Letter to Jim Kiraly Follows
Cheerful as a Cherry Blossom Day Hooray. The people are Grace Kiraly, Ann Kiraly (Jim's mother), and Jim Kiraly. Jim disliked Ann, but it was complicated. Ann's husband Frank, Jim's father, punched Ann through a glass door when Jim was age 4. This led to Jim becoming frozen emotionally at this age and ultimately to rages and physical violence.
Jim rarely smiled this way outside of photos. He was actually sort of a horror to be around.
160619. Fathers Day Letter to Jim Kiraly of Avila Beach.
This document started out as an Easter letter to Jim Kiraly, also known as James Francis Kiraly, Vice President of Transamerica Corporation, U.S. Social Security Number (SSN) believed to be 038-20-Redacted (unconfirmed), residence address believed to be 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA 93424.
This letter wasn't completed in time for Easter. It's a Fathers Day message now. It includes older material and new and inspirational thoughts.
It's been confirmed by two sources that Jim Kiraly did, in fact, move to Avila Beach, California about a year ago. However, my father is elderly and in poor health. So, I'm not certain that this much-loved person is still alive.
It's my prayer that this Fathers Day message, which is intended to lift Jim Kiraly's spirits and to promote positive social goals, reaches Jim while he's still on the mortal plane.
The odds are that Jim is still alive.
It's my understanding that Jim Kiraly's long-time residence phone number, 805-556-0301, has been disconnected, but that his other two phone numbers, 805-459-4509 and 805-459-0337, are still in operation.
I'll discuss the significance of this fact momentarily. First, though, I'll observe that this information is being disclosed to the public, and other information, as much information as possible, will be disclosed in the future, for legitimate and reasonable purposes that are discussed, in part, at the following link:
As a note to attorneys and others, Jim Kiraly and the others who he conspired with to commit multiple prosecutable crimes, including though not limited to multiple felonies, sacrificed in the process many of the legal, ethical, and practical rights that he, and they, might otherwise, in theory, have possessed in connection with research into, and disclosure of, information of all types that can be “gathered”.
In short, these people belong, in a legitimate and reasonable sense that is protected under U.S. and other laws, to me. They are my property.
If my father, the wife-beater Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA 93424, had died, my mother, Grace Kiraly of the same address, would have probably have shut down, for various reasons, at least two of the three phone numbers listed above.
The fact that two of the numbers are up is worth noting. And I'm pretty sure that Jim was alive just a little while ago.
Truth be told, the odd dream that I had on January 22 makes me wonder. We'll find out in due course.
If all three phone numbers are shut down, I've no doubt that third parties, interested in positive social goals, will notify me of the change.
If this happens, I'll exercise my legal right to pursue the “gathering” of information for legitimate and reasonable purposes discussed at this link.
I'll ask appropriate parties, either retired police detectives or somebody with the skills that Jim suggested in Court that I possess, to identify such new phone numbers as Jim may set up either under his own name or using others as fronts. The phone numbers will then be used to conduct legitimate and reasonable research in accordance with the Reasonable Purposes list.
It's realistic to assume that Jim may try to use a front. Jim's son, Tom Kiraly, Vice President of Hanger, Inc. in Austin, Texas, seems to have done exactly this when he (Tom) moved back to Texas.
If Tom is, or was, the owner of the property at 9520 Westminster Glen Avenue, Austin, Texas, he used a trust, Breeze Hill, to conceal his identity. The idea was to hide from the legitimate and reasonable consequences of the multiple prosecutable crimes that he had committed.
Updated copies of this letter will be delivered, for legitimate and reasonable purposes, to as many third parties as is humanly possible.
Jim Kiraly
6329 Twinberry Circle
Avila Beach, CA 93424
Dear Jim,
1. Happy Fathers Day, count-
Your associates feel that your health is declining, so I'm not certain that you're alive.
There was also the uncharacteristic dream that I had about you on January 22. It's described on the weblog. For the benefit of third parties who read this letter, they can find the weblog by typing Jim Kiraly Abuser into Google.
Actually, all of the following searches will work:
I don't believe in signs and portents, Jim, but the dream about you was odd. It was sort of a closure. I figured that if there was anything to supernatural telegrams, you might have passed away while I was asleep.
However, the dream was probably more about changes in me than anything else.
It was the end of the last of my fear of you. I see you now as Tom Kiraly and Ken Kiraly and even Grace Kiraly must have decades ago. A glaring, self-absorbed, part-frightening, part-comical, and mostly tedious figure.
I'll assume that you're still alive, lumbering about and doing what damage you can, until I receive confirmation that you've started work on your long-term duties. “Lubricatae inservit pro verpa de Lucifero”.
2. Background.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, as you know, and as background for attorneys and others who may review this letter, in 2012, you and your son Tom Kiraly, aka Thomas Evan Kiraly, SSN 545-13-Redacted, filed emergency anti-violence actions against me in order to extort, unsuccessfully, my agreement to a gag order.
I'd spent the second half of 2011 in a wheelchair, had started to think more about life, and had had a number of positive phone conversations with you.
In those conversations, we'd talked about things like your computer, how you were painting your house, and your pride in being able to contribute to a volunteer group, Service Core of Retired Executives, or S.C.O.R.E. for short.
At Thanksgiving 2011, communication had improved to the point where I felt confident enough to ask you and your wife, Grace Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, to work with me on a book.
In a move that I didn't understand for nearly a year, you threatened me immediately with the Police and demanded an end to communications. And, on the next business day, you went to the Police.
Silly Wagon Wheel
Little-boy Bob used to sit on the bricks above the wagon wheel and read his books. He was a lot smaller here than later on. There was plenty of room to stretch out, legs and all. The wagon wheel was out front, where Bob's abuser Jim Kiraly could get at him. However, oddly, Bob felt safe here. The boy read and read.
The leafy plants below the wheel were very old. Decades or longer.
When Grace Kiraly moved away from here, decades later, Bob asked her to transplant one of the leafy plants so that the decades old lineage would survive.
Grace, being a whore and a bore, had done nothing for Bob since he was a baby. When the kids at school broke Bob's bones, Grace shrugged and pretended that it hadn't happened. When Jim, Grace's own abuser, raged and smashed things, Grace put on an awkward smile and pretended that everything was fine.
When the time came, Grace refused to do even this much; to give Bob one of the leafy plants to keep and to protect.
3. Love, sweet love.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, the Police considered you a crank and dismissed you.
The Police never contacted me; instead, I spoke to them months later myself regarding the feasibility of having you committed or otherwise dealt with.
I complied with your demand for an end to communications until your wife, Grace Kiraly, came to visit me unannounced and initiated a series of annoying phone calls to me.
Months later, I obtained your phone records in legal discovery and proved that your household had called mine. I didn't call you, beloved coño, sweet, sweet, love. Grace called me.
This part was awkward for your attorneys, especially Michael Bonetto (click here) of Hoge Fenton, later on.
You'd implied that I'd been phoning you and making threats and that you were terrified. But I didn't call you or Grace. As phone records proved, Grace called me. And you were the only person who was making threats.
And Grace Kiraly, bless her harlot heart, drove 200 miles to see me, unannounced, during a period when, you represented by filing CLETS, she was supposedly terrified of me.
Grace and I ate at the Olive Garden and discussed nutrition and your neighbors' perceptions of you. It was fun to be able to point this out in legal filings.
Do you still do the little OCD dance when you go to pick up the mail? Neighbors do notice things like that. They notice other things as well.
It's too bad that the legal actions were Abuse of Process and that, in a full year, I was never given a chance to say, “What the Hell is going on here?” That would have been more fun than pointing out the Olive Garden issue.
During one of the calls that Grace made to me, I asked the whore and the bore that is my mother for permission to speak with her Pastor in connection with the book that I was writing. Grace offered full and unreserved permission.
Nobody, including you, Jim Kiraly, has ever denied this.
I scheduled a call with the Pastor. We had a positive discussion related to Christ. The subject that we focused on was the role of a Christian in the temporal world.
The Church in question was New Life Pismo. Its website was and remains:
You thought that I'd called the Pastor to talk about how you'd punched
Grace's face in or something like that. You know, you could have just
*asked* me what the call was about instead of trying to get a gag order
Broomsticks in the Night Sky
This illustration is from my June, 2013 Father's Day post. To read the full post, click here. Here's an excerpt:
Does my Father, senility diapers askew, befoul himself with excrement as he glares at the computer he's accused me of hacking, certain that I must be lurking somewhere in the shadows even now? Is the next step to accuse me of riding broomsticks in the night sky as my copilot Christ and I circle about, cackling with glee as we plan our next move?
4. Christ and altruism.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, I made a second phone call to Service Core of Retired Executives.
You'd talked to me about the organization with pride. So, I asked a representative of the group to discuss the meaning of altruism.
Christ and altruism. Your reaction was to contact people and say “We must present a united front against Bob. Don't be afraid to give me something to prosecute Bob.”
When I learned that you were doing this, I was frightened. I tried to phone my brothers. But they didn't answer the phone. I didn't understand this part at first.
The part that matters is that I was never asked, in 2012, by you, by your wife Grace Kiraly, or by anybody, not to phone anybody, or to do, or not to do, anything at all as an alternative to legal actions.
5. Comedy is good for the soul.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, there's plenty of comedy related to the issue of phone calls.
One knee-slapper is the part about Grace Kiraly being the one who phoned *me* as opposed to the other way around. But right now I'm thinking about Michael Bonetto.
Michael Bonetto of Hoge Fenton, one of your attorneys, sent me a letter a year or two ago. In the letter in question, Mikey referred to the fact that nobody had asked me not to call them as a claim that I was making.
The comment made me blink. I've never *needed* to make such a claim because none of you have ever claimed that I *was* asked.
Misdirection, things that are implied but never said, abuse of process, all of it, it's over, coño of joy.
Jim, my sweet father, so violent, so silly, so lovable when you clench your fists and your eyes bulge with rage, you can stamp your feet like a toddler, you can glare all you like, but it's over.
In a legitimate and reasonable sense, one that's protected under U.S. and other laws, whether you're alive or bobbing up and down on Lucifer virgam de gaudio, you belong to me.
6. Gee, thanks.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, when my brothers wouldn't talk to me, I phoned you and said one sentence.
That sentence is now repeated here and, to be clear, I'm directly addressing you, Jim Kiraly, aka James Francis Kiraly of Transamerica Corporation, b*tch abuser son of Frank Kiraly and Anna Varsa, and respected churchgoer in the Pismo Beach, CA and Avila Beach, CA areas:
“You can't hurt me any longer, Jimmie. Wife beater. Child abuser.”
I shrugged after that and, on my birthday in June 2012, I left everybody mocking but civil “goodbye” messages and prepared to get on with my life.
Then I learned that you and my brother Tom had filed emergency anti-violence actions against me a month before. I wasn't notified or served. There was no time to get an attorney before the first hearing. I nearly died trying to do so.
Gee, thanks, for that part.
7. Jim's miscalculation.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, when your attorneys learned that you were a violent abuser, they dropped allegations of false claims of abuse like a hot potato. But even before they did so, there were very few specifics in your pleadings.
You said, “Bob thinks he is smarter than the Law”. Um, what? Is that an allegation of physical violence?
Anyway, I'm not smarter than the Law, but I sure as Hell am smarter
than *you*, b*tch
I'm certainly not going to say that I'm “smarter” than attorneys, when it comes to legal proceedings.
I *will* say that, in a legitimate and reasonable sense that is consistent with the U.S. Supreme Court's 2015 ruling in the Anthony Elonis case, more than one person who has committed prosecutable crimes in the Kiraly Gag Order Cases is likely to spend the next two decades going up his or her own fundamentals.
Tom is a step up from you, but dull-witted on the scale that includes Ken and me. Ken is sharp, but he apparently told Grace, a decade or two ago, that I was sharper.
I'm autistic, the same kid you brutalized for not being able to look you in the eye. That was supposed to be “attitude”. Do you remember the word?
Autistic isn't the same thing as retarded. Let's not mince words. Scott Kiraly was retarded. Me... not so much.
As a bonus, I have the gestalt thing, and I'm learning how to use it after half a century.
It manifested, at age 7, as glimpses into other people's minds.
This was just fragments of intuitive cognitive models, subconscious attempts to assemble what other people were thinking. But cognitive models can be useful and I don't think that most 7 year olds can do them.
I looked into your mind once, at that age, Jim. A little kid peeked into your thoughts. It was mundane.
Sometimes, these days, I can feel cracks in structures and sense what to do with them. It's almost tangible.
I'm intelligent, by most standards, and my communication skills have improved in recent years. I'm also committed to spending the rest of my life on legitimate and reasonable steps.
I just wanted to live quietly. I was never going to realize my full potential. However, Jim Kiraly of St. Johns Lutheran Church, Arroyo Grande, CA (click here), you felt the need to recreate me in the image of delusions of your sick mind.
Should I thank you for the results, Jim, for becoming what God intended me to be, or what?
The legal cases were a miscalculation on your part.
Didn't Ken Kiraly advise you that this was a bad idea? Or were you so arrogant that you figured that wealth and fear, pounding me into the pavement to stop my book, would be enough?
8. Awkward abuser moment.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, you said that I was making false accusations of abuse against you and was planning to do the same thing to my brothers. You didn't trouble yourself to provide a single example.
I shoved that part up Michael Bonetto's *ss by instantly producing a witness, Twisted Time.
Is Twisted Time why Natasha Parrett (click here) disappeared so suddenly from the legal cases? Was it just a routine shuffling of staff? Or did they know, from the start, what they were doing and how it might go?
Twisted Time is still alive, Jim. He's had 40 surgeries now, many of them major. But we talk. He's an inspiration to me. Who's your inspiration, Jim? Don't tell me it's Christ.
The vomit of Christ spews forth upon those who commit the unpardonable sin. You're coated with, and have become, the vomit of Christ, that which God expels in distaste.
You neglected to tell your attorneys that you were a violent abuser, didn't you?
I assume that the subject came up in a phone call after I invited the staff at Hoge Fenton, the attorneys who fight to silence abuse victims, to be photographed with a witness, Twisted Time.
And after I “made it clear”, to use Tom Kiraly's words, that if Hoge Fenton tried to smear Twisted Time, his wheelchair would go right up their collective *sses.
I hope that the discussion wasn't too awkward for you
Ivan Kmeta
Ivan Kmeta was the father of Grace Kiraly, Jim's wife and victim. He was also a writer of gentle religious poetry. Jim and his son Tom Kiraly cited a gift of the books of poetry as justification for filing emergency anti-violence actions. To read a little about Ivan's life, click here.
9. Ivan Kmeta sh*ts down Jim's throat.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, Tom Kiraly cited a Happy Birthday call as an example of “stalking”.
But the call had been scheduled with Tom's secretary, he took it with evident pleasure, he invited me to call back, and he took calls for months afterward with no signs of reservations. In short, Tom committed perjury.
Tom also said that a gift of Ivan Kmeta's books of religious poetry was evidence of a threat of physical violence.
You know, Jim, in old age, Ivan was the most gentle man that there ever was, but if he could get at you now, he'd sh*t down your throat.
The way that you treated Ivan Kmeta's daughter, Grace Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA 93424 and New Life Pismo Church and St. Johns Lutheran...
I was standing next to Ivan Kmeta once in Philadelpha, decades ago, while a man was beating up his wife right on the other side of Ivan's hallway door. Ivan's wife Olga was there too.
If Grace Kiraly wants to know, the wife-beater wasn't the Korean neighbor that she met once or twice; it was one of the people who preceded him.
None of us said anything. I considered interfering, but Ivan and Olga seemed to want to ignore it.
Ivan and Olga Kmeta knew what you were. However, they were old-school. In the old-school world, one didn't talk about such things; spousal abuse was considered a private matter.
But for you to refer to Ivan's books of religious poetry as violent because you thought that one of your victims was going to talk about how you'd treated Ivan's daughter...
Jim Kiraly, you know, until 2012, I didn't simply fear you, I respected you. We'll come back to that below. But I'm over both sicknesses.
In a legitimate and reasonable sense, a lifetime late, but better late than never, Jim, you're my property.
10. Kerechanko.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, in the event that you've forgotten due to senility, Olga Kmeta's maiden name was Olga Kerechanko.
Olga's brother was Edward Kerechanko, a wonderful man, who fathered George Kerechanko, the same George who you'll find if you type the name “Kerechanko” into Google.
Just one word in Google is needed. That's good short-tail
11. Police-Approved Postcards.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, you gave the Court postcards that I'd sent you as “evidence”. Evidence of *what* was never stated. But the postcards had been approved in advance by the Police in your area. I kept the Police well-informed as I looked for ways to deal with your threats.
For others who may be curious, the postcards said, “You cannot stop the book”.
There was nothing in the pleadings about physical violence. You committed Abuse of Process to stop a book.
I tried to offer standard no-contact even before the first hearing. I continued to offer it for a full year. I signed a stipulation on a voluntary basis. But you refused to go away unless I agreed to a gag order.
Better still, you, a violent abuser, insisted that your non-violent victim had to go into a violence database.
Sure, Jim. No problem with that.
You assumed that I was a pauper and that I'd be a Pro-Per who could easily be disposed of. Where did that come from? I was worth $225,000 in Spring 2012. I'd rebuilt from nothing after the Crash of 2008.
But after a year of trying to fight back in a situation where there were no allegations, no hearings on the facts, nothing but paperwork that tried to imply things, but never said anything, my net value did hit zero.
I was in my 50s, I'd worked up to 120 hours a week, I'd done nothing but work, and you ensured there was nothing to show for it. Nothing left after half a century.
Nothing to focus on but survival and the goal to bring something positive out of the destruction of my life.
To the latter end, you, Grace Kiraly, Tom Kiraly, Ken Kiraly, Michael Bonetto, Maggie Desmond, John Perrott, Tom Stutzman, Gail Cheda (Alane), and others who conspired to commit, or chose to facilitate, prosecutable crimes, including felonies, will serve legitimate and reasonable purposes.
This is your role on the temporal plane.
12. Excrementum meum, sapidum et salubri.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, I beat you where it mattered.
I don't know how much you spent on legal bills. My attorney, John Perrott of Thomas Chase Stutzman, said that your bills might have topped $100,000. However, John Perrott turned out to be a moron as well as a thief. So, for all I know, your bills may have been much lower.
But you did end up without even the standard no-contact that I'd offered you repeatedly. We signed private agreements that I co-wrote.
And you violated the agreements within weeks. I repudiated them with a high degree of confidence that they were no more significant than toilet paper. You ended up with nothing.
Did you enjoy spending all that money and getting far less than
you could have gotten for free?
I've wondered, in the years since 2013, have you enjoyed the taste of excrementum meum, sapidum et salubri?
If so, rest assured that I'd like you to live long enough that you can serve your purpose. So, have some more.
It'll perk you up
You'll be like a pup
Jim it's tasty for her and for him
Come and indulge
Your tummy will bulge
You'll enjoy the food of health
That can't be bought with wealth
There is much more
For you to adore
Eat excrementum meum, sapidum et salubri
13. Big Picture.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, you spent a huge pile of money to force me to sign agreements and then you broke them immediately, committing multiple felonies in the process.
This allowed me to repudiate the agreements, which left you with nothing to show for all that money.
My repudiation gave you a presumptive violation. However, in such situations, the big picture does matter.
In this case, the big picture was a close-up of your *ss with your time, money, and carefully constructed public persona shoved up it.
If you'd tried to go back to Court, I'd have been prepared.
The first time, you smashed an unprepared wheelchair-bound, exhausted, frightened, victim to pieces.
A victim whose attorney, John Perrott (click here) did nothing at all and who worked for a law firm run by an attorney, Tom Stutzman (click here), who was focused on sexual affairs with clients.
Sure, it was an ideal situation
The second time, Jim, it would have been... or
it will be... different.
Let's look the big picture, Cuddles:
13.1. Jim Kiraly, of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA 93424, SSN 038-20-Redacted (unconfirmed), member of Retired Active Men SLO, member of St. Johns Lutheran in Arroyo Grande, you're a violent abuser, the type that used to be called a “wife beater”.
No “he said-she said” is involved. If you're questioned properly, you won't deny the assertion under oath, will you?
Not when you know that the specifics, down to how you used to shake with rage and smash things will be documented and witnesses will be deposed. By the way, John Perrott was supposed to depose Grace Kiraly. Next time, Grace *will* go on the witness stand.
13.2. You were the only truly violent person in the family aside from your son Tom Kiraly, who used to threaten to shoot me in the head and laugh as my brains ran out. Pleasant fellow.
Scott Kiraly, my youngest brother, was potentially violent and you were worried that he might actually kill Ken Kiraly, the remaining brother and the inventor of the Amazon Kindle.
But, really, you were the only one who smashed things and whose eyes actually bulged out, physically, as he shook with range.
13.3. In 2012, you, a violent abuser, sought emergency anti-violence measures against one of your non-violent victims, 200 miles away, in a wheelchair, immobilized, without the use of his right hand, unable to drive a car and not even in possession of a car for 12 years.
13.4. You didn't ask your victim, me, to communicate, or not to communicate, or to do, or not to do, anything at all as an alternative to legal actions.
13.5. The sole purpose of the legal actions was to extort my agreement to a gag order. This is a simple fact that any attorney can confirm by reading the pleadings, your settlement demands, the stipulation that I voluntarily signed and offered to you, and your phone records.
All of which will be made available to any attorney who is interested. You have zero rights to confidentiality in the matter.
13.5. These were emergency anti-violence actions, but you didn't make a single allegation, or cite a single incident, that was connected to physical violence. All physical violence, or threats of violence, had come from you and the second plaintiff in the legal cases, Tom Kiraly.
13.6. Discovery in the cases, on your side, was calculated not to obtain relevant information, but to drive up costs and to imply that a crime of some type, never stated, had been committed.
13.7. You were offered standard no-contact repeatedly, but you refused every offer and demanded a gag order. You also demanded that your victim, who you didn't even *accuse* of violence or threats of violence, go into a violence database.
In short, this wasn't simply Abuse of Process. It was, arguably, Abuse of Process of a new order of magnitude.
13.8. Over the course of a year, the legal cases devolved into Monty Python humor.
You accused me of making false accusations of abuse against you. You didn't cite a single accusation. Such issues would have nothing to do with physical violence regardless.
You accused me of planning to make false accusations of abuse against my brothers. You didn't cite a single example. Such issues would have nothing to do with physical violence regardless.
You implied that that I was planning to blackmail you over the abuse in exchange for money. You implied, as well, that I'd demanded that an intermediary contact you to demand money on my behalf.
I was still worth $225,000 at the time, but perhaps that small detail isn't considered interesting. You didn't cite a single instance of a blackmail demand, not even an implied demand. You didn't even name the intermediary.
Such issues would have nothing to do with physical violence regardless.
You implied that I'd hacked your email. You didn't actually accuse me of this. You just implied that something had happened, but you never actually stated it. Such issues would have nothing to do with physical violence regardless.
In a deposition, which I had to attend on a Pro-Per basis, not a single question was asked about physical violence. Instead, I was asked, did I know how to “hack” Gmail?
At this point, I learned that you believed I'd “hacked” you because you knew that I knew about your threats against me. How else, you figured, could I have learned about your threats? It never occurred to you, moron, that my cousin had told me.
13.9. The deposition left your attorney, Michael Bonetto nothing to work with. So, he tried to force me to be filmed so that my autistic differences could be portrayed as frightening.
Say, do you deny, formally, a single physical fact that is cited in this letter? Would you care to do so under oath?
13.10. In the end, you signed a private agreement that I co-wrote. By the way, read the hand-written edits carefully.
A contracts specialist has cautioned me that agreements of this type are interpreted as a whole. My expectation is that the as-whole nature of your conduct will balance this.
13.11. Shortly after signing, Russell Kerechanko died. I posted an obituary. You conspired to threaten me over the obituary and demanded the equivalent of a gag order again.
The conspiracy aspect arguably elevated the threats that you made against me in mid-2013 to the level of felonies.
13.12. Subsequent to the threats that you made against me in mid-2013, you conspired to commit a highly prosecutable felony, DDoS, a violation of CFAA, a law that has some teeth.
Subsequently, you committed the felony of DDoS, thereby adding two felonies to the list of crimes that you'd committed, the felony DDoS and conspiracy to commit the felony.
13.13. Your co-conspirator, Tom Kiraly, and you, are in violation of multiple clauses of the so-called “agreements” independently of the prosecutable crimes that the two of you have committed.
13.14. In short, the so-called “agreements” are less attractive, at this point, to contract specialists than used toilet paper.
They're certainly not enforceable without a risk of the facts going up metaphorically your abuser *ss and pumping happily until the truth squirts, in a legitimate and reasonable manner, out your nose.
However, do send me any attorneys that you'd like me to talk to. Some related issues concerning addresses are discussed at a later point.
Is the person near Cougar Canyon an attorney? We'll come back to that person shortly.
14. It's great to communicate, mate.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, this concludes the background part of this letter. Let's proceed to the communication of additional points for legitimate and reasonable purposes.
15. Jim Kiraly, come get some.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, I wanted to say “you can't hurt me any longer, Jimmie, wife beater, child abuser” publicly. Now I've done so. Which brings us full-circle.
I'll add a few new points:
My father, my abuser, my b*tch, my whore
Jim Kiraly SSN 038-20-and more
For legitimate and reasonable purposes disclosed
Is anybody present opposed
Let me show you the respect that you've earned
So much Time, decades, but the wheel has turned
Earned turned disclosed opposed
Oh, Jim Kiraly, love is a dove from above
Let me show you consensual love
Gentle as befits those who care
Upon you alights Christ's own dove
You're caressed with purposes fair
Into you the truth, stiff as it is, slides
Up and up your pleasure glides
If you've passed away, it is what it is
You and the whore and the bore we adore
You're mine as well as His
And while I wait to affection shower
There's no need for you to glower
Be pleased by the depth of my love
Oh, Jim Kiraly, love is a dove from above
After I made my frightened call to you, you smashed my life. You lied and you did worse than lie. After I dismantled your initial allegations and left you with nothing, you took my home, my life savings, all that I'd built over a lifetime, without even bothering to make new allegations.
There was nothing but paperwork that implied things. How was I supposed to fight back when there were no allegations?
I've changed, Jim. I'm not the terrified little kid any more. The kid who weighed a fraction of what the shaking pile of rage that was you weighed, the Jim Kiraly with fists clenched, the Jim Kiraly who shook and shook with anger.
Or the four-year-old Jim Kiraly who watched his father Frank smash his mother Ann through glass and grew up believing that this was how to behave.
After that day, you never grew up. You internalized the rage and the violence but remained four years old inside. The towering, shaking, pile of rage that I feared so much was, in the end, little more than an adult baby.
I'm not afraid of you, Jim. Come get some. But, this time, play by the book.
16. Cougars and Canyons and Attorneys Oh My.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, there's somebody near Cougar Canyon who has a folder named Kiraly on his Windows computer.
I thought that it was you, but you've moved to Avila Beach.
Is the Cougar Canyon person an attorney? Let me talk to him or her. Or I could just send third parties up and down the street, knocking on doors to try to find him.
Naturally, the third parties will need to explain the legitimate and reasonable inquiries. In detail.
17. Pelican Point HOA.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, is Goetz Manderley the person, or corporate entity, to talk to regarding Pelican Point HOA issues? If you're not a resident of Pelican Point, disregard the question.
18. Video Thrilled the YouTube Star.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, do you agree to, or object to, being filmed this year, for legitimate and reasonable purposes, by one or more third parties in Church, at Retired Active Men, in the vicinity of Pelican Point, or at other locations?
Note: The Legitimate and Reasonable Purposes List is linked in the next section.
I assume that you have no objections. After all, you were going to film me, and I'm being polite enough to seek your views on the subject.
If you do have objections, kindly note, *sshole, that an attempt to seek your input neither binds me to honor any decision that you make nor requires me to tolerate any mischaracterization of the attempt.
19. Request for list of associates.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, it's my belief that people who know you may be able to comment on the crimes that you've committed, on the mindset or other factors that led you to believe that the crimes were acceptable behavior, and otherwise contribute to the “gathering” of “information” that will serve legitimate and reasonable purposes.
As a note to attorneys, the Legitimate and Reasonable Purposes List is online at the following link:
Are there particular people in your residential complex, the Churches in the area, Retired Active Men SLO, your remaining volunteer groups, local merchants, or other venues that you feel would be able to discuss you fairly and objectively?
If nobody comes to mind, it's O.K. I'll communicate, in a legitimate and reasonable manner, with parties who I believe may be willing and able to participate in such discussions.
Such communication may take a number of forms. By the way, I've talked to experts in issues of this type. The fact that you, and therefore your neighbors, apparently reside in a gated residential complex isn't a significant issue, from a legal or practical perspective, if legitimate and reasonable purposes are involved.
20. Update regarding addresses document.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, about 25 years ago, you gave me printed pages of contact information for pretty much everybody that you knew and pretty much everything that you were involved with. Those pages are outdated now.
However, in a visit that I was invited to make to your residence in Pismo Beach, about 13 years ago, I made a copy of the then-latest version of that document. That copy is probably still useful in some cases. Even if phone numbers and addresses have changed, it's helpful to have the correct spellings of names and the past locations of individuals.
I'd need to think to be certain of the circumstances under which I acquired the document. However, Grace and you were talking at the time about having me sign papers to become your guardian or an executor or something of a similar nature. I figure, and I'd testify in Court, that I probably acquired the document as part of that discussion.
I just thought you'd be pleased to hear that I've located my copy.
It isn't that important, and I do move around at times, so if I'm ordered in future Court actions to provide a copy of my copy, I can't guarantee that I'll still possess it at the time.
While I do possess it, I'll certainly use it only for legitimate and reasonable purposes.
Respectful proposal
I offered this proposal to Grace Kiraly in 2015, but didn't receive a response, so we'll see if Jim Kiraly feels that it's sufficiently respectful.
21. Request for custody of remains.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, people seem to expect that you'll pass away from natural causes soon. It would be wrong for you to leave without a proper goodbye.
If you're still with us, accordingly, “Vaya con Dios, coño”.
It isn't an absolute goodbye. After you pass away, it'll be more like the start of a new journey. Your new Master is waiting to get you started.
As far as the temporal part goes, may I have custody of your remains? I'm entitled to them.
If you say no, or fail to respond, I figure that a Pro-Per action seeking such custody might be worthwhile.
This should generate some of the publicity that the Kiraly Gag Order Cases call for. However, more importantly, I'd like to assure you that, in the event that I'm successful, your bones will be treated respectfully.
A sculpture of artistic merit will be commissioned. Water will flow, it'll flush properly, and everything.
If I obtain your permission or that of the Court, yes, I'm actually going to build the sculpture. For the first time in your remarkable existence, you'll serve a genuine purpose.
This is simply an appropriate step on the temporal plane, of course. You know that you surrendered your soul in 2012, right? You belong to your Master, the Light Bringer, now.
Your Master is waiting for you to commence your lubrication duties. However, he'll loan you to me.
I'll find you, wherever you go, Jim. If there is no Afterlife, I'll bring you back on the other side of the Singularity. Grace Kiraly as well.
Ken Kiraly of Amazon Lab121 probably knows about the Singularity as it's presently envisioned. I'm not sure; ask him.
Ken does know enough to confirm that if a technological singularity occurs before everything else collapses, if I make it through the event, I'll be able to retrieve Grace and you.
So, even if you die, there are two different places that I'll be able to pull you back from.
Singularity or Rapture, I don't care
As long as both of you are there
I'll have you either way to love
Love is a dove from above
You're mine, b*tch
Here's the sitch, there's no hitch
You won't be gone without a trace
My buddy Christ and I are going to ride Grace and you
Love and joy will ensue
Don't the legitimate and reasonable prospect deride
Yee-Haw! It's a respectful Jimmie ride!
22. Grace won't be lonely.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, don't worry about the fact that you'll be leaving your wife Grace behind.
I'm sure that everybody in the family will manage to communicate to Grace, in the years that she outlasts you, the degree of respect in which she is held.
23. Tom Kiraly of Hanger, Inc.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, your son Tom Kiraly can also count, I'm sure, on having family members who will be there, always, for decades, to offer positive support at any opportunity that arises.
24. Riane and James Kiraly.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, were Tom's adult children, Riane Kiraly, possibly known as Riane Holub now, and James Kiraly, your regrettably named grandson, involved in the gag order voluntarily or involuntary?
The answer has ramifications. If Riane and James the Younger were involved involuntarily, they'll need to testify against their father and against you in connection with the prosecutable crimes that Tom and you committed.
If they were involved voluntarily, they'll need to take responsibility for their “choice” to participate in prosecutable crimes.
Either way, Jim, what a nice legacy to leave your grandchildren
As a related question, who is the party in North Wisconsin who is interested in Tweets about you, and only in those Tweets?
Riane Kiraly and her husband Eric Holub are supposed to be at, and this is disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, 1138 North High Point Road, Apt 216, Madison, WI. The North Wisconsin person is located hours North of them. But the latter person is quite interested in you and geolocation just shows me photos of forests.
Is the mystery visitor Riane, Eric, or somebody associated with them?
And how are they and/or Riane's father, Tom Kiraly, connected to the address 1300 Cardinal Dr Unit 508, Louisville, KY ?
Is that a place where Tom stayed temporarily or is a different party related to the prosecutable crimes that you committed still located there?
25. Avila Beach churches.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, as a technical note, I move around a bit. I'm not presently in the County where I resided for 25 years until you took away the home that I'd had for all those years.
Additionally, the physical address that I submitted in 2013 for communication purposes ceased to be valid subsequent to the prosecutable crimes that you committed immediately after the end of the cases.
Most of the time, I'm located farther away from any location where you might try to commit Abuse of Process than the Court will permit.
This will change. I propose to relocate to Pismo Beach, as Grace Kiraly used to urge me to do. You'll be able to find me quite easily there. In fact, I feel the spiritual desire to visit every single one of the Churches there, every Sunday of the month, in search of the Truth and the Light.
With a camera crew, at times, incidentally. Well, one person with a YouTube-compatible digital camera. That ought to be enough.
I won't strictly be retired. You made retirement, at any age, impossible for me. But I'll certainly be active. So, do you think that I might fit into Retired Active Men SLO?
I should visit Austin, Texas and Dallas, Texas first, though. Austin, in particular, is a growing tech region and there are things to do there.
In the interim, attorneys are invited to communicate with me by email at the following address:
They should not assume that any particular email has been received until there is confirmation.
As a minor technical issue, analysis of my email headers will not generally lead to physical addresses located in the same County, or necessarily in the same State, that I'm visiting on any particular day.
26. Who worked harder?
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, I didn't understand one key part of all of this until late 2012.
A startup that I was in, Cleanscape, ended in Fall 2003. I sought your advice at the time, by the way, but you wouldn't even look at me to discuss the matter.
I focused on investments for a few months and brought my net value up to $950,000. At that point, I didn't need to work, but I continued working for 5 years.
The job was a pretty good deal. I worked about one quarter per year and earned the equivalent of a year's salary. And, at the start of this period, I was worth nearly a million dollars.
I was wiped out in the Crash of 2008, but I managed to rebuild from close to nothing to $225,000 in just three years. You then smashed those savings.
The key element in everything seems to have been that you decided, God only knows why, that I was some type of drunken, lazy, bum. However, I worked harder, throughout my career, than you ever did.
In business, you were a relatively dull-witted, non-creative, suit. You were respected by your peers, but liked by very few. You were an early adopter and a power user, technologically, but you understood little beneath the surface.
I knew my job better than you knew yours. I was far more creative. I left more of a mark on the world. And I worked myself half to death in the process.
I spent up to 40 hours at my desk at a time. Once, and I was in my 40s at the time, I worked 120 hours a week for six weeks. I slept on the plastic mat on cold concrete, I didn't shave or shower or eat much, I just kept working.
I didn't even have faith in the venture, but it was my responsibility. Plus the one co-worker that was left was frightened about the company's impending failure and trusted me to help somehow.
For the benefit of Cleanscape people who read this, the frightened co-worker was Arthur Kwok Nin Chan. He works at Oracle now, I think.
I retired in 2003, but I kept working part-time and earned more, measured in current dollars, than you did some years while working full-time.
I had your old financial documents for decades, by the way. They were given to me by Grace, I think, after she kicked you out of the house in the 1970s. I know more about your career than you know about mine.
During my retirement, I worked on my own Linux distro, but you wouldn't even know what that was, would you?
I told the whore and the bore Grace Kiraly that I was working part-time for Northrop Grumman, but her skull really was empty, wasn't it? Not a word of it registered.
So, Grace and you decided that I was a lazy, drunken, bum, despite the fact that I was worth $950,000 at the start, because... why was that, exactly?
<crickets chirp>
... just “because”, apparently.
You're a sanctimonius wife-beater, Jim Kiraly, but the part that matters the most is that you're an idiot.
This is a legitimate and reasonable observation, as is the observation that you, Grace, and the others are now, in a legitimate and reasonable sense, my property.
27. What were you thinking?
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, in 2008, I suffered from the Stock Market crash, but I rolled up my sleeves and figured out what to do.
I lost nearly everything, but in three short years, I rebuilt to $225,000. You thought I was a pauper, but that isn't bad for three years.
In mid-2011, coño, I couldn't walk, to the extent that I spent most of my time on my living room floor.
I put my remaining food where I could reach it. Eventually, it turned moldy, but I ate it anyway. After that, I just had water. It was a 90-minute round trip to crawl about 10 feet to get water and back.
I couldn't make it downstairs to buzz people in and I didn't know how to use the phone to do this. I tried to explain this to apartment management, but the only real manager was in the hospital with the cancer that would eventually kill him.
I made enough of a fuss, demanding the phone code, that a substitute manager came to my apartment and found me on the floor. When he saw me, tangled up with clothes I'd gathered to use as a pillow, his expression was odd.
I was given food and the wheelchair and injections to save my hand. It took half a year to recover. During this period, I talked to Grace and you on the phone. Neither of you ever expressed concerns about calls until I talked about my book.
Jim Kiraly, you talked about things like painting the house and your computer and your volunteer work. You were happy to do so. And then you said in Court that these were non-consensual calls which called, a year later and *after* a visit from Grace to me, for emergency anti-violence actions.
I was worth $225,000. I never asked you for a thing except for time to discuss your life and charitable work. But you added that I was a penniless pauper and that I was trying to blackmail you.
Jim, your new Master, the Light Bringer, is waiting. When you meet him, be polite. The role that you'll play in Eternity involves his virgam de gaudio.
However, before you go, tell us... what were you thinking?
28. Jim Kiraly is there to respect.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, I didn't ask for respect from you, but I earned it. Regarding the respect that you tried to extort from me in Court, sure, why not.
Respect can't be extorted. Let's talk about the type of respect that you've earned.
You're a monster, of course. And, you know, some of Grace's friends and relatives consider you creepy.
You always cared about responsibilities and details. You probably still do. I thought of this as being conscientious. I actually believed that it was a “choice” on your part.
It wasn't until 2012 that I realized... it was just the other side of yourself that you'd kept hidden, the massive OCD, the same thing that you'd passed on, genetically, to Scott Kiraly.
You never cared about commitment, or right or wrong, or about responsibilities to people, not even Grace.
Grace Kiraly was your teddy bear, a point that she didn't dispute, a “blankie” for the infantile side of you that controlled the personal side of your life.
She was your validation.
Grace always had to like what you liked. You were furious if she went out at night without you. You even made her eat what you ate. This part *was* creepy.
Responsibilities, ethics, a belief in any moral system that wasn't convenient, none of this was ever there. You were a temper tantrum adult baby who, like your son Scott, had OCD and needed to be sure that everything was done just right.
For decades, I respected traits in you that were OCD and nothing else. Geez.
But I respect you, Jim
No need to be grim
You're a violent abuser
It's sort of a confuser
You filed emergency anti-violence CLETS
To stop a book, you made a foolish bets
So sad, so sorry, you lost
It's time to pay the legitimate and reasonable cost
If wealth and hatred are your tools
You'll find that I'm no fools
Let me show you respect, Jim
No need to be grim
Respect is yours, forever more
The world will know you're there to adore
Living-Room Mystery
This picture, like several of the others I'm using today, has been used before. But it feels right to use these as I work towards a consistent message, a message that summarizes events and my feelings about them.
The scene is a moment of confusion late at night following one of Jim Kiraly's rages. He'd smash things or tear them up to show his wife Grace Kiraly who was boss. He'd smash people as well. And this was the creature who brought emergency anti-violence actions against his victim in a wheelchair... for writing a book.
The irony, of course, is that the book wasn't going to talk about any of this. And that all of this will be communicated, for legitimate and reasonable purposes, to every person who might be able to discuss the issues involved.
Communicated, as a related note, by process server where necessary. There is little that the people who fought to stop the book can do about this.
29. Frank Kiraly's death.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach.
You were a wife-beater, smug, self-centered, a temper tantrum adult baby, and lazy in some respects.
As if all of this didn't bring enough joy to people's lives, you took every opportunity to belittle those around you.
Nobody, not even your wife, Grace Kiraly of New Life Pismo and St. Johns Lutheran, would have mourned your departure.
Did you save your phone bills from the 1970s to the 1980s, Jim?
Check them, please
Go ahead, b*tch. Look for Grace's phone calls to me.
Grace liked you as a sexual partner, at the start. I gather that you were energetic in bed. Your brother Bill Kiraly might have the first man to make Grace sing in that manner. I don't know for sure, but Shirley has suggested this. Grace chose you, regardess.
However, for at least 15 years, the thing that Grace Kiraly wanted the most, regardless of what she'd say now, was out of the marriage. The phone records tell the tale. The whore wasn't calling me out of interest in my life. It was about Scott and you.
Grace did call sometimes to complain about Tom Kiraly, and less often about Ken Kiraly, but, really, Scott Kiraly and you were the subjects that I had to hear about for decades.
Grace would never have killed you. However, if God had decided that it was your time to go, she'd have accepted it as His Divine Will. There wouldn't have been any tears on any side.
This said, I'd like to acknowledge that you came across as human, as opposed to a sculpture of excrement that walks and talks, on rare occasions.
How rare? Roughly 5 times in a lifetime. Here are 3 of them:
* You played chess with the boy, a few times. But his IQ was double yours and he beat you even when he was, what, 9 or 10 years old? You were such a mature grown-up, such a big man, such a manly man, that you couldn't accept this. Points scored: Zero.
* You taught the boy to ride a bicycle. You forgot to explain the brakes and he ended up with a scar. However, he never blamed you for this. He also got a funny story out of the incident. Points scored: Two.
* The boy wanted to build a superscience project that he found in an electronics magazine. He was very young, but it had a relay and an electromagnet, and an optical sensor, and it was going to levitate an object.
This was too cool to pass up.
The boy had a vague notion that he'd levitate a small globe and populate the globe with ants. But, really, it was the notion that he could make something real happen, something interesting and unusual, that attracted him.
In a remarkable move, the man who was nothing but hostile to everybody around him, even his wife, took the boy to buy supplies. The man who usually raged and smashed things cut metal pieces into the right shapes with the dangerous tools that the boy was afraid of. He even helped, I think, to align the metal strips that were to form the electromagnet.
The completed device mostly made buzzing sounds, but the boy was pleased to have attempted it. Score: 5 points.
Usually, though, Jim Kiraly, you were a c*nt.
Say, answer a question that I've wondered about for decades.
As you know, I was the only one who talked to members of your father Frank Kiraly's family. You'd lost touch with that side of your family after Frank punched your mother Ann through a glass door. It was a door as opposed to a window, right?
I started to talk to Frank Kiraly's family in the 1970s. Frank was still alive at the time. But when I found Frank's own phone number and called him, it was apparently on the day that he'd died.
Frank Kiraly's widow, your step-mother, was startled but gracious. She talked to me and wrote to me. And I inherited, from your father, the responsibility of telling you, Jim Kiraly, that your father had died.
I was nervous about speaking to you. You were the monster who shook with rage, your eyes literally bulging. There was never a reason; you just had rage seizures.
And I was supposed to talk to this monster, this violent and unpredictable creature, about a matter that it might have strong feelings about?
However, I took my responsibility seriously. More seriously than you did at times. Seriously, what was the deal with telling family members by email that family members had died?
It wasn't exactly Miss Manners. But, then, I'm talking about Jim Kiraly, the man who used to smash things or tear them up to show his wife who was boss.
I told you, as politely as possible, that Frank Kiraly had passed away. You didn't even look at me. You didn't even acnowledge that I'd spoken. You glared at your wife, Grace Kiraly, and said, “You knew about this?”
My question is, what gave you the right to treat me like dirt, for decades, and why did you feel the need to do it?
Jim Kiraly's Father Has Died
For the story, scroll up. Jim Kiraly made it a point to be a c*nt at every possible opportunity. He treated his wife Grace Kiraly, in particular, like a pair of shoes and did it for decades.
30. Sensations of pleasure.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, attempts to represent the preceding legitimate and reasonable points as inappropriate will, under the circumstances, including but not limited to multiple prosecutable crimes committed by you and the spousal abuse part that some citizens will find icky, ...
... go, in a legitimate and reasonable sense that is protected under U.S. and other laws, up your abuser *ss, pumping in and out in a gentle but persistent rhythm to produce, in you, legitimate and reasonable sensations of pleasure and an enhanced level of pleasure and understanding.
Bicycle Lesson
For the story, scroll up a couple of sections. The boy carried a scar for decades, but didn't mind it. The bicycle was red, as shown here, and was eventually passed on to another boy at Springs of Living Water.
31. What Jim Kiraly did.
Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, disclosed for legitimate and reasonable purposes, your generally unpleasant life is winding down.
As you face, no pleased Savior, but duties involving the lubrication of Lucifer's organ of pleasure, do you pause to reflect at all on the self-centered life that you led and the damage that you did?
Or do you look in the mirror, as most people that Christ reviles do, and say, “There stands a hero”.
You did plenty of damage to me. More importantly, Jim Kiraly, you did more harm to uninvolved parties than you know.
This is the point in my life where I was supposed to fulfill my own purpose, the purpose being to help those who are different or who are victimized by those such as you.
There were people that I was supposed to help and that I could not. This is the gift that you've bequeathed to me.
Regards, and respect and filial affection,
Robert (the Old Coder)