Are you ready to go down the rabbit hole? To visit a surreal world, where black is white and white is carrots?
A friend, Metacognician in Shanghai, describes the situation as follows: “Life is more absurd than movies. I've gone down the rabbit hole too, when it just becomes more and more strange and you wonder how that all is supposed to make sense.” I asked him if I should just embrace it. He answered, “Why should you ... change the universe?”
It started with a psychotic named Jim Kiraly who resides, we think, at 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, California.
Jim Kiraly is a respected citizen. A churchgoer. A Vice President of Transamerica Corporation. And a violent abuser who tried to use an emergency anti-violence measure, one intended to protect battered women, to stop his victim in a wheelchair from writing a book.
Concise enough?
For attorneys: Jim Kiraly filed for CLETS against his son and victim, who lived 200 miles away, did not own a car, and was in a wheelchair. His son and victim was not asked to end communications. Jim had no (zero) specific and relevant allegations that were not perjury. But he turned down repeated offers of no-contact and a signed stipulation that gave him everything but CLETS. He insisted on CLETS if his victim ever once “discussed” him with third parties.
In the end, Jim Kiraly signed an agreement far weaker than the ones he'd been offered.
A review of Court paperwork and other materials will tend to
confirm that Jim and other parties, including attorneys on all
sides, committed multiple felonies, crimes, and faux pas.
The word “abuser” is stated here publicly and without equivocation. A formal offer is hereby made to reaffirm the word in writing and under oath. Attorneys will understand the significance of the point. In short, there is little terror of a threatened defamation suit on this side. Actually, we feel that such a suit will fit nicely up Jim Kiraly's abuser ass.
Jim has one son, Ken Kiraly, who invented the Amazon Kindle and is one of the leads at Amazon's secret Lab126. Another son, Tom Kiraly is one of the leads, a Vice President-CFO type, at medical insurance firms, including one of the largest, Humana Corporation.
These people and some of the biggest names in Silicon Valley legal circles have committed or are involved in multiple crimes.
For the next decade or two, we're going to explore the crimes that these people committed, the motivations and the denial involved, the background and histories that led each person to make the choices that they did, and ways to build upon what happened and move towards positive societal goals.
There's plenty to go over. These people committed or were involved in: Spousal abuse, child abuse, DDOS (a highly prosecutable violation of CFAA), extortion, perjury, conspiracy to commit perjury (a possible felony), false police reports, conspiracy to file false police reports (a possible felony), unlawful threats, barratry, defamation, malpractice, civil harassment, criminal harassment, abuse of process, and violations of SCCBA Professional Standards.
The point was to force Jim's oldest son and victim, me, to sign a gag order. I was in a wheelchair. I'd never made a single inappropriate threat against my abuser. I wasn't even asked to not to call anybody. But Jim threatened to put me in a violence database unless I agreed never to write about him.
I won the right to write, but I lost my home of 25 years, most of my possessions, my chances for retirement, everything. Everything but a realization.
I can make a difference. I can conduct research for legitimate and reasonable purposes, document what happened, and analyze the choices of the people involved:
- Jim Kiraly, abuser. Possibly Treasurer at St. Johns Lutheran Church. Vice President of Transamerica Corporation. Also connected to New Life Pismo Church. Involved with Service Core for Retired Executives (SCORE).
- Grace Kiraly, abuse victim and Christ Follower.
- Tom Kiraly, abuse victim, VP or CFO of firms such as Hanger Inc., Humana Corporation, and Sheridan Healthcare.
- Gail Cheda, slightly demented Realtor, spittle flying.
- Ken Kiraly, abuse victim, inventor of the Amazon Kindle, lead at Amazon's secret Lab126, sociopath.
- Tom Stutzman of Thomas Chase Stutzman, a Family Law attorney whose hobbies include martial arts and alleged sexual harassment
- John Perrott of Thomas Chase Stutzman, a personable albeit lazy Family Law attorney who has a slight tendency towards fraud and malpractice
- Chris Burdick, head of the Santa Clara County Bar Association (SCCBA). Chris, you broke a written promise to speak with me because, you said, we had “Prior...” You didn't finish the sentence. Were you worried that I might take false statements to the State Bar? What's the deal with you and Hoge Fenton, anyway? What will we find if we dig?
- Michael Bonetto of Hoge Fenton. Michael, seriously, what are you?
- Alison Buchanan of Hoge Fenton, ethics specialist. Alison, did you contribute to the SCCBA Professional Standards, or was that before your time?
- Tracie Zerr of Thomas Chase Stutzman, a woman of boundless intelligence and sensitivity.
- Maggie Desmond of Hoge Fenton. Maggie, information, please. What is your role in Hoge Fenton's campaign to hush victims of abuse? When the clients that you've protected beat up women, how do you compartmentalize?
Maggie told me that she didn't know what she could say to me about what happened. However, we have decades to work it out. It will be productive. I'd like to direct the attention of attorneys and other parties to the:
Legitimate and Reasonable Purposes List
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The point? “The story is already out there, idiots. Keep it up and I'll demonstrate how something known as decentralized distribution works.”
Monday 2012-12-03 — Letter to my attorney
121203. This is a new letter to my attorney; sent on Monday 121203. This copy has been edited for length. Steps to take 1. Payment. Provide me with cost estimates for the current steps. Tell Thomas S. that we're discussing the estimates. 2. Employment Declaration. You should have received that document today. Proceed as we've discussed. 3. Subpoena Grace Kiraly. May we proceed with the subpoena? If possible, use wording which makes it clear that my mother, Grace Kiraly, will need to be questioned for the record regarding a number of issues: The fact that Grace Kiraly's husband, James Kiraly, suffered from emotional problems and was physically violent at times; the fact that discussions prior to the end of 2011 with James and Grace were 100% consensual; the fact that Grace abrogated the only request not to communicate that was ever made by any party; the fact that Grace not only abrogated the request, she traveled hundreds of miles to do so in person; the fact that Grace gave me permission to phone Pastor Ron at her church. The fact that no request for money was ever made or implied; the fact that I responded with a strong negative when Grace herself brought up money; the fact that I was threatened with the police immediately after I requested help with a book that I was working on; and other facts that Michael Bonetto of Hoge Fenton may find inconvenient. 4. Meet and Confer. 5. Motion to Limit Scope. 6. Interrogatories and Admissions of Truth. 7. New Demands for Production of Evidence. 8. Notify OPC. In the interests of transparency, Michael Bonetto should be advised that he himself has provided me with all of the addresses that I was ordered not to seek. For example, the Pismo Beach, California address for James and Grace Kiraly; the Glenview, Kentucky address for Thomas and Karen Kiraly; and the Middleton, Wisconsin address for Riane Kiraly. Therefore the order not to seek these addresses is arguably moot. For other parties who may read this letter on the Kiraly Christ Follower site, Riane Kiraly is the girl whose theft of a dollar at age seven led, in part, to this odd situation. As a related note, and again in the interests of transparency, the document in which Michael provided the Kiraly addresses has been posted online. For more about the sites, see the Appendix towards the end of this letter. 9. Subpoena Unredacted Phone Records. For James and Grace Kiraly, we should seek records of local calls as well as long distance; i.e., calls to the Pismo Beach area where Michael Bonetto indicates that they reside. Photocopies of phone bills won't show local numbers. The subpoena needs to go to the phone company. We also need phone records for Thomas Kiraly. Long-distance records should be sufficient in Thomas's case. I don't think we presently need calls that Thomas made to the Glenview, Kentucky area where Michael Bonetto says that Thomas lives. 10. Torts Actions. I'd like to request additional advice related to torts actions based on abuse of process. 11. Next Settlement Offer. I've reviewed the recent “offer” from Michael Bonetto. The unusual document which demands that I never “discuss” the Kiralys with third parties and that seeks to impose a penalty of thousands of dollars per discussion. Seeks the takedown of site content as well. Limits that dramatically expand the scope of the original orders. I'd like to make a formal counter-offer. Our counter-offer will be quite reasonable. One requirement is that any limitation that is not imposed by the original orders is ruled out. Another requirement is that James Kiraly, a former abuser who is actively seeking to prevent work on a positive book, will formally acknowledge a number of facts. May I send you a detailed outline and is it possible for the offer to be made? Appendix: Remarks About the Sites 12. Michael Bonetto demands that I remove his name from the content of my sites. The content as opposed to the domain names. To be clear, this will never happen. Michael, by virtue of his decisions, is part of the story and this will continue to be the case. Michael should be advised that documents related to the Kiraly Cases are starting to move online. Eventually, everything related to the Kiralys' attempts to quietly cover things up will be there. Regardless of the outcome, Long Cause will not end the distribution of the facts. As a related note, see remarks about mirror sites made in the past. Over time, Internet presence will include a lawful and appropriate biography of Michael as well as one for each of the Kiralys. An attempt will be made to analyze each person's life and to understand how he or she could make the decisions that he or she did. Decisions to promote the mistreatment of women and children. Decisions to look away from the truth. To look instead into the mirror and say to one's reflection, “I see a hero”. |