequently, you reversed yourself. I had the impression that you might be lying to me about the reason for the reversal. There's also the fact that you talked me into spending thousands of dollars on the Memorandum mentioned above based on the odds of being awarded fees in advance and then... you seemed to forget that you'd ever talked about the fees issue. And, tell me, do you recall remarks that you made to me circa late 2012 regarding costs? You suggested, out of the blue, that I'd accused you of intentionally driving up costs. You were upset and aggressive; quite unlike your usual self. However, it seemed to me that you might be pretending. The strange part was, there was no context for the discussion. I hadn't said that you'd done anything wrong. I had the impression that you were saying something you'd practiced and that you might have said before to other clients. I'd like to be clear. I'm going to explore what happened during the past few years. I'm going to document everything. And, as part of this, I might waive attorney-client privilege. Post continues below the illustration. Note: The illustration is in the public domain. |

(b) The point that you made about “contents (of messages) seemed redundant” is not reasonable. You've largely ignored questions about the issue for the better part of a year. At this point, John, games are inadvisable. 2. John, you said, “A theme you have stated is your plan to get all of the documents related to your case. In your messages you have repeated that somehow I or the law firm would barr you acces to your own file. That claim is in error.” (sic) Nonsense. The issue is not limited to “access” to a “file”. I've asked you, repeatedly because you've ignored the question, if there's a form that needs to be filled out in the event that I decide to waive attorney-client privilege. I made the decision to ask you because of odd remarks that you made about Michael Bonetto. The remarks suggested that you might be lying to me. I figured that it might be best to be sure that everything was out in the open. If the answer to my question about the form is “no”, you could simply say “no”. A one-word answer. Five seconds for you to type. But, even now, you still haven't quite said “yes” or “no”. You've acknowledged that I may distribute case materials as I see fit. I was already aware of this. It's not the same thing. If you'd like me to explain the difference to you, I'll attempt to do so. There's another issue. You've implied that you'll cooperate regarding copies of hardcopy documents. But I've stated, repeatedly, that I'd like copies of electronic items as well. For example, communications, if any, between you and Michael Bonetto that exist only in electronic form, provided that I'm entitled to request copies of such items. Even now, you *still* haven't responded to this point. By the way, John, “bar” is spelled “bar” (and not “barr”). “Access” is spelled “access” (and not “acces”). An attorney who charges $350 per hour should be able to spell legal terms better than this. Don't you agree? 3. John, you said “You continue to send me voice mail messages and emails that contain threats”. Your use of the word “threats” here seems to be an attempt to mischaracterize statements to the effect that if you didn't respond to reasonable requests and/or to demands that I might be entitled to make, I'd serve you with such requests and/or demands and transmit copies of the paperwork involved to the State Bar Association along with other documentation related to your failure to respond. I'll state this as clearly as possible. I initiated communications with the State Bar Association last year. I have every intention of continuing such communications. The statements that you've mischaracterized are, therefore, not simply “promises” as opposed to “threats”, but references to an ongoing documentation process. 4. John, you referred to “unsupportable claims about the causes of your current difficulties”. However, you provided no details regarding the specific claims that you were referring to. Additionally, you included no explanation of why you believed such claims are, or would be, “unsupportable”. That said, I gather you meant to suggest that Kiraly Family members don't bear responsibility for the consequences of their decisions. With all due respect, I don't recall expressing interest in your views on the matter. Whether or not I did so, if you're going to offer opinions of this type, shouldn't you be prepared to back them up? Why is it, exactly, that Jim Kiraly and other members of his family don't bear responsibility for the decisions that they made to initiate false and fraudulent legal actions, for the decisions that they made to lie under oath, and for the consequences of the decisions that they made? Do you contest that Jim Kiraly of Pismo Beach, California and Walnut Creek, California, is a former violent abuser who lied under oath? Or that Tom Kiraly, Vice President of Humana Corporation and Sheridan Healthcare, lied under oath as well? Do you contest that, in 2012, Jim Kiraly didn't ask me to do, or not to do, anything at all before he orchestrated CLETS cases against somebody who lived 200 miles away, had limbs that were so swollen as to preclude movement at times, was in a wheelchair part of the time due to the latter issue, and did not even own a car? Do you contest that I wasn't even served in the Kiraly Cases and that, as one consequence, I nearly died? Do you contest that Tom Kiraly's Pleadings consist of filler such as a story that not only didn't happen, Tom doesn't assert that it did happen, and he doesn't even appear in the story? Or the anecdote about the fact that I offered to give Tom our Grandfather's books of religious poetry? I'm still waiting to find out what Michael Bonetto thought adding Ivan Kmeta's poetry to the Pleadings was going to accomplish. Do you contest that you yourself offered Jim Kiraly and Tom Kiraly more than the Court would, or even could, have ordered? Or that the Kiralys refused to settle without the right to put me in a violence database if I ever “discussed” them with third parties? A violence database. My abuser, who I never once made, or even implied, an illegal “threat” to, wanted the right to put me in a violence database if I ever “discussed” him. I'm certainly going to discuss him with as many people as possible. In as many venues as possible too. The rest of the Kiralys as well. But I digress. Do you contest that the legal actions were about my book and nothing else? Does anybody even pretend to believe otherwise at this point? Michael Bonetto can't comment on this part; but he knows the truth, doesn't he? Do you contest that the Kiralys had nothing at all to base legitimate cases on? Or that the Kiraly Cases Deposition was a farce? Good Lord, did Michael Bonetto actually believe that he was going to connect me to “hacking” when he scarcely understood the meaning of the word? How did he feel, do you think, when the leak in the Kiraly Family camp turned out to be my Cousin as opposed to Black Magic? Do you contest that, in the end, the Kiralys were reduced to trying to film me in a second Deposition so that any body motions I made could be portrayed as frightening? If there was a way to compel Michael Bonetto to testify that didn't violate attorney-client privilege, could Michael contest any of this? If I manage to get Jim Kiraly, Grace Kiraly, Tom Kiraly, or Ken Kiraly on the witness stand, and I have an attorney who's halfway competent, will any of them be able to contest any of this? Is it true or false that Jim and Tom committed Abuse of Process? Oh, wait... you, yourself, estimated Abuse of Process damages alone to be hundreds of thousands of dollars. You even suggested that you'd help me to obtain a torts specialist. But, of course, you never did. The offer was simply part of your “client management” protocol. The “client management” protocol includes something that I feel you do to mislead clients. You talk in a particular way. Shall I explain for the benefit of future clients of Thomas Chase Stutzman? Perhaps they'd like to know what they should watch for. The changes in your expression and your voice that I believe show up when you're making false statements. You studied my financial situation during the Kiraly Cases. In fact, as my net worth plummeted, you had me provide you with details multiple times. You know what happened. You watched it happen. You had some knowledge of the medical issues as well. By all means, comment further. Explain your remarks, John. Post continues below the photo. I apologize for the poor quality of the picture. But it's one of my favorite portraits of Olga despite the fact that it's grainy. Note: For a large version of the photo, click here. |

5. John, you closed with some remarks related to writing. I assume that you were trying to make a point of some type. If this was the case, you failed. Actually, this part was amusing. You said, “I would like to have the chance to comment on your book, and, if you agree, the chance to submit some text for inclusion in it. Where is chapter 1? Where is the outline? When will there be a draft? Do you want me to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement before you show me any part of the work in progress?” You aren't dense. And, by the way, I don't believe that you're a “bad” person if you're compared to truly “bad” people. But you do come across as slow here. “Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not.” I take it that you've missed something which is, or should be, reasonably obvious. John, I was always able to write, as in build structures out of words. I used to write technical manuals and my Code (which draws on the same abilities) has been called “beautiful”. But the part of me that could write, as in sculpt using feelings, my own feelings and those of the reader, were largely missing for decades. I don't know if the loss was absolute. I'm still trying to figure things out. But there's little doubt that that part of me started to return in 2008. During the Kiraly Cases, I was under massive stress, I lost 75 pounds, and I had a couple of actual near-death experiences. I even met the Angel of Death, though it was simply a feeling about a presence; my subconscious trying to make sense of what was happening. By the way, He doesn't say much. There was a side effect to all of this. The process that started in 2008 seems to be complete. I'm real now in a way that I wasn't for a long time. And I'm learning to write again. The feelings are back. My weblogs started partly as an attempt to get the word out about what the Kiralys were doing. To call public attention to a bizarre situation. But the sites served other purposes as well. They allowed me to express the shock and dismay that I felt. The astonishment that the Kiraly Cases were even possible. And, over time, they evolved into a place to experiment with writing in general. If I remember correctly, Michael Bonetto of Hoge Fenton asked me, during the ridiculous Kiraly Cases Deposition, if the weblogs were my book. Or some question of this type. They were not my book and this remains true. However, they've become something important. They're the place where I'm working on threads that may coalesce into longer works. Your thoughts about Good and Evil are there. So are my responses. I've included anecdotes related to the Kiraly Family. There are pieces of what's left of the Kiraly Family History after the loss of some of my papers. I've added family photos, my thoughts about the photos, correspondence with you, with Virginia Chang Kiraly's attorney and other IRL people, conversations with online people and reflections on those discussions, artwork that I'm editing, and more. In the future, I'm going to “gather information” for the “legitimate and reasonable purposes” that I've documented before. And I'll write about the process, and my feelings about it, every step of the way.
The material isn't polished. But the quality of the writing is improving and I'm starting to see how things might come together. I believe that I might be headed towards three full-length books. You know that there's over 50,000 lines so far, right? Not of structured writing. But it's clear that the projects are feasible. One of the books will be about the Kiraly Cases. I'd like your cooperation, John, and Michael Bonetto's cooperation too. You should consider doing something unusual. Why don't the two of you answer questions honestly? I'll probably waive attorney-client privilege. This should make it possible for you to talk to a greater extent. Jim Kiraly and Tom Kiraly are focused on covering their asses; they won't waive attorney- client privilege on their side. But there are things that Michael should be able to discuss regardless. And the project is going to proceed one way or the other. By the way, I'm prepared to spend decades on it. I welcome the text passages and/or comments that you've offered me, whether they're about the Kiraly Cases or about Good vs. Evil in general. You don't need to sign the non-disclosure agreement that you mentioned. Was that part intended to be a joke? If so, it was a bit lame. Note that text passages and/or comments will be edited as I see fit and released subsequently under a Creative Commons license, or under licenses of other types that I decide to use, either presently or in the future. Regards, Robert (the Old Coder) |
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