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Are you ready to go down the rabbit hole? To visit a surreal world, where black is white and white is carrots?

A friend, Metacognician in Shanghai, describes the situation as follows: “Life is more absurd than movies. I've gone down the rabbit hole too, when it just becomes more and more strange and you wonder how that all is supposed to make sense.” I asked him if I should just embrace it. He answered, “Why should you ... change the universe?”

It started with a psychotic named Jim Kiraly who resides, we think, at 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, California.

Jim Kiraly is a respected citizen. A churchgoer. A Vice President of Transamerica Corporation. And a violent abuser who tried to use an emergency anti-violence measure, one intended to protect battered women, to stop his victim in a wheelchair from writing a book.

Concise enough? :)

For attorneys: Jim Kiraly filed for CLETS against his son and victim, who lived 200 miles away, did not own a car, and was in a wheelchair. His son and victim was not asked to end communications. Jim had no (zero) specific and relevant allegations that were not perjury. But he turned down repeated offers of no-contact and a signed stipulation that gave him everything but CLETS. He insisted on CLETS if his victim ever once “discussed” him with third parties.

In the end, Jim Kiraly signed an agreement far weaker than the ones he'd been offered.

A review of Court paperwork and other materials will tend to confirm that Jim and other parties, including attorneys on all sides, committed multiple felonies, crimes, and faux pas. :P

The word “abuser” is stated here publicly and without equivocation. A formal offer is hereby made to reaffirm the word in writing and under oath. Attorneys will understand the significance of the point. In short, there is little terror of a threatened defamation suit on this side. Actually, we feel that such a suit will fit nicely up Jim Kiraly's abuser ass.

Jim has one son, Ken Kiraly, who invented the Amazon Kindle and is one of the leads at Amazon's secret Lab126. Another son, Tom Kiraly is one of the leads, a Vice President-CFO type, at medical insurance firms, including one of the largest, Humana Corporation.

These people and some of the biggest names in Silicon Valley legal circles have committed or are involved in multiple crimes.

For the next decade or two, we're going to explore the crimes that these people committed, the motivations and the denial involved, the background and histories that led each person to make the choices that they did, and ways to build upon what happened and move towards positive societal goals.

There's plenty to go over. These people committed or were involved in: Spousal abuse, child abuse, DDOS (a highly prosecutable violation of CFAA), extortion, perjury, conspiracy to commit perjury (a possible felony), false police reports, conspiracy to file false police reports (a possible felony), unlawful threats, barratry, defamation, malpractice, civil harassment, criminal harassment, abuse of process, and violations of SCCBA Professional Standards.

The point was to force Jim's oldest son and victim, me, to sign a gag order. I was in a wheelchair. I'd never made a single inappropriate threat against my abuser. I wasn't even asked to not to call anybody. But Jim threatened to put me in a violence database unless I agreed never to write about him.

I won the right to write, but I lost my home of 25 years, most of my possessions, my chances for retirement, everything. Everything but a realization.

I can make a difference. I can conduct research for legitimate and reasonable purposes, document what happened, and analyze the choices of the people involved:

Maggie told me that she didn't know what she could say to me about what happened. However, we have decades to work it out. It will be productive. I'd like to direct the attention of attorneys and other parties to the:

Legitimate and Reasonable Purposes List

Questions or comments are welcome. For technical notes and disclaimers, click here.

Free Downloads

The current free ebook is located at this link:

For details about the ebook, click here.

The point? “The story is already out there, idiots. Keep it up and I'll demonstrate how something known as decentralized distribution works.”


Monday 2012-12-03 — Make Haste to Database

121203. Blue Dream is presently learning PHP5 plus MySQL. Mryddin wrote some sample code for him. I cleaned up the code and modified it for Blue Dream's evolving music site.

Here's the code. It may not be useful without more pieces from the framework that's coming together, but perhaps it will be interesting as an example:

ympprofile.php code


Sunday 2012-12-02 — Database sharding

121202. I've done some research into technology known as database sharding recently. If you're interested in the subject, here are links for six web pages I've written that are related to the work:

Database Sharding:

Debian LEMP System Setup:

Gearman Setup:

MySQL Proxy:

MySQL Remote Access:

Shard Query:


Tuesday 2012-11-27 — CLI FTP Download Tool

121127. Tactician needed a simple way to download a file via FTP under Ubuntu. I gave him the following commands, which may be useful to others. They should work under most Debian-family distros:

sudo apt-get install wget
sudo wget --user='USER' --password='PASS' \

USER and PASS here should be replaced with the appropriate FTP user name and password. The ftp://... part should be replaced with the appropriate FTP URL.


Tuesday 2012-11-20 — Mint Freshness

121120. I helped DNA, a patent attorney, recently with his laptop. Basically, I upgraded his laptop from an old Ubuntu (10.04 Lucid Lynx) to a new Linux Mint (13 Maya). Today, I did a bit more. For people interested in Linux Mint, here's what was involved:

  1. DNA's Start Menu disappeared at some point after the initial work. This happened because his desktop switched somehow from MATE to Gnome 3. I switched the desktop back to MATE using a checkbox that I found on the system login screen.

  2. DNA wanted his regular IT person to be able to access the desktop from an external system. To address the issue, I installed xrdp on DNA's laptop. As a test, I ran rdesktop on my own PC and used it to display a desktop running on the laptop.

    One change was needed: xrdp didn't work correctly until I created a file named $HOME/.xsession in DNA's home directory. The file consisted of a single-line command that read as follows:

  3. DNA wanted to be able to run a copy of the old Ubuntu (10.04 Lucid Lynx) that he'd had in the past. Not necessarily on a daily basis but he requested support for this mode as a fallback option.

    This part was easy because I'd added a VirtualBox virtual machine version of 10.04 Lucid Lynx to DNA's laptop previously. I verified that the virtual machine was operational, made a backup copy, and showed DNA how to start the main copy.


Monday 2012-11-12 — NDA Hooray

This post may only be interesting to developers.

121112. I needed to sign an NDA for Phenek. More was involved than I expected. For those interested in technical notes, the NDA steps unfolded as follows:

  1. Phenek emailed me a PDF that contained an NDA. But Yahoo Mail, the account that I used, was broken. Attachments couldn't be downloaded today. I spent some time trying to debug the problem. However, it was entirely on Yahoo's side and couldn't be fixed. In the end, I forwarded the PDF to an account at another mail host and was able to get it from there.

  2. I printed the document using my Samsung ML-2545, which has proved to be quite nice, initialed each page, and signed and dated the last one.

  3. I scanned the pages I'd worked on. Or tried to. Newer versions of sane-backends were broken and didn't work. But I downgraded to release 1.0.19 and then I was able to scan.

  4. I used the GIMP and ImageMagick to crop and scale the scans, and to merge them into a new PDF document, which I then emailed to Phenek.