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This page con­tains posts re­la­ted directly or indirectly to Virginia Chang Kiraly's be­ha­vior in Decem­ber 2018.

A printed let­ter was mass-delivered by courier to Virginia's city block at the time. A copy of the let­ter is in­clud­ed.

181220 Thursday — Menlo Park Mass Delivery

181220. Menlo Park Mass Delivery.

Addressing Virginia Chang Kiraly, a politician and family member in Menlo Park, CA:

Virginia Chang Kiraly
President, Menlo Park Fire Protection District Board (*)
Vice President, San Mateo County Harbor District Board (*)
Cal­i­for­nia Commission for Economic Development (*)
President, Ring the Bell Fund (*)
2181 Gordon Avenue
Menlo Park, CA

(*) Past or present. The Economic Development thing was about a decade ago.

SSN, disclosed for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able research pur­poses in compliance with Federal Laws and in compliance with the Laws of one or more States:


Attorneys and others are invited to review the Legitimate and Reasonable Purposes List that is presented at the fol­low­ing link:

The list will need to be revised once Jim Kiraly kicks the bucket due, to be clear, from natural causes.

However, in short, I assert my right to “gather information” — a term used formally in the Gag Order cases — and to disclose, dis­tri­bute, analyze, and dis­cuss such in­forma­tion — in con­nec­tion with le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes that are dis­cus­sed in the list.

These peo­ple, the ones who com­mit­ted or were in­volved in mul­ti­ple prosecutable crimes, including felonies, more serious than rape, belong, in a le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able sense that is pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws, to me.

1. Virginia, Merry Christ­mas.

Fair Use applies to use of some of the images on this site. Be advised that DMCA requires formal reg­is­tra­tion of copy­right. Unjustified DMCA filings may be treated as prosecutable crimes.

And will be treated as prosecutable crimes, to the extent that I, as the victim of mul­ti­ple prosecutable crimes that you're in­volved in, am able to see to it.

2. As a separate note, the two photos of Virginia Chang Kiraly in this post are as old as Hell.

What is that, age 25? Virginia, you're of Ken's generation. You're old now, woman. Grandmother type. You look older than Ken's mother Grace.

You're slower than you were, plumper, hair starting to fade. Soon comes the rocking chair. It's time to update the photos. Of course, one of my favorite photos of myself is, admittedly, from the early 1970s.

3. More significantly, Virginia, the filth Jim Kiraly that is your husband Ken's abuser belongs, in a le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able sense that is pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws, to me.

Jim Kiraly is obviously headed, due to medical issues, to the un­dis­cover­ed country. Actually, I figured that a dream which I had in 2016 meant that he was going to go then.

Jim Kiraly Lubrication

I want my abuser, in a le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able sense that is pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws, be­fore his soul goes to serve in its proper role as lubrication for the phallus of his Lord, the fallen angel who awaits with pleasant anticipation Jim's arrival and the high-quality oxidation-resistant oils that the soul will be rendered into.

But, hey, no need to harsh the mellow. Remember that you're the one who raged last week with­out cause. :)

Some of this, Virginia, is your bus­i­ness. This is publicly acknowledged.

In fact, you've been one of the key figures from the start.

Your be­ha­vior circa 2011 to 2012, the degree to which you dehumanized me, the presumptuous nature of your actions, these factors were part and parcel of the pattern of prosecutable crimes, including felonies, that were com­mit­ted.

You're a criminal who helped to smash the life of some­body who was in a wheel­chair, trying to learn to walk again, some­body who asked nothing of you and had no idea initially of what you and the others were planning.

To put it less formally, you're a self-righteous b*tch who cares nothing for decency or for the Law.

If you can manage to be polite, after 7 years, your input will be treated respectfully, regard­less. I trust it's clear that the offer of respect applies to your input as opposed to you as a per­son.

Did it ever occur to you, Miss “I am Entitled”, that you might try politeness? No, I imagine not. I've read about your career. The peo­ple who you've betrayed write to me now and then.

4. Some of this is between your husband, i.e., my baby brother Ken, me, our abuser Jim, and our mother Grace, Jim's primary victim.

In con­texts where it isn't your bus­i­ness, Virginia, perhaps reflect on the magnitude of what was done. Then cut the crap.

5. The toy gun in the photo is being held by a 5-year-old who was pretending to protect infant Ken. His parents had hand­ed the toy gun to him to obtain a cute photo.

Try to portray the photo as an implied “threat” and you'll be mocked for decades. But, of course, that's going to be the case regard­less.

The mockery part is a promise, Little Sister, as opposed to a threat. Say, did you know that I forced Ken's abuser to sign acknowledgment of such a promise in 2013 and thereby to swallow copious amounts of excrementum meum, sapidum et salubri?

I trust that the taste of excrementum meum, a gourmet delight that I'm told Jim and Tom Kiraly paid in the six figures to experience, was yummers.

I do try to keep le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able promises that are pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws. I'm as diligent as pos­si­ble in such con­texts.

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Bob and Ken Kiraly circa 1964
Bob and Ken Kiraly

6. One more thing, Virginia Chang Kiraly. The rising star has fallen to Earth. I doubt that you have resources other than Harmeet Dhillon to call on.

I wouldn't be able to “take” Harmeet Dhillon in Court, but she'd prefer not to step in your smelly puddle of spousal abuse urine and abuse of pro­cess sh*t. Not when the Supreme Court beckons her.

If Harmeet or other attorneys do become in­volved, that will be fine. I'll offer any attorneys the phone num­bers of the last few attorneys that I've dealt with. In some cases, family histories and/or other in­forma­tion of inter­est as well.

Watch your step, Little Sister. Or, in a le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able sense that is pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws, I'll watch it for you.

Kapisch, “Granny” ?

7. Last week, a polite courier tried to deliver a let­ter to Ken Kiraly, VP of Amazon Corporation.

The let­ter was re­la­ted to Jim and Grace Kiraly, formerly of Pismo Beach, CA and Avila Beach, CA and pre­sent­ly of Solvang, CA.

Things work­ed out differently than expect­ed.

8. Originally, one per­son, Ken Kiraly, was sup­posed to see the let­ter. But a change proved to be neces­sary.

I've been told that most of the Gordon Avenue area in Menlo Park, CA has now, for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes that are pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws, re­ceived copies instead.

Thanks, Virginia Chang Kiraly, for making things more com­pli­ca­ted than they need­ed to be.

9. Ken Kiraly is my baby brother. Grace Kiraly is my bio­log­i­cal mother. Jim Kiraly may or may not be my bio­log­i­cal father. Bill Kiraly, Jim's younger brother, may hold that title, but Bill is long dead, so the truth is unclear.

A P.I. in the San Luis Obispo area had expressed concerns to the effect that Jim and Grace might be the victims of title fraud. He added that I should give him money so that he could properly investigate the issue.

I decided to punt the ball to my kind and sensible brothers Ken Kiraly, VP of Amazon, and Tom Kiraly, VP of Hanger, Inc., instead.

Ken Kiraly's phone

10. Ken was appar­ent­ly in Solvang, CA last week to help Jim and Grace set­tle in after a move. But I didn't know that initially.

I only learned about Ken's trip when I noticed that a cellphone with ser­vice based in his residential area had visited this site, Haggis Hell, from Solvang, CA. This seemed con­clu­sive. However, perhaps it was a remarkable coincidence. :P

Virginia Chang Kiraly

11. Whether or not Ken had gone to Solvang, the courier encountered Virginia Chang Kiraly instead of Ken. Virginia block­ed the delivery of the let­ter to her husband and threat­en­ed the courier in the pro­cess.

The courier conveyed the impression of a rude and uncouth woman raging with­out cause.

For the benefit of search engines, this is the West S.F. Bay Area politician — no longer a rising star — who peo­ple feel is the definition of political malfeasance in the area.

Virginia Chang Kiraly

12. People write to me seek­ing “dirt” on Virginia Chang Kiraly. But I can't com­ment authoritatively yet on much besides how she behaves in family con­texts, her integrity, and her mental state.

Which isn't going to change much. Look at national events. Nobody cares about whether or not a politician is mentally ill.

Keywords: Virginia Chang Kiraly, San Mateo County Harbor District Board, Menlo Park Fire Protection District Board, John Woodell, incompatible offices, cell phone theft al­le­ga­tion, Ring the Bell Foundation

13. I'm a practical Old Coder. When I learned of my sister-in-law's crude and potentially violent be­ha­vior, I took the obvious step.

Virginia must have known that she'd left me little choice and what the next le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able move would be. But perhaps she's not as bright as I'd assumed.

I've had a two-page printed docu­ment delivered, for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes that are pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws, to pretty much everybody who lived within shouting distance of Virginia's shouting and pouting.

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Virginia Chang Kiraly insisted on a mass delivery
Dancing Crowd

14. Or, at least, the mass delivery has supposedly hap­pen­ed.

I have no proof yet that the deliveries were made suc­cess­ful­ly. It's not inconceivable that Virginia learned of them and took steps to intercept the doc­u­ments.

The last part seems unlike­ly. It would probably be a prosecutable crime of some type. But, then, prosecutable crimes are nothing new to my beloved family members.

If the mass delivery, the one conducted by drop-off, hasn't taken place, the next step will probably be snail-mail, for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes that are pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws, to perhaps 500 residences, businesses, and government offices in the area.

15. To down­load a PDF copy of the let­ter that has been delivered to much of the Gordon Avenue area in Menlo Park, CA, click on the fol­low­ing link:


To browse the let­ter, sim­ply scroll down. It's pasted in HTML form be­low.

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Tom and Bob Kiraly circa 1962
Tom and Bob Kiraly

1st page of let­ter delivered to Menlo Park Residents

This is a minor matter. Whether you're able to help or not, thanks for your time.

L1. Ken Kiraly's parents Jim and Grace are elderly. Presently, they're in Solvang, CA, though they may relocate to Texas or to your area. Ken seems to have been in Solvang to visit them. He may or may not have return­ed.

L2. A P.I. — one who was in­volved in the famous Wallace Rice gangster case of the 1970s — has notified me that Jim and Grace may be the victims of title fraud.

I'm not convinced that there's an issue. Feel free to review more about the situation, and about me if you like, at the fol­low­ing web­sites (two of the sites are identical):

L3. I'm Ken's oldest brother, Robert (the Old Coder). I don't have close dealings with Jim and Grace due to the fact that Jim used to abuse Grace and two of his sons.

From 2012 to 2013, Jim sought a gag order to prevent me from talking about the issue. The funny part is that I wasn't going to say a word.

There were two legal cases. I was es­sen­tial­ly a Pro-Per, but I managed to mop up the floor with the Plaintiffs, Jim and another brother, Tom. They spent, I'm told, in the $100,000s but they got nothing from me as far as the gag order went.

The cases lasted a year. There was no Court set­tle­ment in the usual sense; the Court declined to be in­volved.

There were private agree­ments in which I promised to talk as loudly as pos­si­ble for the rest of everybody's lives. I've tried to keep the promise. I hope to do bet­ter in the years to come.

Jim Kiraly Christmas Love

I need to sue Jim be­fore he kicks the bucket. I have mul­ti­ple causes of action. Defamation is one option, since this has occurred continuously; there are no applicable deadlines. Protected Action, too, isn't rele­vant to post-case defamation. I'll at least be able to get the story into the public record. That is what is most important.

Ken wasn't a formal party to the cases, but he participated in re­la­ted prosecutable crimes. I'll sue him and Tom in due course.

L4. We're not like the Waltons (a 1970s reference). So, I'm going to pass the ball on the title fraud issue to Ken and Tom and let them look into it. I'm not going to invest lim­it­ed resources in P.I.s for such a pur­pose.

I lost my home of 25 years, my retirement, and most of my possessions, by the way, to the year-long gag-order cases.

Kiraly Christmas Love

L5. If Ken or Virginia have made any statements to you contradicting the preceding, I'd like to know about it. This will pro­vide me with add­i­tion­al grounds for defamation actions. Such statements are false.

Jim beat up Grace and me. This is a fact. Ken wasn't afraid of Jim, despite being about as large as a mouse, but I once had to smash my hand in a car door to distract the two of them when things turned ugly.

Grace Kiraly of Solvang, CA

Grace, for her part, was never afraid of Jim, but there were periods where she'd lay passed out after too much gin, small children wandering here and there. She was mostly irritated for decades. Jim was just a large violent toddler. I never understood this and was terrified.

For those of you who know who Ken is — he's allegedly the lead de­vel­op­er of the Kindle — I'm the one who taught him to walk as a baby, to drive a car as a boy, and to code in ‘C'; the one who got him his first job; and the one who provided him with housing rent-free for two years.

Google Multiscope. I invested more than Ken did initially in that startup to show my faith. He had to increase his share to avoid embarrassment.

Ken is genius level, just one tier be­low me, but he's a sociopath. Snake eyes look out from behind a human mask. Beloved baby brother.

L6. Virginia Chang Kiraly is my sister-in-law and a politician in your area. She's often in the headlines due to al­le­ga­tions of crimes and malfeasance. On Decem­ber 12, 2018, she made raging threats against a polite courier who was trying to deliver a let­ter about the title fraud. She may have com­mit­ted a crime in the pro­cess.

Whatever. My request is that, if you can, get this two-page docu­ment to Ken after he returns from Solvang.

2nd page of let­ter delivered to Menlo Park Residents

ATTN: My baby brother, Ken Kiraly (VP of Amazon Corporation and lead at Lab126):

L7. I've been told by a P.I. that he believes Jim and Grace Kiraly may be the victims of title fraud.

I have doubts about the P.I.'s conclusions. He strikes me as shady despite a past career as a District Attorney — he prosecuted a gangster in a case that was made into a movie — but you're invited to review his report.

That part is posted on my weblog. I trust that you'll be able to find it.

L8. If I don't receive a polite and clear state­ment to the effect that there is no title fraud, it will be appropriate for me to communicate with police, county officials, churches, nursing-home staff, professional organ­i­za­tions, past and present neighbors, newspapers, Harvey Levenson, and others in rele­vant jurisdictions; i.e., Solvang, Avila Beach, SLO in general, and such areas as Jim may travel to. The history of the situation will, of course, need to be dis­cus­sed in detail.

Communications of var­ious types will, of course, be appropriate, regard­less.

Grace Kiraly of Solvang, CA

L9. I'm more concerned about a state­ment by the P.I. to the effect that a relocation to Solvang, CA, with one or both of the couple now reportedly residents of a nursing home, is re­la­ted more to Grace's health than to Jim's.

This is unexpec­ted. Grace was sup­posed to be good for another decade. If Grace passes away, Jim isn't like­ly to last more than a month or two with­out her. How much of the P.I.'s story is true?

L10. The closure that is appropriate won't be gone entirely. I'll still have family members such as Tom Kiraly and you with whom to share fond remembrances of 2012 to 2013 and the loss of my home of 25 years, my life savings, my retirement, and most of the books that the boy loved, including the Universal Anthology that your grand­father had owned as a youth 100 years be­fore.

Able to feel enough, cold snake, to imagine what it was like?

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Ivan Kmeta's set of the Universal Anthology, 1890s, lost to the cases
Ivan Kmeta's Books

L11. But, really, I need to sue your abuser's *ss be­fore he goes. Tom and you can wait; both of you are in bet­ter shape medically than Jim is. I have causes of action re­la­ted to all three of you, by the way, despite the passage of time.

Your own legal pos­i­tion is weaker than Tom's is in one respect. You weren't formally a party to the abuse of pro­cess cases. Your statements were used illegally. This may have implications.

Jim Kiraly of Solvang, CA

L12. So, has Jim had him­self declared incompetent or does he intend to do so? If he has, what individual is in charge of him? I assume that this is the per­son who will need to be served.

And is Jim a resident of the nursing home or is he staying nearby? Or is he going to Texas or the Bay Area? Or to the property that you and Virginia bought?

L13. Attempts to foreclose lit­i­ga­tion on an “a priori” basis using preemptive abuse of pro­cess, “vexatious litigant”, “statute of limitations”, or perjury re­la­ted to “harassment” or “elder abuse” will backfire.

Nothing will obliviate my right to respond to the prosecutable crimes that have been com­mit­ted. “A priori” went badly for our abuser in 2012. It'll be worse this time.

In 2012, I had no idea of what was going on. I nearly died. But I've had what amounts to 6 years of special education now. It's been a lovely period.

I'm going to get the prosecutable crimes that were com­mit­ted by Jim, Tom, and others into the public record. Printed copies of the paper­work will be circulated, for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes that are pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws, to appropriate organ­i­za­tions, groups, and indi­vid­uals. For decades.

Grace Kiraly of Solvang, CA

L14. I trust that your wife Virginia Chang Kiraly and my nephews on your side, Paul and James, are well and that the four of you are enjoying a cheerful Holiday Season.

Be sure to convey Season's Greetings to Jim, the elder, and his victim Grace. Include your quick-witted brother Tom Kiraly, VP of Hanger, Inc.

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Ken and Bob Kiraly, front. Scott and Grace, back.
Ken and Bob Kiraly

Let peo­ple know of my concerns for the well-being of our parents and my considerate attention to re­la­ted details. Merry Christ­mas.

Regards, Robert (the Old Coder)

P.S. Get Virginia's frothing at the mouth under control.

If polite couriers are threat­en­ed again, I'll consider a small initial lawsuit which should make it pos­si­ble for me to send retired, or pos­si­bly active, Law Enforcement to your res­i­dence and/or office, in a pro­cess server context, to handle things appropriately.

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Merry Kiraly Christmas

181213 Thursday — Virginia Kiraly Chang Likes Pots to Bang

181213. Virginia Kiraly Chang Likes Pots to Bang.

From Twitter.

Note to Ken #Kiraly VP of @Amazon:
Ken, get Virginia Kiraly's frothing at the mouth under control. She threat­en­ed a polite courier and I'm going to use that.
It must have occurred to you that I had a le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able Plan B that was pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws.

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Virginia Chang Kiraly was less than entirely polite on the occas­ion in question
Polite and courteous sister-in-law

181213 Thursday — Kiralys on the Move

181213. Kiralys on the Move.

From Twitter.

Well, now :-)

IPV4 is Comcast in San Mateo. sfba.hfc. But user's #phone was in Solvang, CA this week.
He looks at Haggis Hell offline. Oops, [he] missed some­thing :-) Reads about Virginia and Olga.

Merry Christ­mas to little brother Ken #Kiraly or wife Virginia.

P.S.: Ken, are you there to help Jim and Grace set­tle in? I need to sue Jim be­fore he goes. And I need to have a re­la­ted document delivered to you and Tom.

The docu­ment will be posted here and perhaps delivered, for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws, to third parties of dif­fer­ent types.

As a le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able technical note, did you know that your abuser used to give me updated copies of the address list that he was so obsessed with keeping as complete as possible?

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Ken Kiraly and Virginia Chang Kiraly look good, but it's time to update the photos of her as a 25-year old.
Ken and Virginia Kiraly

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