This page Tindeck Music Vector Video Xmas 2015 Mia Meow Exit to Top Site

This page links to pages that link to or host music tracks or video clips such as funny cats or movie trailers.

The Tindeck page is spec­i­fic­al­ly for open-license music and contributions to that page are wel­come.

200318 Wednesday — Media pages

200318. Media pages.

Christ­mas 2015:

The preceding link goes to a YouTube video page. This video was a gift to OldCoder on Christ­mas 2015.

The OldCoder Tindeck page:

The Tindeck page was originally located on a now-dead music site that hosted open-license music.

Standard Vector Trailers page:

The Standard Vector Trailers page hosts or links to funny-pet videos, movie trailers, and other miscellaneous clips. Comments re­la­ted to the video clips are in­clud­ed.

The Mia Meow page includes a couple of video clips of Mia the Cat in animated GIF format. No player is need­ed to view those clips, but, warning, they make the page slow to load.

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