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190302 Saturday — Status Report is the Short Retort

190302. Status Report is the Short Retort.

This is a status report re­la­ted to family members and Gag Order Cases matters. As a bonus, there's a sup­por­tive message to Grace Kiraly in case she's dying. If she's passed away, perhaps it'll pro­vide some comfort to Jim Kiraly.

1. Arroyo Grande Give 'Em a Hand.

A visitor from the Arroyo Grande area continues to stop by looking for updates. He or she should be advised that the RSS feed is an option:

2. P.I.s. Oh Mys.

I declined to pay Keith Krasnove, P.I., to look closer at the title fraud which he'd said was taking place in con­nec­tion with Jim and Grace Kiraly's Avila Beach res­i­dence.

I'm work­ing with a dif­fer­ent P.I.'s office now on research that requires a S.F. Bay Area presence. I've been talking to that office since be­fore Christmas, but we didn't get rolling until last week.

I have a call to a third P.I., one who seems to have a strong resume, scheduled for next week. I'm looking for some­body to dig into goings-on in both Solvang, CA and Austin, TX, and perhaps the third P.I. will be able to help.

3. Location vocation.

Keith Krasnove was firm in stating that my parents, Jim and Grace Kiraly, had relocated to 636 Atterdag Road, Solvang, CA in the 93463 ZIP code area.

He added three phone num­bers, list­ed below, as well, but they're probably all disconnected now:

805-556-0301 (Landline)
805-595-2890 (Mobile)
562-241-1904 (Mobile)

These are separate from the community's office phone num­bers, which are not in ques­tion. For the key elements of this part of the P.I.'s report, see the fol­low­ing PDF:


4. Are the Royal On or Off the Mortal Coil.

I be­lieve most of Keith Krasnove's report, though I feel he may have been playing up the title fraud angle a bit to pad his pockets.

However, I need to confirm, for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes including but not lim­it­ed to filial concern re­la­ted to al­le­ga­tions of title fraud, that Jim and Grace are still resident at 636 Atterdag Road.

And that, in fact, neither per­son has succumbed to age.

5. Love is a Dove from Above.

I'm hopeful that both parties are well. Contrary to past al­le­ga­tions, which were never spelled out but which were used to smash up my life "real good", I'd like for both parties to live for years to come.

This will make it pos­si­ble for the depths of respect and filial devotion that exist to be demonstrated in full measure.

Jim and Grace Kiraly were both alive as of Christ­mas 2018. It's been scarcely more than two months since then.

So, if one of the couple has passed away, I'm comforted by the thought that the other is still here.

But is the “still here” in Solvang, CA? Or has the surviving party gone to Menlo Park, CA, to Austin, TX, or to the States of Michigan, Minnesota, or Kentucky?

No need to pray
Love will find a way
Love will keep us together
No matter what the weather

6. Goodbye, Grace. Have a nice trip.

I'd thought that Jim would be the first to go. I'm sure that everybody did. How many strokes is the wife beater who's in­volved in half a dozen prosecutable crimes up to?

However, Jim's and Grace's neighbors said that the move to Solvang, CA was about Grace's health, not Jim's.

If Grace Kiraly is dying, I'd like to offer her a posi­tive thought as she heads for the exit. This is what Christ is going to tell her:

You're the failed crop, the seed that came up wrong
You've been measured, you're not to be treasured
You're the chaff, the part that doesn't belong

Grace, you'll never see Ivan or Olga or Eddie or Anatol again. Or Jim. Jim and you have dif­fer­ent destinations.

Suspended in falsehood, Grace in body drifts to eternal sleep
Becomes her lying soul, but it isn't hers to keep
Inside the plain that is Lucifer she wanders
No thoughts disturb her nor does she ponders

The mountain winds blow past Grace blow
She shudders at the sensations from head to toe
The power of falseness transforms her eyes
She sees into the lies of things and sighs

Grace is perplexed as recognitions are painted
But the recognitions grow dim and fainted
The picture of the mind's eye revives
At last only a sense of pleasure survives

Thoughts that in this moment there is no race
Lies enter Lucifer and brush gently against Grace
Wild ecstasies mature into sober and deeper pleasure
This moment out of Eternity is the one to treasure

Memory becomes a mansion, Time is no longer a thief
There is no solitude, or fear, or pain, or grief
With healing lies of tender joy
Grace remembers a past blessed for every girl and boy

The pleasure builds; to forever it belongs
Grace Kiraly's soul bursts into songs
A thousand souls respond and add to the polls
Ten thousand souls... One million souls...

Lucifer, startled, opens his eyes
The explana­tion he's unable to surmise
Lucifer's eyes grow wide
At last, he too sings with pride

7. Coincidence maybe. Let's dance, baby.

7.1. Haggis Hell had a visitor the other day from Bethany Lutheran College, MN.

I wondered if that might be a clue, as Jim and Grace are supposedly living next door to Bethany (Bethania) Lutheran Church in Solvang, CA.

However, Bethany Lutheran College tells me that there isn't a formal con­nec­tion between them and the Church. And Bethany Lutheran is a common name. Still, it's an interesting coincidence.

7.2. I could ask peo­ple living at or next to 636 Atterdag Road if Jim and Grace are present at that address and what their medical status is.

Snail-mail to the com­mun­i­ty goes through the central office. Bulk mail to the residents should be pos­si­ble, but it might be simpler for all concerned if I sim­ply phone the residents to make le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able inquiries.

7.3. If Jim and Grace are still at 636 Atterdag Road, I trust that they have adequate spiritual sup­port.

The assisted-living com­mun­i­ty doesn't have its own church. Bethania Lutheran, as I'd suspected, is the closest and many residents go there.

However, some residents participate in private or semi-public devotionals on-site. Others go to churches besides Bethania Lutheran.

One of the leaders at Bethania Lutheran is on the Board of the com­mun­i­ty. It's my un­der­stand­ing that I could talk to him to obtain more in­forma­tion.

Or to dis­cuss spiritual matters. Just as I did with the pastor at New Life Pismo 7 years ago.

7.4. I need more data to work with.

Perhaps it would work best if I relocated temporarily to the Solvang, CA area to oversee le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able research by P.I.s for pur­poses that are pro­tect­ed by U.S. laws.

I'd feel silly if it turned out that Grace Kiraly had died and the man who beat her up once or twice and controlled her for decades, Jim Kiraly, had skipped town.

But, you know, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

8. Dance the Lamdata.

For P.I.s and others who are inter­est­ed in assisting with efforts re­la­ted to an elderly couple's well-being, add­i­tion­al information includes:

Jim Kiraly:
Full name: James Francis Kiraly
Mother's maiden name: Varsa
DOB: May 10, 1933
SSN: 038-20-8134
Grace Kiraly:
Full name: Grace Violet Kmeta Kiraly
Mother's maiden name: Kerechanko
DOB: Oct 01, 1933
SSN: 556-40-1879

There are dozens of links on this site to pages re­la­ted to le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes for disclosure of in­forma­tion as well as disclosure of SSNs in par­tic­u­lar.

I'm physically and emo­tion­al­ly weary tonight for mul­ti­ple reasons. Not going to look right now for the links to copy-paste.

If you're inter­est­ed in the preceding points, scroll down or just look at the navigation bar.

Your phone or window is too narrow for the image. If it's a phone, try rotating the phone or switching to a PC. Or click here to go to a copy that may be zoomable.
Eddie, Olga, and Grace Kmeta circa 1951
Eddie, Olga, and Grace Kmeta circa 1951

181007 Sunday — SLO On With the Show.

181007. SLO On With the Show.

I'd like to thank my Mac OS X friend at for confirming that he or she reads my Twitter. I try to make that feed informative and perhaps I've succeeded :)

One thing that's odd is that I see the iPhone at in use in the same minute at one point today (1:15pm PT) as the Mac OS X PC.

My visitor seems to have used the iPhone for about 20 minutes and then switched, for just a few minutes more, to the other machine or device.

Perhaps it isn't the same per­son, after all. If it isn't the same per­son, though, it's two peo­ple who are close­ly associated.

Jim Kiraly Phone Friends

I've had that happen be­fore. One per­son will look at the sites, phone another per­son, and they'll go over things together. Sometimes I can fol­low the calls in real time.

The Mac OS X visitor start­ed at 6:11am PT today. WTH. Switched to cellphone, if it's the same per­son, at 7:38am PT.

The iPhone visited a few times throughout the morning. Then there was a switch again to Mac OS X at 1:15pm PT.

No firm conclusions yet.

I've known for years that Jim Kiraly, other family members, and/or their as­soc­i­ates were reading the sites.

It's dif­fi­cult to miss when some­body tries to read an offline copy, presses the wrong link, and sends me his Windows dir­ec­tory structure.

That's hap­pen­ed more than once, folks. :)

By the way, Google Cache isn't actu­al­ly a proxy. I can see some accesses there. To maximize anonymity, you need to use Tor or a VPN. And that, of course, is a step that may attract attention in and of it­self.

This reminds me.


This site is pleased to use such new technologies re­la­ted to the gather­ing of in­forma­tion as may become available.

As a re­la­ted note, visits to this site constitute agree­ment to the installation, with­out further notice, of software or edits to system con­fig­ur­a­tion of such types as site owner may deem it appropriate to install.

The latter point will be moved, in due course, to the site notices.

But who is so inter­est­ed right now?

Jim Kiraly Dawn is a Feeling

The num­ber of visits, combined with a 6:11am PT start today — lit­er­al­ly dawn — bespeaks more than idle curiosity.

If this is an attorney or an assistant who's accustomed to this sort of thing — or both — the patterns don't seem quite right.

Friends or neighbors of the Kiralys would be inter­est­ed, but not so inter­est­ed, and the majority — at least in the Kiralys' past locations — are already familiar with the prosecutable crimes com­mit­ted by the peo­ple in ques­tion.

Christ's opposition to wife-beater Jim Kiraly is unstoppable

As a tech­ni­cal note, this site is prepared to move on short notice to Dubai or Viet Nam. Or to split, for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able pur­poses protected under U.S. laws, into a dozen independent copies.

Or to transition to decentralized distribution. Or to move to the Onion frame­work. It's about time that that step was taken. At the Onion level, with proper setup, the site will outlive me and everybody else in­volved.

The Anonymous group is an option as well. Actually, I should have talked to them long since.

Ideally, the remarkable story of the Kiraly Gag Order Cases will live on. In the end, perhaps it will make a dif­fer­ence.

Jim Kiraly of Avila Beach

The thought that I might help to send even one future wife beater such as Jim Kiraly of the San Luis Obispo area to prison for attempting to extort a gag order... the thought is cheerful.

It makes me smile.

The attorneys in­volved, in the orig­in­al 2012 to 2013 cases, should be in prison as well. But the Free Speech story of their lives, their careers, and the decisions that they made will promote posi­tive social goals in and of it­self.

181006 Saturday — Nipomo Homes and Sherlock Holmes

181006. Nipomo Homes and Sherlock Holmes.

We've been seeing more visits than usual from Nipomo, CA, Arroyo Grande, CA, and other cities in the area. So, I've taken a look to see what data loose could be shook.

One of the IPV4s in­volved is Apple iPhone with a 414 by 736 display.

On 181006, three databases geolocated the IPV4 as fol­lows. Note that consumer-grade geolocation is inaccurate. Additionally, the location of an IPV4 may change from day to day.

01:(35.0298 -120.4894) 02:(35.2827 -120.6596)
03:(35.2565 -120.6210) 04:(35.2828 -120.6600)
05:(35.1665 -120.4376)

The ISPs men­tion­ed were Spectrum and/or Charter Communications in each case.

Google sug­gest­ed that #01 was at 271 Ponder*** Place in Nipomo.

I'd have stopped there, due to the inaccuracies of geolocation. However, I noticed that that address is the home of an LLC named HUBB5 Financials which was created on September 15, 2016.

This is a period dur­ing which Jim Kiraly may have been looking into such setups. The LLC had, add­i­tion­al­ly hidden, its members. But further research turned up the surname of a principle, Hubble, which was con­sis­tent with the LLC name.

Nothing to see here.

#02 was a SLO bus­i­ness named Ferro Mobius. Some sort of architecture company.

#03 seemed to be in a lake. Splash. #04 was at the San Luis Diagnostic Center, not far from Ferro Mobius. And #05 seemed to be a POP or repeater out in the wilderness.

So, nothing con­clu­sive or use­ful here, either.

Another visitor con­nec­ted multiple times from The OS was Mac OS X in this case. He or she used both Safari and Chrome.

Display size showed up as 1280x800. This seems too low for a monitor. But cellphones and tables don't run Mac OS X or do they?

On 181006, geolocation databases showed these records for

06:(35.3172 -120.8333) 07:(35.2827 -120.6596)
08:(35.2565 -120.6210) 09:(35.2904 -120.8101)
10:(35.2828 -120.6600)

Now, it gets slightly interesting. 3 of the entries are exact matches shared by the 2 IPV4s.

This suggests, though it doesn't confirm, that the two visitors were the same per­son. And that he or she is, or was, physically located at or near one of the coordinate pairs in ques­tion.

2 of the 3 matching pairs are quite close. It seems safe to say that our friend is, or was, physically located, in the past few days, near latitude 35.2828 longitude -120.6600.

Update: A third IPV4 address,, turned up and geolocated to the same location. Before rounding, that one showed up as:

11:(35.282750 -120.659620)

The extra digits should be viewed with suspicion. However, whether or not they're accurate, this is in the vicinity of 1100 Monterey St, San Luis Obispo, CA. The building includes San Luis Diagnostic Center and pos­si­bly other businesses as well.

So, some­body with at least three dif­fer­ent networks is inter­est­ed in Haggis Hell.

180808 Wednesday — Captain Tobin Rides a White Horse Doo-Dah

180808. Captain Tobin Rides a White Horse Doo-Dah.

Note to Matt Tobin of Kokomo, IN:

I didn't realize that you were reading my Twitter feed. We should talk.

Not in IRC. That isn't going to work as you tend to threaten to hunt me down and kill me and kill me again. So much kill.

But let's exchange email about #UXP and #Thunderbird.

180808 Wednesday — FBI by and by

180808. FBI by and by.

There's no doubt that 2012 to 2013 and sub­se­quent years have changed me.

The things that the Kiralys and their supporters did, the realization of what has been taken from me, the types of decisions that I've had to make; how does this sort of thing affect neurology?

I can tell you this: If it doesn't kill you, what's left is probably no-nonsense.

I'm pretty busy, but I need to deal with tasks re­la­ted to Jim Kiraly, DOB May 10, 1933 and SSN (for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able pur­poses that are pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws) 038-20-8134.

Attorneys and others: Feel free to review the Legitimate and Reasonable Purposes list at this link. The SSN legal notes at this link may be of interest as well.

In par­tic­u­lar, I need to confirm that Jim is, or isn't, still living and to address, for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes that are pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws, the physi­cal locations where this wife-beater who is guilty, add­i­tion­al­ly, of sexual misconduct is hiding and attempting to conceal the prosecutable crimes, including felonies, that he's com­mit­ted or is in­volved in.

This means hiring P.I.s and researchers of other types.

Some of these peo­ple are honest, com­mit­ted, and hard-work­ing. And some are flakes and nutcases.

Anthony Esparza, of Eyecon (or Eye-Con) Investigations — the firm of that name in the SLO area, not the one in Australia — is one of the flakes and nutcases.

I dis­cus­sed Mr. Esparza with the SLO branch of the FBI recently and have submitted, with their approval, a report re­la­ted to his conduct.

On August 07, 2018, the FBI con­firm­ed receipt of the report. So, I'm posting it here.

I'd like Anthony to have a copy, but I'm not pre­sent­ly in communication with him. People who are as­soc­i­a­ted with him are invited to pass along a copy.

My report to the FBI consists of a six-page PDF. You can pre­sent­ly read or down­load the PDF at this link:

My cover let­ter to the FBI is posted further down.

Those who are inclined to poke fun at a report to the FBI of such a minor matter as this one should note that I'm not presenting it as sig­ni­fi­cant.

Anthony Esparza, a P.I. who resides in or near Arroyo Grande, has implied that he has shadowy FBI assassins in his pocket who will eliminate me at his behest. They “have”, he says, his “back”.

All that I've done is mention to the FBI that this seems impolite.

BTW to Jim Kiraly: File in an attempt to prevent me from “seeking [your] address” for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes that are pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws, abuser b*tch, and you're aware that it'll backfire.

As a re­la­ted note, I already have what's sup­posed to be your legal address. If it's sim­ply a front con­nec­ted to your attempts to conceal or obscure your role in mul­ti­ple felonies, this raises interesting legal ques­tions.

The Vomit of Christ spews forth when He considers that the fact that a shambler such as you has the temerity to enter a Church. But the thought makes you smile, doesn't it, Jim?

We'll see. If you haven't kicked the bucket, I trust you don't object to showing the smile in a YouTube special.

You have zero rights, of course, to privacy in any context. The notion, if it comes up, will be mocked.

If you *have* kicked the bucket, we'll be comforted by the fact that your whore is still present and able to receive le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able demonstrations of the respect in which she is held.

Anthony Esparza isn't the flakiest P.I. that I've encountered in the Avila Estates area; i.e., one of the areas that is pre­sent­ly of inter­est.

There's a story about another P.I. from a year or two back that's much funnier. I'll write that story up when time permits and put more about this side of things on the fol­low­ing site:

This is my cover let­ter to the FBI. To obtain the PDF in ques­tion, click here.

ATTN: SLO-area FBI office

I'm wri­ting subsequent to a phone dis­cus­sion with Employee [Redacted]. She and I agreed that it would be all right for me to submit an informal report of a matter that is minor but may be of inter­est to the FBI.

Please see the attached 6-page PDF.

I'm only requesting that receipt of the PDF and delivery to some­body who will review it be con­firm­ed. This is, again, an informal report. I don't need to know if action is or isn't taken subsequently.

The short version is that a P.I. local to your office has sug­gest­ed that he has special influence with local FBI agents and has relayed an implied threat from one of them to me.

I sug­gest that a mana­ger have a polite chat with the P.I. regarding his use of the FBI name. This is only a suggestion. For details, see the PDF.

Regards, Robert (the Old Coder)

180619 Tuesday — ICE data issue

180619. ICE data issue.

The ICE data issue is probably moot because a copy is appar­ent­ly up at WikiLeaks. I don't have the link yet.

This post will remain for now to prevent a broken link.

Streisand Effect

TOR isn't a bore
Nor is it to adore
It's a tool
To freedom fuel
TOR all day and all night

Streisand Effect too
Shall ensue
Data always finds a way
Data all night and all day

Your phone or window is too narrow for the image. If it's a phone, try rotating the phone or switching to a PC. Or click here to go to a copy that may be zoomable.
Jetsons artwork

180616 Saturday — Life's Not Grim with a Dash of Jim

180617. Life's Not Grim with a Dash of Jim.

I'd forgotten that June 17 was Fathers Day this year. So, I've updated this post to add a cheery Fathers Day rhyme. This is excerpted from a let­ter sent to loving family members.

Ken and Virginia, I've gone public regarding sexual misconduct on Jim's part. If I decide to post details here, I'll dare you to say just as publicly that the details aren't exactly like Jim.

On a separate note, ask Harmeet Dhillon for a copy of the primary let­ter that I sent her in the past few days. I Cc'd her on another one. I'm referring to the let­ter that's more focused on communication issues.

Attorneys, note that I've used the word “../misconduct” here as opposed to “abuse”. If it's a distinction with­out a dif­fer­ence, I don't give a quack.

The ironies continue to pile up.

Addressing family members as a group, all that you need­ed to do was put an end to the stalking and threats on your side. The messages that I left on my birthday in 2012 were intended to be Goodbye Forever. That wasn't clear?

I'm good pre­sent­ly for 15 to 25 more years. Well, maybe just the low end of the range. Or perhaps I'll emulate DNA the Elderly Attorney and make it to 87. We'll see.

This site and/or others will be present, most of the time, as the years pass.

I've thought of a way, in fact, to ensure that the sites outlive me. If it works, there will be no centralized copies. Takedowns won't be pos­si­ble, even after I'm gone. The sites might even make it to the Singularity.

Such future.

Pro Tip: There is no such thing as “cyberspace” or “The Cloud”. The idea is ludicrous. It's all just virtual machines, routers, and fragile temporary storage, mostly owned by corporations that come and go.

But think out­side the box.

Jim Kiraly Father's Day

For those of you who do
a copy receive
a copy that you perceive
here's the sitch
Jim is an abuser b*tch

Your roles in sup­port
are worth a legal tort
But today is Father's Day
Hip Hip Hooray

Is Jim alive or dead?
What have natural causes said?

Jim Kiraly Father's Day

If he's alive
for one goal you need to strive
Wish him Happy Father's Day for me
There is more, of course, to see

A friendly greet is in a tweet
at @BoldCoder
is the link
that's not all, I think

Does Haggis Hell ring a bell
If so, wife-beater lovers
Simple are my druthers
Let your fingers over the mouse hovers

Jim Kiraly Father's Day

Come and see
what there is to see

Nothing will make such as thee say “Gee”
But from the truth you'll not flee

If Jim from natural causes deceased becomes or is
I won't feel relief and drink cola fizz
Closure I was denied
This won't be addressed with sighed

Legitimate and Reasonable Purposes pro­tect­ed under U.S. Laws
Belong to me
Therefore in a
Legitimate and Reasonable Sense pro­tect­ed under U.S. Laws
so do thee

Good Day to you
Let joy and laughter ensue

Oh, Well

1. I've accepted the fact that Jim Kiraly may have passed away from natural causes. Or that he may be alive but may pass away be­fore he can be brought to le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able justice that is pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws.

Jim is the heart of the story. He'll be missed.

However, after he goes to serve in his role as lubrication for Lucifer's mentula — you've earned it, Jim, relax and enjoy the honor — others will remain to pro­vide love, sup­port, and le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able research opportunities that are pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws.

But I've talked to a few P.I.s recently. Some of them have Law Enforcement backgrounds. I feel that it may be pos­si­ble to determine, once and for all, if Jim's two residences in the Avila Beach area are, or are not, a dodge.

I say two residences because it ap­pears that Jim may still own the property at 32 La Gaviota in Pismo Beach.

I'm sup­posed to be good at details. How is it that I missed the three Kiraly points illustrated by the screen­shot below?

a. Harvey Levenson, who is probably just a legal artifact, has been interwoven with my father's affairs for 25 years.

b. WTH is that $418K in 1993 about? It wasn't re­la­ted to a sale of the Walnut Creek property; that didn't happen until about 5 years later.

c. Does the screen­shot below mean that Jim Kiraly still owns 32 La Gaviota in Pismo Beach? If so, who, exactly, is physically residing there?

Scott? Are you down there instead of in Pleasant Hill where you're sup­posed to be?

Note: The screen­shot below probably won't be visible on phones. Rotate to landscape mode or try a reg­u­lar web browser.

Your phone or window is too narrow for the image. If it's a phone, try rotating the phone or switching to a PC. Or click here to go to a copy that may be zoomable.
Kiraly-Levenson Properties

2. I'm seek­ing, for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws, in­forma­tion related to Jim Kiraly's location and involve­ment in local affairs.

Attorneys and others inter­est­ed in the Legitimate and Reasonable Purposes List are invited to click on the link below:

Legitimate and Reasonable Purposes List


It ap­pears that some­body has posted re­la­ted useful in­forma­tion on the webpage linked below:

A close reading of the laws in­volved suggests that it's quite legal, in the context of criminal as opposed to civil law, to post that type of in­forma­tion publicly subject to var­ious strict rules.

The rules *do* have teeth, but it's clear that they're applicable only in specific con­texts. This is intentional on the part of lawmakers. It has to do with bus­i­ness and law enforcement issues.

In fact, such posting may or may not even create a cause of action in the civil arena.

These are casual observations, of course, until such time as such in­forma­tion is posted on a site that is under my control.

To read legal notes re­la­ted to the laws which regulate the use of such in­forma­tion, attorneys and others are invited to click here.


As a re­la­ted note, I'm offering cash for in­forma­tion, to be used for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes that are pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws, re­la­ted to the location and activities of the wife-beater Jim Kiraly.

Information must be obtained in a strictly legal manner.

Jim Kiraly of Pismo Beach

3. In the Kiraly Gag Order cases, Jim accused me of making false statements re­la­ted to sexual abuse. He didn't cite a single example. This was par for the course.

It was the same for spousal abuse. Jim accused me of making false statements re­la­ted to spousal abuse, but he didn't cite a single example in this context either.

Jim was, of course, guilty of spousal abuse. I was forced by the legal actions to dis­cuss his past. It was most like­ly awkward for his attorneys, though only slightly.

Attorneys don't too care much if their client turns out to have lied. Not as long as he or she is worth tens of millions of dollars.

One might wonder, since I hadn't said any­thing, why Jim felt the need to talk about sexual abuse.

I've decided that we're going to clear that part up.


This paragraph is a formal announcement that I've offer­ed to state under oath details of a sexual incident involving Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA; 32 La Gaviota, Pismo Beach, CA; 217 Gerry Court, Walnut Creek, CA; Transamerica Corporation; Retired Active Men; and Service Core for Retired Executives. The Newport Beach address is unconfirmed.

Information that may help to locate and identify this per­son who has com­mit­ted numerous prosecutable crimes, including mul­ti­ple violent felonies, even if he's changed his name and/or left the country, has appar­ent­ly been posted by some party at this link. Notes on legal issues re­la­ted to such posting may be viewed at this link.

The point of the offer is that I'm seek­ing to be sure that organ­i­za­tions which might allow Jim to volunteer for them are aware of his involve­ment in spousal abuse, child abuse, and prosecutable crimes of other types.

It's my un­der­stand­ing that, unless Jim is convicted — which is unlike­ly due to the fact that he'd pass away be­fore any trial was concluded — I'll need to approach organ­i­za­tions individually to have him placed on dif­fer­ent “Caution” lists.

This might be time-consuming. But perhaps I'll be able to work out some type of state­ment format that will work for mul­ti­ple organ­i­za­tions. With luck, the part about a state­ment under oath may turn out to be the key element.


But, organ­i­za­tions in what area? Is the violent abuser Jim Kiraly still in the area that includes Pismo Beach, Avila Beach, and Arroyo Grande or has he fled?

Is he, perhaps, staying elsewhere in property owned by Ken Kiraly and Virginia Chang Kiraly or renting property through a trust?

Photo: Ann Kiraly, Jim Kiraly's mother, and Olga Kmeta, Grace Kiraly's mother. Jim picked up the cycle of violence from his parents Frank and Ann and con­tin­ued it.

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Ann Kiraly and Olga Kmeta

181001 Monday — Grace Kiraly birthday

181001. To my beloved mother Grace Kiraly.

Grace Kiraly of Avila Beach

First, I had DOBs and SSNs mixed up in mul­ti­ple posts previously. I regret any confusion :'(

This is a birthday message of love and respect to Grace Kiraly, DOB October 01, 1933 and SSN 556-40-1879 :3

The identifying in­forma­tion is provided for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes that are pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws. See the note to attorneys in the next sec­tion below.

Grace's last three con­firm­ed street addresses were 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA; 32 La Gaviota, Pismo Beach, CA; and 217 Gerry Court, Walnut Creek, CA. She may or may not have been in Newport Beach, CA for a few months circa 2015 to 2016.

Gold Cross of Love

Attorneys and others: You're invited to review the Legitimate and Reasonable Purposes list at this link. Subsequently, read SSN legal notes at this link.

As a tech­ni­cal note, mirrors of this site in countries located out­side of Europe are planned. Decentralized distribution is a possibility as well.

Jim Kiraly of Avila Beach

People new to the tale may find a summary useful:

Jim Kiraly, DOB and SSN provided further down, is a wife beater. Inappropriate sexual conduct is publicly asserted, add­i­tion­al­ly, to have taken place as well.

In 2011, I nearly died due to a medical issue shortly after my birthday in mid-year. It took me the rest of the year to reach the point where I could walk again.

During this period, I though about life and decided to work on a book that I'd start­ed in 1971. I men­tion­ed the book to my parents and asked for their help.

Jim assumed that the book was going to be about how he'd broken my mother's nose. He always did assume that the world revolved around him.

Jim told one of my brothers, Tom, that I was planning to accuse Tom of raping his children. Jim and Tom then initiated two legal cases designed solely to extort my signature on a gag order.

I never sign­ed the gag order. The cases lasted a year, but there wasn't even a Court set­tle­ment. The Court, in the end, wanted nothing to do with the gag order.

I was es­sen­tial­ly a Pro-Per. My attorney was work­ing with Opposing Counsel to defraud everybody on both sides. But I f*cked Jim and Tom regard­less.

I forced them to sign, instead, a formal agree­ment in which I promised to f*ck them for the rest of their lives.

It's my le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able goal to do what's pos­si­ble now to ensure that these peo­ple and others like them aren't able to do this again.

Jim is more important than Tom because Jim will pass away soon, assuming that he isn't dead already.

However, perhaps in a le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able sense that is pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws, society will find a way to address the prosecutable crimes that each of these peo­ple has com­mit­ted in turn.

For details, feel free to review my Father's Day 2016 Letter of Love to Jim Kiraly of Retired Active Men SLO Branch 2. It's at this link:

Fun illustration from a 2013 Father's Day post. To read the 2013 post, click here.

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Father's Day
Grace Kiraly of Avila Beach

Grace Kiraly, beloved harlot of hate
With the Cross you masturb8te
The Christ that you claimed to see is dead
You sh*t upon His head
And in the flood He drowned
You're sort of a Hatred Clowned

Grace Kiraly of Avila Beach

Heavenly and Earthly Fathers alike disown you
Even Ivan Kmeta would sh*t down your throat
You'd need an Ivan excrement moat
But there's no need for sadness to ensue
You'll slide down into Hell in due course
Your prosecutable crimes will ride you like a horse :o

In the interim, C*nt, let me treat Jim as would Allen Funt
That is the le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able plan
YouTube isn't an also-ran
Is Jim alive? Is he dead? :?
If he's alive, there's a message to be said
More in the post be­low, ho', let's go :!

Grace Kiraly of Avila Beach

Grace, I need to determine, for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes that are pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws, whether you're actu­al­ly still resident at 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA or you've skipped town to move into a house or room owned by Tom or Ken or one of the trusts :?

Tom Kiraly CFO of Hanger, Inc.

This sec­tion is for those who can help me to determine whether or not Jim and/or Grace are located in one of Tom Kiraly's properties or pro­vide, for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes that are pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws, other in­forma­tion related to Tom and the prosecutable crimes that he's com­mit­ted.

Tom Kiraly's full name is Thomas Evan Kiraly. His mother's maiden name is Kmeta. His DOB is Jan­uary 24, 1960 and his SSN is be­lieved to be 545-13-7011.

Attorneys and others: It would be ever so delightful if you would review the Legitimate and Reasonable Purposes list and SSN legal notes linked previously.

Tom Kiraly CFO of Hanger, Inc.

Tom Kiraly's full known street address history is posted elsewhere on this site. I'll add a link here when I get around to it. No “round tuit” jokes, please :P

As of 2018, Tom is be­lieved to be the CFO of a medical supplies firm in Austin, Texas named Hanger Inc.

Tom and his wife Karen Louise Kiraly, nee Washmon, have three children that I know of, all young adults: Riane [sic], James, and Michael.

The older two, Riane and James, are in­volved in prosecutable crimes that Tom has com­mit­ted and may need to testify in con­nec­tion with those prosecutable crimes.

BTW Yes, I'll have causes of action for decades to come. There is a sim­ple fact of the Gag Order cases which eliminates some of the deadlines in­volved.

Ken Kiraly VP of Amazon Corporation

This sec­tion is for those who can help me to determine whether or not Jim and/or Grace are located in one of Ken Kiraly's properties or pro­vide, for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes that are pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws, other in­forma­tion related to Ken and the prosecutable crimes that he's in­volved with.

Ken Kiraly's full name is Kenneth Paul Kiraly. His mother's maiden name is Kmeta. His DOB is Jan­uary 24, 1960. His SSN may or may not be 573-45-7687. The SSN is in doubt because two other peo­ple seem to be using it.

Attorneys and others: Kindly review the Legitimate and Reasonable Purposes list and SSN legal notes linked previously.

Ken Kiraly VP of Amazon Corporation

Ken ought to look into that last part about the other two peo­ple. No, I had nothing to do with it. The fact sim­ply turned up years ago. I'm do­ing Ken a favor by mentioning this.

But, then, I've done Ken favors in the past as well. From age 12 months to ages 12, 16, 19, and beyond. Right up to the point where Multiscope ran out of funds.

Feel free to Google Multiscope. More about that story another time.

I'm do­ing Ken another favor right now in con­nec­tion with the one secret that he's never told his wife and sons.

If Ken decides to put me under oath to find out what I'll disclose, I suppose that I'll have no choice in the matter. I've had mixed feelings about the issue for decades, but perhaps it'll be interesting :)

Ken Kiraly VP of Amazon Corporation

Ken Kiraly's full known street address history is posted elsewhere on this site. I'll add a link here when I get around to it.

Ken's wife Virginia Chang Kiraly is a rising star in the Republican Party. Ken and Virginia have two sons that I know of, both roughly college age, Paul and James.

As of 2018, Ken is be­lieved to be a V.P. of Amazon and one of the leads at Lab126. Grace Kiraly has claimed that Ken was the lead de­vel­op­er for the Amazon Kindle.

Grace Kiraly of Avila Beach

Grace Kiraly, Christ Follower, I intend to get peo­ple into Avila Estates to do a wellness check based on the le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able nature of my filial devotion to Jim and you :3

Such a wellness check will, naturally, be conducted in full compliance with the Law.

However, one of the P.I.s that I've talked to is too expensive, one is mentally ill, and one is a fraud. It isn't easy to find the right per­son, so I'm proceeding carefully with the P.I.s who remain on the list.

Grace Kiraly of Avila Beach

BTW, Grace Kiraly, Christ Follower, I reported the mentally ill P.I. to your local FBI office. You can read my report to the FBI at this link:

So, there's not going to be a knock on door at 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA any time soon. Unless I'm trying to trick you, but I love and respect you too much to do that :3

Grace Kiraly of Avila Beach

There *will* be a knock on the door, for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able pur­poses that are pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws, at 32 La Gaviota, Pismo Beach, CA.

WTH is going on there?

Who is Harvey Levenson and what is his con­nec­tion to the wife beater Jim Kiraly who is also guilty, it is asserted quite publicly as a fact, of questionable sexual conduct? :?

Scott Kiraly of Lots of Oreos

Is Harvey Levenson actu­al­ly Jim Kiraly or just an attorney or trust person? :?

Have you got the retarded and OCD Scott Kiraly living at 32 La Gaviota? Scott is sup­posed to be in Pleasant Hill, CA, but some records do state, quite explicitly, that he's as­soc­i­a­ted with the La Gaviota address.

Scott Kiraly of Lots of Oreos

But Scott is 53 years old and, unless the situation has changed, over 300 pounds. People that weight don't usually live much past 50.

Has Scott died? x_x

If so, have you been so impolite as to neglect to inform me of the loss of one of the two peo­ple, Jim being the other, who de­stroy­ed your life and all chances to exercise the creative impulse that you manifested decades ago?

I suppose that the last part doesn't matter. Grace, you were always fluff with­out substance.

Even if you'd left Jim Kiraly, a step that you dis­cus­sed with me repeatedly, and even if Scott Kiraly had died in infancy, as would have been best for everybody, including Scott, you'd never have finished any­thing of consequence.

Grace Kiraly of Avila Beach To conclude, Grace Kiraly, Christ Follower, I have a message for your violent abuser and my own, Jim Kiraly, in the event that he's still alive.

If Jim has joined the choir invisible, Grace, you've denied me the closure that was my right :/

Jim Kiraly of Avila Beach

Jim, if you're not in the grave, Hey, Bro.

Who is Harvey Levenson? The name, you know, that you've appar­ent­ly been as­soc­i­a­ted with for 25 years. Why are all the loans and/or sales con­nec­ted to that name?

However, the important message for today is this:

Jim Kiraly of Avila Beach

The odds are now low that I'll be able to locate you be­fore you croak from natural causes and, in a le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able sense that is pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws, f*ck you in a friendly and consensual manner until you squeal with the passion and religious joy that is the essence of your abuser Christian Spirit.

But, Jim... I don't wish you to go with­out the comfort of knowing as you rot unredeemed... that those who stood by you as you com­mit­ted multiple prosecutable crimes worse than rape...

...will receive the love and respect that is their due :3

Jim Kiraly of Avila Beach

P.S. I haven't been afraid of you and your fits of rage since 2012. You were a coward, after all. If only I'd realized that 45 years ago.

If you're still alive, Jim, my abuser, my b*tch, and if you can hold on for just a little longer, I'll be pleased to demonstrate, in a le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able manner that is pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws, the degree of love and respect that I have for you.

You and the others, Jim, you'll always be there in my heart :3

180825 Saturday — Ivan Kmeta's 117th birthday

180825. Ivan Kmeta's 117th birthday.

Ivan Kmeta

Today would have been Ivan Kmeta's 117th birthday.

Ivan, my mother Grace's father, was a remarkable man.

He was an adult, more or less, when the Russian Revolution hit. The next few years were problematic. They shot, for example, most of the young peo­ple his age that he knew.

Ivan escaped the Soviet Union in the 1920s with his wife Olga and son Anatol, became a religious leader of the Ukrainian Diaspora, wrote books and poetry for decades, and outlived the Soviet Union by a decade.

Ivan was born in the same year as heavier-than-air flight. He saw the rise of the Atomic Age, radio, television, and the Internet. He didn't under­stand computers.

In 1978, I tried to explain the profession that I was headed into. It wasn't easy to find the words.

<OldCoder> I'll be working with machines that think
<Ivan> Oh. All right.

I re­mem­ber standing out­side Ivan's house with him in 1975, when Ivan was ap­proach­ing age 75. I figured that he didn't have long to live. This was dis­turb­ing. But he lived over 20 years after that.

I can see 75 on the horizon now, myself. It's no longer inconceivably distant.

I was con­sid­er­ed Ivan's spiritual heir. But there is no such thing as Spirit, is there, Grace? You defecate on the Cross and expect others to bow down to the result.

No, thank you, Grace Kiraly. You, yourself, have demonstrated that Ivan's life, all that he stood for, was a pointless joke.

Laugh, Harpy, laugh.

Ivan's poetry is lyrical. I'd hoped to translate it to English, but that isn't going to happen now.

Instead, the legacy for the poetry, the last role that it played in the world, is in the Court cases that Ivan's son in law Jim initiated to cover up the fact that he'd hurt Ivan's daughter Grace.

Tom Kiraly of Hanger, Inc.

My brother Tom Kiraly, VP of Hanger, Inc. in Austin, Texas, filed Court papers in 2012 characterizing Ivan's poetry as acts of physi­cal violence.

Tom, my sweet, plump, b*tch, in a le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able sense that's pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws, you belong to me.

Ivan Kmeta was unusually gentle. So, he wouldn't actu­al­ly sh*t down the throat of Tom or Grace if he met them today. His wife, Olga, was more direct. She'd undertake the task if she was here.

Gag Order Cases research

I'm “gathering information”, a term used in the 2012 legal cases, for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes pro­tect­ed under U.S. laws, re­la­ted to Grace, her husband Jim, my brother Tom, and others.

It isn't clear that Jim is still alive. But Grace should be good for a decade. The others, for longer than that.

Cash will be paid for in­forma­tion. I vet, by the way, steps taken with attorneys and with active and retired police in appropriate jurisdictions.

Grace Kiraly of Avila Beach

Grace Kiraly's DOB is October 01, 1933. Her SSN is be­lieved to be 556-40-1879. Her full name is Grace Violet Kiraly and her maiden name is Kmeta. Her mother's maiden name is Kerechanko.

I've posted Grace's past street addresses be­fore and will create an organized list for that in­forma­tion in due course.

If Grace is still in the Pismo Beach-Avila Beach area, she'll be a member of one or more Churches there. It's pos­si­ble, though, that she and her husband have skipped town.

Attorneys and others: Review the Legitimate and Reasonable Purposes list at this link. Subsequently, read SSN legal notes at this link.

Jim Kiraly of Avila Beach

Jim Kiraly's DOB is May 10, 1933. SSN is probably 038-20-8134. Full name is James Francis Kiraly. His mother's maiden name is Varsa.

Jim seems to have loans or other financial transactions under the name Harvey Levenson or in association with a party of that name.

Additionally, Jim and his son Tom, my next younger brother, hide assets behind trusts.

Attorneys and others: Review the Legitimate and Reasonable Purposes list at this link. Subsequently, read SSN legal notes at this link.

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Jim and Grace Kiraly of Pismo Beach and Avila Beach

Doge is not rogue
Surely Doge is in vogue
Let there be Doge
Such family
Much joy
Very loving
Jim Kiraly's soul
Is used to stir sh*t in a bowl
His whore is a bore
“Family” is lies
But no need for sighs
*Family* is where you find it

Family is on my mind for reasons other than Ivan's birthday. I'm thinking today about Loome as much as Ivan.

I've known Loome for 6 years. He has his unusual talents, as do many of the dif­fer­ent. One of them is kindness. To read the poem with which he introduced him­self in 2012, click here.

This year, Loome flew to see me. No other bus­i­ness. Just to hang out with the Old Coder. Kappelin had come to see me just 2 months be­fore. Blue Dream has talked about a visit. I travel periodically to see DNA, RNA, std::vector, and others.

It's not a large group. It won't last forever. But it's more than I had for 25 years.

As a note to Kim from online, think about it and you'll recognize the name “DNA”.

Loome, aka Rubidiun and Dr. Beth, is my adopted son. The rela­tion­ship isn't formal, but we've agreed that the term fits.

This week, Loome is in Germany. He'd thought to meet Metacognician, though that wasn't the primary rea­son for the trip. But Metacognician is traveling, him­self. “Excellent timing, Loome,” he says :P

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German Doner Kebab

Faust, 1974 interpretation:

Loome says:

Tomorrow, I'll visit Goethe House. Goethe is important to me. I read Faust 15 years ago. It had a big impact.

I want to try doner kebabs. The best kebabs are here. Metacognician is here. I've known him for longer than you have; did you know that? The Finnish guy is here, too. I think I've told you about him.

It was raining earlier. Petrichor (smell of rain) was lovely.

This is in Wiemar, by the way, the birthplace of Goethe. I was hearing the sounds of goats just moments ago.

That there's this hill type thing. It's a lovely place, gorgeous, where a lot of goats roam free. I'll go and pet the goats tomor­row. I like goats.

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Loome Germany #1

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Loome Germany #2

<OldCoder> (a dramatic German scene)
<Kappelin> I'll take “Generic Scenes from Deutschland” for $500, Alex
<OldCoder> Here's another one
<OldCoder> <Alabama> that could be me
<Kappelin> not alabama but anywhere in europe sure
<OldCoder> It's a typical German scene, then?
<Kappelin> general euro
<OldCoder> How are you today?
<Kappelin> 50%
* OldCoder relates

170227 Monday — OldCoder Deserves a Hand

170227. OldCoder Deserves a Hand.

This is a let­ter to Grace Kiraly, my mother, “Christ Follower”, and victim of abuse com­mit­ted by James Kiraly, aka Jim Kiraly, of Pismo Beach and Avila Beach.

Grace Kiraly
6329 Twinberry Circle
Avila Beach, CA 93424

Whore, hello.

The Old Coder had minor hand surgery today.

It was nowhere near as serious as the rebuild that your arm required 22 years ago. Still, it was a matter for concern, as I rely heavily on my hands for typing pur­poses.

I work by typing. In 41 years, I've typed uncountable millions of characters.

In 2012, my right hand was swollen to the point where I feared I'd lose it. It wasn't a “choice”, Grace.

The swollen hand wasn't about lack of prayer or refusal to take Vitamin C or any­thing else that would permit you to assign a moral com­pon­ent.

I was in a wheel­chair at the time, but, mostly, I was concerned about my hand.

This was the point where I learned that your abuser and mine, James Francis Kiraly, aka Jim Kiraly, was stalking me.

The medical issue was comprehensible. Jim Kiraly's actions were not.

What were the two of you thinking?

I didn't lose my hand. My fingers were swollen and misshapen, but I could still type.

I could still write. In fact, I lost my fear of wri­ting for the public eye and start­ed to do so.

I'd be willing to bet that you didn't expect *that* :D


Other issues occurred with my hands.

One that continues is some­thing I'm told is neurological. If I eat certain foods, my fingers some­times contract of their own accord. When this happens, the pain is scream­ing level, but I'm accustomed to that.

There was some­thing else. An unidentified mass was growing inside my right hand.

It's not uncommon. Perhaps you've had one of these yourself. However, note that I'm not referring to a typical cyst.

You've had a brush with cancer. Of course, you lied about it. You said that you need­ed to focus on treat­ment when you were actu­al­ly going on a cruise.

But any experience with cancer, even a minor one, must have had some effect on you. You're familiar with Kiraly and Kmeta family history. What's the total num­ber of Kiralys and Kmetas dead from cancer?

A growing mass inside your hand would be unsettling, wouldn't it? But it wouldn't, actu­al­ly, because you'd have it looked at.

For a rich b*tch like you, medical care isn't an issue. You assume that it's your right and that it'll always be there.

And you assume that others who are sick, if they're not rich, are morally suspect anyway.

That's how you felt about your brother Anatol. And how you talked about him. I didn't under­stand it until you smashed my life in 2012 because you thought that I was sick. And that I was going to “blackmail” Jim over the abuse.

To Hell with you, Grace Kiraly. Literally, actu­al­ly. We'll come back to your role in the Divine Plan be­low.

Review of the mass wasn't an option for me. Thanks to you, actu­al­ly. For years after the Kiraly Gag Order cases, there was no way even to find out what this thing was.

Shall I tell you what hap­pen­ed when I tried to use the “services” that Tom ranted about in 2012? But we'll save that story for another time.

I was slightly concerned about the mass. I can do with­out my legs. I did so, off and on, for much of a decade. But I need my eyes and my hands.

One doctor injected the mass with cortisone as an experiment. This was sim­ple, but it didn't shrink the mass. In fact, the mass seemed to grow more rapidly.

But, subsequently, I was able to see a hand surgeon, some­thing that I'd hoped to do be­fore the Kiraly Gag Order Cases hit.

The hand surgeon con­firm­ed that repairs to my fingers, at this stage, weren't an option. Gee, Grace, thanks for that. But he said that he'd remove the mass.

Surgery was scheduled for a few weeks down the road.

While I was waiting, I realized that nobody had men­tion­ed the cost. So, I called and asked, “What's the bill going to be?”

They told me that it was going to be $3,000 to $4,000. And that this was sim­ply an estimate. I wouldn't be told the actual cost until afterward.

I canceled the pro­ce­dure and researched the issues in­volved. It turned out that the surgery had been scheduled at a surgery center. Such places cost up to $10,000 per hour.

I called the surgeon's staff and noted that a surgery center wasn't required in my case. The staff agreed and changed the venue. This led to a month's delay, but it reduced the cost.

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Hand surgery

The pro­ce­dure was performed today. It went well. The mass was circumscribed, which means that it had a border. So, clean removal was pos­si­ble.

We're not sure what it is, but we'll know in a couple of weeks. It probably start­ed as some­thing minor and got out of control. That happens.

My hand is asleep as I type. The anesthesia hasn't worn off. It's sup­posed to hurt later. So, it's awkward to type when every­thing is numb, but I'm wri­ting this now.

Jim Kiraly and you smashed my life, Grace, in a failed attempt to shut me up when I wasn't even going to talk.

You lost the battle, but you took my home of 25 years, my life savings, and most of my possessions.

And you tried to take my hands.

When you pass away, your destiny, your role, will be that of an unremarkable cell in Lucifer's vagina. One that pants with excitement when caressed with lies.

Until then, Grace, in a le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able sense, one that is pro­tect­ed under U.S. and other laws, you belong to me.

Regards, Robert (the Old Coder)

170226 Sunday — Kiralys on the Move

170226. Kiralys on the Move.

Welcome to a special edition of “Kiralys on the Move”. Today, there's updated in­forma­tion on not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 Kiralys: Tom, Ken, Jim, and Riane.

As a note to attorneys and others, I'm “gathering information” re­la­ted to the parties in ques­tion for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes.

Information gathered may be disclosed to the public as part of the pro­cess of gather­ing additional in­forma­tion.

For a dis­cus­sion of the le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes in ques­tion, visit the fol­low­ing web page:

1. Tom Kiraly Update is Great.

We've suspected since late 2015 that Tom Kiraly, the one who's com­mit­ted multiple felonies, is as­soc­i­a­ted with 9520 West­min­ster Glen Ave, Austin, Texas 78730.

There was evi­dence that Tom had purchased the property in 2015 through a trust, Breeze Hill, that had been set up by local attorneys.

However, confirmation was dif­fi­cult to come by.

A party acting as my agent took a legal let­ter to the res­i­dence on Tom's 56th birthday in 2016, along with a bottle of wine, and tried to deliver both items. He reported that the res­i­dence seemed to be unoccupied at the time.

It's been reported to me now, though, that Tom's Texas driver's license, the one issued on Decem­ber 5, 2016, has the West­min­ster Glen Ave address on it.

If this is true, the address in ques­tion is appar­ent­ly confirmed after a year.

2. Note to Tom Kiraly.

Tom, Hi! :)

You owe me $5,000.00 for your mul­ti­ple violations in 2013 of an agree­ment that you sign­ed in the Spring of that year.

Additionally, as you agreed in wri­ting at the time, you owe me, as a 2nd debt, expenses incurred in demonstrating that the 1st debt is owed.

These two categories of debt are separate from damages re­la­ted to the mul­ti­ple felonies that you've com­mit­ted.

Tom, my brother and my b*tch
Scratch the legal itch
The causes of action
Are sig­ni­fi­cant enough for traction
If deadlines have passed
The felonies you've amassed
Mean I might be able to file

Either way, Tom, smile
No need to shed a tear
We've got year after year
In a le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able sense
Present and future tense
You're my property, brother dear

As a note to news media, Tom Kiraly is appar­ent­ly the CFO of an Austin, Texas firm named Hanger, Inc. He has not, how­ever, met his legal obligation to notify me of his job change, so this is unconfirmed.

Tom is also, in a legal sense, my b*tch. For more about this part, speak with his former attorney, Michael Bonetto of Hoge Fenton. In a legitimate and reason­able sense, though I need to do more research, Michael is also my b*tch.

You can visit Hanger, Inc.'s web­site at this link.

3. Ken Kiraly meets Snuffy Smith.

Tom Kiraly is my next younger brother. Ken Kiraly is the next younger one after that.

Kiraly Tip: There were four brothers, counting me, roughly two more if you count the miscarriages or abortions. The youngest brother, Scott Kiraly, has been con­firm­ed to be alive, but he is of little consequence.

Ken and his wife Virginia, a minor political fig­ure in the Menlo Park, CA, area, have appar­ent­ly purchased a house in Dorrington, CA.

The new house is a small res­i­dence, 900 square feet, located at 3735 The Jug Handle, Dorrington, CA 95223 (or) 3735 The Jug Handle, Arnold, CA 95223.

To explain the dual address, Dorrington is so small, 700 peo­ple, that the name of a larger town nearby, Arnold -- all of 4,000 peo­ple -- is some­times used instead.

The house it­self is rural in nature. Heating is appar­ent­ly from a fireplace and a stove.

Note: I haven't looked at the real estate records yet, so the pur­chase is unconfirmed. One step at a time.

The thing about Dorrington is that there isn't much there but trees. There's a satellite photo of Ken's new neighbor­hood to the right or be­low. Check it out. That's a lot of trees.

It's probably not investment property. And I doubt that Ken and Virginia will *move* to the Jug Handle house. Or that it's a gift to one of their sons; i.e., my nephews on Ken's side.

The most like­ly explanation for the pur­chase is that it's a romantic hide-away.

However, Dorrington is an 8-hour round-trip by car from Ken's and Virginia's last known res­i­dence in Menlo Park, CA. And these are busy peo­ple.

Tom and Ken used to think nothing of driving back and forth between the S.F. Bay Area and Southern Cal­i­for­nia on a lark. But Ken doesn't have as much free time these days.

Unless Ken has picked up a private plane, which is pos­si­ble, I can't see him traveling for that long these days just for a weekend of Amazon Coder lovemaking in a forest shack.

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Ken Kiraly Dorrington, CA house

For that matter, I wasn't aware that Ken was all that fond of trees. I'd have expect­ed him to go for rural accommodations that were closer to home and less Snuffy Smith in nature.

I wondered, initially, if Ken and Virginia might have fronted as buy­ers and if the house was actu­al­ly for James and Grace Kiraly.

But no attempt was made to conceal the pur­chase. Tom Kiraly bought the West­min­ster Glen Ave property in Austin, TX through a trust and had some­body else sign the deal. Ken's Jug Handle pur­chase, is, instead, right there in the public record.

Additionally, James and Grace are aging. They'd need a home -- even if it was a vacation home -- with actual heating and closer to major medical centers. Plus more churches to hop around to.

So, this is probably just a rural love nest for Ken and Virginia.

But I'll put Dorrington, CA on the research list. Perhaps I'll make arrangements to travel there and ask around. Not that there's that many peo­ple to ask.

3. Abuser is a confuser.

Speaking of James Kiraly, the next update isn't about new property but, as with Tom Kiraly, incremental evi­dence.

I don't have proof, as in photos, that James Kiraly actu­al­ly resides at his 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA address. But I've been told that he still owns a 2010 Toyota Prius, a 4-door hatchback, with the fol­low­ing VIN:


I haven't seen garage records for the vehicle yet, but a mailing address for the owner reads as follows:

PO BOX 2247, Avila Beach, CA 93424-2247

Other sources indicate that PO BOX 2247 is, or has been, as­soc­i­a­ted with my father. Or putative father; Bill Kiraly isn't ruled out 100%.

If the preceding in­forma­tion is correct, it tends to confirm that James is physically located in Avila Beach or at least that Grace Kiraly's abuser travels through the area on a reg­u­lar basis.

Questions for Grace Kiraly of Avila Beach:

When, exactly, did Bill Kiraly and you last have physi­cal relations?

And were the miscarriages actu­al­ly miscarriages or were they abortions? Shirley told me a story re­la­ted to Anatol that casts the official timeline for the pregnancies into ques­tion.

Shirley is senile now, by the way. Ercie isn't, but she's going downhill. Has she told you how many animals she has? Or has the city taken them away?

Shirley is detritus. She's basically you, though two tiers less intelligent. Not that you're the sharpest pencil in the drawer. But I care about Ercie.

The last thing that Anatol asked of me be­fore cancer got him was to take care of Ercie. I did so for 15 years. There was nobody else. Jim Kiraly gave her the shudders, so she hated to call you. Jim usually answered the phone and she thought that he was creepy.

As a re­la­ted note, I won't forgive you for your treat­ment of Anatol Kmeta. He was a saint. He deserved a bet­ter sister than you.

You hated Anatol for being sick. Therefore, Christ reviles you.

Do you ques­tion this? Let's seek the counsel of your current Pastor. We'll ask him to interpret the Word of God. If you like, Grace, we'll talk to as many Pastors as neces­sary.

Regarding your relations with Bill, I deserve to know what hap­pen­ed. I have a right to know, for sure, who was the bio­log­i­cal father of who.

Grace, by the way, you know that Ken used to consider any woman who had sex out of wedlock to be a “slut”, right? That was one of his favorite words for a while.

Me, I'm more flexible. Not about every­thing. The abuser that you married, whether or not he's my bio­log­i­cal father, he belongs to me.

As the past meme said, “Oh, the irony”. What did you peo­ple think that committing actual felonies was going to accomplish?

You're expect­ed to outlive Jim. Ivan Kmeta, who'd be sick at the sight of you now, made it to age 97. You're good for for at least another decade.

Before you go, you're going to answer the latter ques­tion.

4. Riane and spouse in new house with nary a mouse.

Riane Kiraly, Tom Kiraly's daughter and my niece, is men­tion­ed in a 2013 docu­ment of inter­est.

As I've noted be­fore, Tom has com­mit­ted multiple felonies and the docu­ment in ques­tion ties into this.

Riane needs to explain whether the mention was with, or with­out, her consent. Either way, it gives me a cause of action, in civil lit­i­ga­tion con­texts, against her father. But I need to know which it was.

The update today, in the case of Riane, has to do with her first actual house. Congratulations are in order.

Tom Kiraly and/or Riane herself filed the fol­low­ing address for Riane in con­nec­tion with Texas Corporation 0801183522:

1138 North Point Road APT 216, Madison, WI 53717

Riane was supposedly as­soc­i­a­ted with the North Point Road address from mid-2013 at least to Fall 2016. But she shows up at the fol­low­ing address as well for the same 3-year period:

8315 Blackwolf Drive, Madison, WI 53717

As a note to others learning about research, this type of inconsistency often isn't sig­ni­fi­cant. Records are often full of mis­takes.

Riane and her husband, Eric Holub, purchased the Blackwolf Drive res­i­dence on August 5, 2016. The part about a con­nec­tion to Blackwolf Drive prior to 2016 is probably incorrect.

It's like­ly that Eric and Riane were at the North Point Road apart­ment for 3 years, that they saved diligently, and that they bought a house in Fall 2016.

Eric and Riane appar­ent­ly put down $50,000, or 23%, of a $220,500 pur­chase price. Mortgage pay­ments should be affordable and HOA dues are only $165 per month.

The details are unconfirmed. But it's a nice house. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms. Large deck, family room, formal dining room. Pleasant neighbor­hood.

As shown in the Google analysis to the right or be­low, the house is just 1.4 miles from the apart­ment. So they didn't even need to change neighborhoods.

People new to research may wish to note that the proximity of the old address to the new one tends to sup­port the validity of the move hypothesis.

As any rate, this is a step for­ward in life for a young couple. I trust that the next generation, my great-nephews and nieces, will appear in due course and grow up happy here.

I wonder what they'll know about their mother's side of their family. Actually, I wonder, to this day, what Riane herself has been told and believes.

Note to researchers:

Riane's redacted SSN is be­lieved to be [redacted]-14-3342.

For the unredacted SSN, contact me. You'll need to state that the SSN will be used for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able research pur­poses. For legal notes re­la­ted to the disclosure of SSNs, click here.

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Holub House to be Proud Of

170124 Tuesday — Tom Kiraly Birthday

170124. Tom Kiraly Birthday.

This post presents a let­ter that dir­ect­ly addresses Tom Kiraly, be­lieved to be CFO or VP of Hanger, Inc., Austin, Texas.

As a re­la­ted note, in­forma­tion connected to Tom Kiraly is actively solicited. Cash will be paid for in­forma­tion that isn't available from the major data brokers. However, such in­forma­tion must be obtained using le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able means.

As a note to attorneys and others, such solicitation is for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes. For a partial list of such pur­poses, visit the fol­low­ing web page:

One way of putting it is that, in a le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able sense that is pro­tect­ed under U.S. and other laws, Tom Kiraly is my property. This was his decision and his decision will stand up in Court.

Here are some basics to get researchers started:

Tom's Employer: Tom Kiraly seems to be the CFO and/or VP of Hanger, Inc. in Austin, Texas. However, this is unconfirmed. Tom hasn't notified me of the con­nec­tion as he was required to do under past agree­ments.

Hanger, Inc. may be found on the Web at this link:

Tom's Current Address: Unknown. There are two pos­si­ble candidates for current address:

  1. 9520 West­min­ster Glen Avenue, Austin, Texas 78730
  2. 3100 Esperanza Xing APT 6506, Austin, Texas 78758

Tom is supposedly con­nec­ted to 9520 West­min­ster Glen Avenue through a trust named Breeze Hill. But nothing has turned up that confirms this.

The 3100 Esperanza Xing address is actu­al­ly part of the public record. Tom filed this address with the State of Texas in con­nec­tion with Texas Corporation 0801183522.

Additionally, this address seems to be a current or recent DMV address for Tom. It's also one of his past voting reg­is­tra­tion addresses.

But, as with 9520 West­min­ster Glen Avenue, nothing confirming that 3100 Esperanza Xing APT 6506 is a current address has turned up.

Additional addresses are list­ed further down.

Tom's mother's Maiden Name: Kmeta

Tom's SSN: [redacted]-13-7011. Unconfirmed.

For the unredacted SSN, contact me. You'll need to state that the SSN will be used for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able research pur­poses. For legal notes re­la­ted to the disclosure of SSNs, click here.

Tom's DOB: Jan­uary 24, 1960

Tom's Photos: Past and present photos of Tom may be found at the fol­low­ing link. He's the one who's (a) age 50s, fat, and bald or (b) young, brown hair, and cool in appearance in dif­fer­ent photos.

The glowering man with black hair and acne isn't Tom. It's his abuser and mine, James Kiraly of Walnut Creek, Pismo Beach, Avila Beach, and pos­si­bly Newport Beach in Cal­i­for­nia. Twice as much will be paid for in­forma­tion related to James.

The cool, in appearance, age-20s young man with shaggy brown hair is Tom's son James, named after Tom's abuser James. When he was age 3, he was quite fond of dinosaurs but slightly concerned about sharks.

A separate Tom's Photos page will be set up on these sites in the future.

Tom's Tax-Dodge Corporation:

Tom has a Texas corporation, State ID 801183522, that was incorporated in 2009 with his three children, then in their teens, as the members. Tom list­ed himself and his wife Karen as managers.

The corporation is a tax dodge of some type. It's probably legal, but inter­est­ed researchers are wel­come to check it out at the fol­low­ing link:

Tom's wife: Tom is married to Karen Louise Kiraly née Washmon.

I was, as it turned out, the wed­ding photographer. The real photographer messed up, I was told, so most of the important wed­ding photos that exist were appar­ent­ly taken by me.

Karen Kiraly is the daughter of Don Washmon and Jean Washmon. Don passed away shortly after Thanksgiving in 2008. Jean may or may not still be alive; it hadn't occurred to me until today that I ought to check and see how she's do­ing.

Karen Kiraly's DOB is Jan­uary 17, 1959. She's just about a year older than Tom.

Karen Kiraly's SSN is [redacted]-27-1066. For the unredacted SSN, contact me. You'll need to state that the SSN will be used for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able research pur­poses. For legal notes re­la­ted to the disclosure of SSNs, click here.

Note to Karen Kiraly:

Happy 58th Birthday, by the way, Karen.

You're not get­ting older, you're get­ting, um, bet­ter. Probably. Or maybe we're all just get­ting older. By the way, your husband Tom Kiraly, CFO of Hanger, Inc., is sort of a coward, isn't he?

Oh, and Karen, you know that Grace Kiraly talked about you behind your back for decades, right?

Grace didn't like the way that you raised your kids or how your marriage work­ed. And her #1 fear, in the context of her son Tom, was that she might slip up and appear less than perfect in front of you.

Grace had to be super­ior to you.

At the same time, under­stand that Grace didn't have an easy life. You know that every­thing I've stated for 5 years as a fact is a fact, don't you?

And you know what else that makes Tom, don't you?

Tom's daughter Riane:

Tom has a daughter named Riane Kiraly, age approx. 27.

Riane's last known address is 1138 North Point Road APT 216, Madison, WI. Note: This address is public in­forma­tion that Tom Kiraly and/or Riane Kiraly filed with the State of Texas in con­nec­tion with Texas Corporation 0801183522.

Riane was an adult at the time that her name appear­ed in past agree­ments between James Francis Kiraly of Avila Beach, CA, the older abuser as opposed to Riane's younger brother James Thomas Kiraly; Tom Kiraly, Riane's father; and myself.

Riane needs to explain if her name appear­ed in the agree­ments with, or with­out, her consent. Either way, this will give me a cause of action against her father, Tom Kiraly. But I need to determine which it was.

Tom's son James:

James Kiraly, Tom's son

Tom has a son named James Thomas Kiraly, age approx. 25.

James's last known address is 1942 Westlake Avenue APT 1616, Seattle, WA 98101. Note: This address is public in­forma­tion that Tom Kiraly and/or James Thomas Kiraly, filed with the State of Texas in con­nec­tion with Texas Corporation 0801183522.

James Thomas Kiraly was an adult at the time that his name appear­ed in past agree­ments between James Francis Kiraly of Avila Beach, CA, the older abuser as opposed to James Thomas Kiraly; Tom Kiraly, James Thomas Kiraly's father; and myself.

James needs to explain if his name appear­ed in the agree­ments with, or with­out, his consent. Either way, this will give me a cause of action against his father, Tom Kiraly. But I need to determine which it was.

James works for Amazon's Redshift group in Seattle. He probably got the job through his uncle, my younger brother and Tom's younger brother, Ken Kiraly. If this is true, there is some irony in the story.

Tom's son Michael:

Tom has a younger son named Michael Kiraly. I haven't checked Michael's age and location yet.

If Michael wasn't an adult in 2013, he's less rele­vant to the Kiraly Gag Order Cases than his sister Riane and his brother James are.

However, he needs to under­stand what his grand­father did to his grandmother. And what his father did to me.

Tom's Driver's License:

Tom seems to have had the same Texas Driver's License num­ber, 12160487, for about 35 years. But he also had one in Florida, K640-825-60-024-0, in 2013. There was one, in Kentucky, too, K12289021, date unknown.

The Law typically requires that a driver surrender their old driver's license when they get a new one in a dif­fer­ent State. But Tom pre­sent­ly has the same Texas driver's license num­ber that he's had all along despite the existence of the Florida driver's license.

On the other hand, Texas seems to list the two occurrences of Texas Driver's License 12160487 as separate licenses. So, it's pos­si­ble that Tom formally surrendered his Texas license when he went to Florida and didn't commit a prosecutable crime in this context.

I assume that Tom has formally surrendered his driver's licenses from Kentucky and Florida. He'd most like­ly be in violation of the law otherwise.

Tom's pos­si­ble past addresses:

These addresses are list­ed in reverse chronological order, i.e., most recent first, based on the last known date of con­nec­tion to Tom.

Address: 3100 Esperanza Xing APT 6506, Austin, Texas 78758
Time period: 2013 to 2016
Connection: DMV, voting, and corporate address; see notes be­low

Tom's most recent DMV address, or one of them, seems to be the one at 3100 Esperanza Xing. Note: The street may also be known as Esperanza Crossing.

The 3100 Esperanza Xing address is also the one that Tom used as his mailing address when he registered to vote as a Boca Raton, Florida, resident in 2013.

And this address is as­soc­i­a­ted with the tax-dodge corporation men­tion­ed previously.

Address: (partial) 3801 North Capital Of Texas Highway PMB 434, Austin, Texas 78746
Time period: 2015 and 2016
Connection: See notes be­low

Tom shows up at this address in two con­texts. One context, in 2015, isn't clear. Another, in 2016, seems to be that of a private mailbox, PMB 434.

Address: 3611 Glenview Avenue, Glenview, Kentucky 40025
Time period: 2011 to 2016
Connection: Residence address

Address: (partial) 500 South Ocean Blvd, Boca Raton, Florida 33432
Time period: 2013 to 2014
Connection: Possible res­i­dence. See notes be­low.

500 South Ocean Blvd is a residential building or com­mun­i­ty of some type.

It ap­pears, based on changes in ZIP codes, that Tom resided in two dif­fer­ent units at this address. The unit num­bers are unknown.

This was Tom's res­i­dence address, in Florida, when he registered to vote there in mid-2013.

Address: 1300 Cardinal Drive, Unit 508, Louisville, Kentucky 40213
Time period: 2014
Connection: Possible res­i­dence

Address: 2600 North Whitehaven Drive, Colleyville, Texas 76034
Time period: 1994 to 2012
Connection: Residence

Address: 528 Post Oak Road, Grapevine, Texas 76051
Time period: 1988 to 2003
Connection: Residence

Address: 3960 North Story Road, Irving, Texas 75038
Time period: 1985 to 2003
Connection: Residence

Address: 425 East Harwood Road APT 435, Euless, Texas 76039
Time period: 1986 to 1994
Connection: Residence

Note that some of these addresses overlapped each other, time-wise, for years. In some cases, addresses may have been businesses or residences that were turned into rentals.

1. Tom, Happy Birthday!

Break out the beers
Tom's birthday is heres
Joy unbounded, a life that's rounded
Tom's birthday is heres
Celebrate is great, love is the fate
Tom's birthday is heres

Caring and sharing, no souls are tearing
It's all about love
Love is commitment and devotion
It's commitment in motion

Tom, this above all, Winter, Summer, Spring and Fall
Love is a dove from above

2. Little Things Matter.

Tom Kiraly, sweets, first, Jim Kiraly and you violated past agree­ments, like, be­fore the ink was dry, so you owe me $5,000 plus expenses re­la­ted to demonstrating that that you com­mit­ted the violation.

By the way, who was the amateur in Dallas, Texas who you asked to threaten me and to commit other prosecutable crimes, including felonies?

3. A Special Day Hoo-Ray.

But today is a special day. Let's focus on that. It's your birthday and the fifth anni­ver­sary of a special birthday at that.

You re­mem­ber, right?

In Jan­uary 2012, I scheduled a Happy Birthay call to you, in advance, with your admin assistant.

You took the call with evident pleasure, though there was one odd part that we'll come back to. We chatted about dif­fer­ent subjects. You invited me to call back and, in the months that followed, you never once asked me not to call you.

But in legal papers later that year, you stated that the initial call was “stalking”.

Tom, in a le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able sense, one that is pro­tect­ed under U.S. and other laws, the crimes that you've com­mit­ted, including but certainly not lim­it­ed to the crime of perjury described above, render you my property.

In the le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able sense in ques­tion, the one that is pro­tect­ed under U.S. and other laws, you belong to me.

4. Tom is a Silly Billy.

The best part of the Tom Kiraly Birthday Call 2012 made no sense at all at the time. You under­stand that I had no idea what it was about for the bet­ter part of a year, don't you?

You asked me how I was.

In years past, I'd avoided answering that ques­tion, regard­less of who asked it. I was autistic and didn't quite know what I was sup­posed to say.

It took me half a century to become com­for­ta­ble with the fact that the ques­tion usually isn't sincere. In 2012, you seemed sincere, so I decided to respond accurately. I said, “I've been sick” or some­thing similar.

You shrieked, lit­er­al­ly shrieked, “Services! There are services!”

It made no sense. I begged you to stop shouting. You didn't explain what you were shouting about. And I didn't find out for months.

Five years later, I have a rough idea of what was in your head. But I have no idea of how it was pos­si­ble for it to be there.

There's lots to talk about, Tom.

5. The Harlot of Hate She is Great.

Tom Kiraly, where are the count-
ryman Jim Kiraly and the Harlot of Hate Grace Kiraly?

As a note to attorneys and others, I'm making the inquiry for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes that Jim and Grace will be unable to contest under oath. For re­la­ted remarks, click here.

I don't be­lieve, not really, that they went to Newport Beach, but evi­dence connecting Jim Kiraly to 304 Morning Star Lane in the latter city keeps popping up.

They still own the house at 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, dir­ect­ly or indirectly. But evi­dence that they're actu­al­ly there, such as active memberships in local churches, is dif­fi­cult to find.

What are the b*tches up to?

6. Love, Sweet Love.

Tom Kiraly, I'd like to reaffirm the ties of brotherly love that bind us and will do so for Eternity.

You're the brother who's been kind to me all my life. No, wait, that's in TV shows that I watched decades ago.

Actually, you're the brother who used to threaten to shoot me and to laugh as my brains ran out. And who ended up committing felonies in failed attempts to shut out the reality of past abuse and the fact that I exist.

It's all right, Tom. Love is here for you. Wherever we go, in this life and in any other, Love will always be here.

There's a pleasing thought that often springs
to life in me, because it speaks of you
Nature craves Love and crowns Love King
It makes the heart a palace where He'll stay
Honor in a virtuous brother's heart
Makes the soul yearn; all should learn
Love is a dove from above

See the mountains kiss high heaven
And the lion embrace the lamb;
And the sunlight caresses the earth
And the mice taste the brie
What is all this sweet work worth
If thou are not there for me?

Regards, Robert (the Old Coder)

161225 Sunday — Christmas Letter to Jim and Grace

161225. Christ­mas Letter to Jim and Grace.

This is a let­ter to Jim Kiraly and Grace Kiraly, my parents. The focus is Christ­mas Love.

Oh, and there's a bit in the let­ter about confusion re­la­ted to Jim's and Grace's location.

Decem­ber 25, 2016
Jim Kiraly and Grace Kiraly

304 Morning Star Lane, Newport Beach, CA 92660: unconfirmed, possible former address

6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA 93424: current or former address

32 La Gaviota, Pismo Beach, CA 93449: former address

217 Gerry Court, Walnut Creek, CA 94596: former address

Honored Father and Mother, inepte daemonibus, never far from my heart and my soul, sanctis in Christo cacat.

As you know, in theory, under past agree­ments that you supposedly spent over $100,000 to get, I'd need a le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able pur­pose to address you dir­ect­ly.

In practice, as you violated the agree­ments immediately after signing them, I haven't been bound by them since mid-2013.

3.5 years, already. Imagine that.

However, I have a le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purpose regard­less.

Due to your violation of the agree­ments, you owe me $5,000 USD.

This obligation is separate from damages that I may be entitled to in con­nec­tion with abuse of pro­cess and mul­ti­ple other crimes that you've com­mit­ted.

1. So, I plan to see you to collect the $5,000 that you agreed in a legal­ly binding contract to pay.

You know, you're the ones who insisted that the contract be legal­ly binding :)

There are other le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able reasons to meet:

2. I've got a few ques­tions that I'd like to ask you.

For example, what was the deal with Jim Kiraly, a violent abuser, filing CLETS, an emergency anti-violence action, against his immobilized victim in a wheel­chair, 200 miles away, with no specific al­le­ga­tions that weren't perjury and with no request or even suggestion on your part provided as an alternative to legal actions?

As phone records have proved, you, Grace Kiraly, were the one who phoned me repeatedly as opposed to the other way around. But you tried to sug­gest that I'd made non-consensual calls to you. What was that all about, cunnus ad Luciferum?

Where the Hell did the suggestions that I was a lazy bum trying to black­mail you come from?

I work­ed harder than either of you ever did for decades. And I never asked either of you for a thing except for references for work and to help me with a book.

Will you deny this under oath, b*tches?

The violations of pro­ce­dure and pos­si­bly the Law that your attorney Michael Bonetto tried to get away with... Did you think that, ulti­mate­ly, they wouldn't go up your *sses as well as his?

There's more, of course; enough to fill a book. Oh, wait, that's how all of this start­ed :P

The most important ques­tion is, do you feel any guilt? But we know the answer to that.

Would you like to know what Christ is going to tell you?

“You are the failed crop, the seed that came up wrong
You hate the dif­fer­ent
You are not to be treasured or even measured
You are the chaff, the part that does not belong”

Christ didn't come for you. You're what He came to fix.

3. Jim is going to be the star of a series of short videos. The project will surely lift Jim's spirits and improve his declining health.

4. I need to serve the two of you in con­nec­tion with lit­i­ga­tion. The two of you will be respondents this time. It's your turn :D

Let's play, b*tches.

Legally, I can't be the one to hand you the papers, but I'll bring some­body with me for the pur­pose.

5. I plan to offer Jim the op­por­tun­ity to eat, on a consensual basis, a jar of excrementum meum, sapidum et salubri, in the expectation that this will, again, lift Jim's spirits and add years to the unpleas­ant life that I hear is close to its natural end.

6. We should dis­cuss the churches that you're attending. If they're of the Light that you've re­ject­ed, I'd like to learn more about them.

But, be­fore we can move for­ward, you need to stop, appar­ent­ly, hopping about.

Actually, it's dif­fi­cult to be­lieve you're actu­al­ly hopping about. My guess is that a clerical error has been made somewhere. However, this said, there is a lack of clarity about the fol­low­ing address:

304 Morning Star Lane, Newport Beach, CA 92660

Here's the tally so far:

* 2 private investigators say you've stayed at that address
* 3 data brokers say the same thing
* 1 phone num­ber with Jim's name and that address shows up
* 1 neighbor seems to be confirming the con­nec­tion

That's a persuasive list. However, every­thing but the neighbor could be explain­ed by a single typo in a single database if some­body made the mis­take long enough ago.

On the other hand, a retired police officer went by the Avila Beach house last week and didn't see any lights on.

On the other other hand, you could have been on a trip to see one of the grandkids.

And Jim's health isn't up to a lot of actual moves right now, is it? His health is one of the things that I'd like to dis­cuss with the County departments that deal with deranged older peo­ple.

But... which County? I'm so confused.

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I'm so confused about Jim and Grace Kiraly

At any rate, I intend to show you plenty of love and respect. But, Jim Kiraly, if you happen to pass away of natural causes be­fore we speak again, don't worry. It's all right.

In the name of Love, I'll bring you back from Hell.

If there's a Singularity, which some peo­ple feel might be a dif­fer­ent way of looking at the Rapture, it might be pos­si­ble to do this.

I hope so. Because, Jim, we have unfinish­ed bus­i­ness. And not only am I no longer fright­en­ed of you... many years spent in fear of a creepy adult baby...

...but, in a le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able sense that is pro­tect­ed under U.S. and other laws, a sense that is con­nec­ted to the prosecutable crimes you've com­mit­ted throughout your life....

you're my property, b*tch.

In your absence, the rest of us will be comforted by the presence of Grace Kiraly.

Grace should last for another decade. She'll have plenty of time to under­stand and appreciate the love and respect that is her due.

With deepest love
With respect beyond measure
Love is a dove from above
The Kiralys are there to treasure

Robert (the Old Coder)

Ivan and Olga Kmeta, Grace Kiraly's parents, debate cake. This is one of the best photos of these two that I have.

I cared a lot about them. They may have thought about me some­times as well. I know they'd be sick at the sight of Grace.

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Grace Kiraly's parents

161018 Tuesday — Birthday of Kiraly Ken is More Fun than Zen

1. Birthday of Kiraly Ken is More Fun than Zen.

Birthday Letter ahoy to my pride and joy
Happy Birthday to my brother Ken
Enigma to some, open book to me
Ken's no simple-minded Pharisee
Ken's no fool, he's never-ending cool
Pride joy fool cool, Ken is fun now and then

Ken Kiraly
2181 Gordon Avenue
Menlo Park, CA

Ken, Happy Birthday. You're 53.

It's a prime num­ber but not a prime age
No need to rage about not a prime age
What shall we do as the years ensue?
It's sim­ple, brother unique, if advice you seek
Age doesn't presage rage be sage as turn the page
Happy Birthday, Brother Buzz

For a birthday gift, Ken, I thought I'd offer you two photos of books and re­la­ted recollections.

The photos are blurry, espe­cial­ly the 2nd one. Excuse the blurriness; the photos were taken using an old phone under poor lighting conditions.

However, they capture a sig­ni­fi­cant day well enough.

Ivan Kmeta's Books

Ivan Kmeta, my grand­father and Ken's as well, was a writer, but these aren't the books that he wrote. This is a set of The Universal Anthology. You can read more about the set at this link.

Ivan owned the set shown be­low about 100 years ago. I was Ivan's spiritual heir. The books belonged to me from an early age. They were mine and part of me.

I took care of them for decades.

In 2011, I fell ill and lay on my living floor for two weeks. I nearly died. During my recovery, I decided to work on a book of my own. At Thanksgiving 2011, I asked my parents Jim and Grace Kiraly to help with the book.

My father, Jim Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA, was an abuser. He assumed that the book was going to be about the abuse and was enraged.

In 2012, Jim and one of my brothers, Tom Kiraly, initiated legal actions in an attempt to obtain a gag order. I shoved the actions up their fundaments in some respects; most notably, they spent a huge amount of money on legal bills and got less than I'd have given them for free.

But the actions lasted a year and wiped out my life savings. In 2013, I realized that I was going to lose my home of 25 years and made preparations to leave.

This including disposing of most of my possessions. Including the Universal Anthology.

Ivan Kmeta's books are shown be­low sitting on the kitchen tiles next to my refrigerator, waiting for what­ever destiny I might be able to arrange for them.

The set was probably worth about $500.00 USD, but it proved to be dif­fi­cult to find a collector who'd accept it even as a gift.

I knew a writer as­soc­i­a­ted with the Free Software Foundation. He expressed inter­est in the set. But he came down with the flu and discussions fell through.

My cousin Puzzle offer­ed to take them. But Puzzle's mother Shirley Mayton, an odd and senile woman, didn't want them in the house that Puzzle and Shirley shared.

Shirley said that they should be given to a garage sale, along with the books that Ivan him­self had writ­ten.

To down­load a higher-resolution, though still blurry, copy of the photo, click here.

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Ivan Kmeta's books

A few of my books

Bob start­ed to collect books at about age 7. Walnut Heights, the grade school that he attended in Walnut Creek, CA, had programs that encouraged reading, and this in­clud­ed in-class book sales sponsored by Scholastic.

Bob purchased a lot of the Scholastic books using dimes and quarters that he'd saved. He start­ed to pick up more books at flea-markets and used book-stores. Eventually, he added 30 years worth of a magazine named Analog (formerly Astounding).

Bob typically read or re-read a book or the equivalent each night for decades. This ended in the 2000s, but he con­tin­ued to value his books.

He'd wander out to the bookshelves in the middle of the night and look at them. Sometimes, he'd cry when he did this. He didn't know why he cried. However, I know why. These were the occasions when I was looking out through his eyes.

The photo was taken while the books were being sorted after I realized that the Kiralys had taken my home. Some of the books were allowed to stay and others, like the Universal Anthology, had to go.

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My books

Gently do I wish to pat my father Jim Kiraly's shoulder as I thank him respectfully for all that he's done.

I wish to kiss my brother Tom Kiraly in a kind manner and offer him a hug.

My mother Grace Kiraly... I'd speak to her of how Christ will greet her.

I feel love for the Kiralys. Love that will last forever. Love is a dove from above.

161002 Sunday — Ye Kirallye Rallye Historye

161002. Ye Kirallye Rallye Historye.

This is a minor Kiraly Gag Order Cases note.

I was researching a report that Jim Kiraly, my father, was as­soc­i­a­ted with a property in Newport Beach when, oddly, the S.F. Bay Area record shown be­low popped up:

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Kiraly Rallye Record

For the complete PDF, click on this link.

A Rallye is a competition where that involves driving a vehicle along a specified route, pos­si­bly solving puzzles along the way, and making it to a finish line either first or by a specified deadline.

The record shows that Ken Kiraly, my brother, was the driver in a S.F. Bay Area Rallye on June 7, 2014, with Randy Kahrer as the navigator and Ken's son James as a passenger.

The most sig­ni­fi­cant point here, a minor one, is that Ken and Randy are in communication despite the passing of four decades. I didn't know this.

The Rallye took place on the day after my birthday in 2014. Ken and Randy should have invited me :P

It ap­pears that Ken attended or participated in Rallyes be­fore 2014. He shows up in Rallye Records going back to 2010. Randy shows up in Rallyes from 2014 to this year, 2016.

The PDF was obtained originally from the fol­low­ing link (broken into two lines here):

161001 Saturday — Kiraly Cases on Birthday Grace's

161001. Kiraly Cases on Birthday Grace's.

Today is my mother Grace Kiraly's birthday. It seems right to share, on this festive occas­ion, one of the PDF's that is being delivered by snail-mail, courier, pro­cess server, and other means to dif­fer­ent people as part of a pro­cess of “gathering information”.

The PDF version is at this link. A browseable version is presented be­low.

This docu­ment is a work in progress. This is sim­ply a snapshot of the current version.

ATTN: Parties familiar with Jim Kiraly (aka James Francis Kiraly) or Grace Kiraly (aka Grace Violet Kmeta Kiraly)

For the PDF version, click here.

1. Introduction.

This docu­ment is part of a pro­cess of “gathering information” (Jim Kiraly's attorneys sug­gest­ed the term) for documented pur­poses re­la­ted to the two peo­ple indicated above. Who happen to be my bio­log­i­cal parents, though the paternity side isn't definite.

Attorneys are invited to review the Legitimate and Reasonable Purposes list linked in sec­tion 6.8. I'd like to ask some ques­tions re­la­ted, dir­ect­ly or indirectly, to a failed attempt by Jim Kiraly to seek a gag order re­la­ted to spousal and child abuse. I'll include context and close with contact in­forma­tion and a short poem.

This docu­ment is not a communication to the two peo­ple indicated above. Nor is it a communication to Riane Holub, though it is, in fact, a communication to Eric Holub.

This docu­ment is licensed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. For at­trib­u­tion purposes, the rights-holder is OldCoder. For more in­forma­tion on the license, visit the fol­low­ing webpage:

Copies of this docu­ment, pos­si­bly revised and updated, will be posted periodically to the Kiraly Gag Order cases web­sites. To locate one of the web­sites, do a Google search for these three words: Jim Kiraly Abuse

As a tech­ni­cal note, the web­sites have recently switched to a mobile friendly design. This means that peo­ple can read them on their smart-phones. However, only the first page has been converted to the new format so far.

Additional links and search terms will be provided throughout the rest of this docu­ment.

2. Individuals and culture.

For pur­poses of further identification, and for other documented le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes, descriptions of the indi­vid­uals in­volved follow:

James Francis Kiraly, DOB May 10, 1933, SSN xxx-xx-8134, declining health, pos­si­bly deceased from a stroke, former Vice President of Transamerica Corporation, current or former member of Retired Active Men SLO Branch #2, current or former member of Service Core for Retired Executives (S.C.O.R.E), visibly obsessive compulsive (neighbors have commented on this part), Fundamentalist, and abuser (Jim will not deny this under oath).

Jim Kiraly comes across well when he deals with men and women in bus­i­ness contexts. However, in his personal life, he has a history of controlling and physically violent be­ha­vior towards his wife Grace Kiraly. Additionally, he seems to be perceived as unsettling by women who he talks to if Grace isn't present and the context is personal.

Grace Violet Kmeta Kiraly, DOB October 1, 1933, SSN xxx-xx-1879, be­lieved to be healthy aside from a brush with cancer and a shattered and reconstructed arm, Fundamentalist, “Christ Follower”, superficially pleasant in social con­texts, shallow and unpleas­ant beneath the surface.

Grace Kiraly's birthday is today. She's old now, but she looks younger than her age. However, she shows early signs of dementia, despite her young-ish appearance.

There's more of a history of dementia and, actu­al­ly, infidelity, suicide, and physi­cal violence on Jim Kiraly's side of the family, the Kiralys. I'm not pre­sent­ly aware of any of these things on Grace's side of the family, the Kmetas.

So, Grace's decline ought to parallel that of her father Ivan Kmeta, who retained most of his mental facilities until he passed away in his late 90s. However, the fact is, Grace start­ed to fade years ago.

Grace's young-ish appearance is re­la­ted both to diet and exercise and to a genetic predisposition to cancer. For more in­forma­tion on the subject, Google for the word: telomeres

Last known addresses for Jim and Grace:

* 217 Gerry Court, Walnut Creek, CA for about 32 years
* 32 La Gaviota, Pismo Beach, CA for about 17 years
* 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA for 1 year

The couple are church-goers, but they don't agree on interpretations of the Word of God. Jim strongly favors dry and legalistic. Grace is drawn more to Charismatic. Under dif­fer­ent circumstances, she'd be one of the “speaking in tongues” peo­ple.

Jim and Grace both subscribe to the school of thought that spousal abuse, if it occurs, is the Will of God. This per­spec­tive is by no means universal among Fundamentalists. However, it was a core principle in the Fundamentalist culture that I was raised in.

Jim and Grace are opposites in other respects, but they're similar in their views of Black peo­ple.

In this context, the Kiralys are happy to have “safe” Blacks, such as the ones that they meet at Church, as acquaintances. However, they be­lieve that Blacks in general deserved to be slaves and, add­i­tion­al­ly, have a tendency towards shiftlessness and crime.

3. Me.

I'm Robert Kiraly, the Old Coder. I'm the eldest surviving son of Grace Kiraly. The odds are that my bio­log­i­cal father is Jim Kiraly. However, it ap­pears that Grace was in a prior rela­tion­ship with Jim's brother Bill later than she's acknowledged. So, the matter isn't 100% clear.

I'm an autistic software engineer with a few small accomplishments. I was semi-retired a decade ago but have had to come out of retirement. I spent part of the past decade in a wheel­chair due to psoriatic arthritis, but I'm mobile pre­sent­ly.

I have one primary project left in life; one task that, more than others, needs to be completed. This docu­ment is part of the project.

Feel free to fol­low the primary project and others at Twitter. My handle there is BoldCoder and the link is:

4. Family history.

Grace's parents, Ivan and Olga Kmeta, escaped from the Soviet Union with their son Anatol not long after its founding nearly a century ago. This was a good thing, as Ivan was a religious leader and the Soviets had a tendency to shoot them. To read more about Ivan's life, visit the fol­low­ing webpage:

Grace was born in Canada, but the Kmeta family, renamed to “Mayton” due to the fact that the surname “Kmeta” sounded too foreign, relocated to the U.S. and event­u­al­ly settled on the East Coast. There, Grace, as a young lady, became romantically in­volved with a young man named Bill (or William) Kiraly.

Grace seems to have become pregnant at least once by Bill, but the baby either miscarried or was aborted. There may have been more than one baby. The facts aren't clear.

Grace didn't see Bill as marriage material, so she moved on to his brother Jim, a sailor who showed promise as a business-man.

Bill married another woman, became one of Reagan's “Star Wars” engineers, and died of cancer circa the end of the 1980s. I visited him in the 1970s and one thing that stands out in my re­col­lec­tion is his resemblance, physi­cal and emotion­al, to my brother Ken, another engineer who was one of the inventors of the Amazon Kindle.

To be clear, Bill couldn't have been Ken's father. There's a slight chance that Bill was my father, but Ken was born years later. Regardless, family traits, genetics, nature vs. nurture, these are subjects of inter­est.

Grace told me, decades later, that Jim was good in bed, but the prospect of marriage to a stable and sensible provider was more important than the physi­cal part.

Grace found part of what she was looking for. Jim proved to be, not a stellar fig­ure in bus­i­ness, but a respectable organ­i­za­tion man who rose to Vice President of a then-major corporation and stayed there for decades.

Regrettably, Jim proved to be mentally ill as well, a violent per­son who lit­er­al­ly shook with rage on a reg­u­lar basis. He smashed things and some­times people.

Jim's eyes used to bulge when he was shaking. Looking back, it was odd that peo­ple, both inside the family and out­side it, were able to pre­tend that things were normal. The ability, and the decision, to pre­tend this way is some­thing that I'd like to write about.

The part that I, personally, didn't fully realize until old age was that nobody was actu­al­ly afraid of Jim except for me.

Jim was a bully, he injured his wife, he tore things up and broke them, and he had no con­cept of civility even when he wasn't enraged. He used to pick his nose where he wished, mocked both adults and children like a child him­self, and pouted like a child about trivial things until his wife spent, lit­er­al­ly, hours talking him out of the pout.

The last issue, pouting, is one of the clearest sets of recollections that I have of Jim Kiraly that run all the way from preschool to adult­hood.

Aside from the rages and the bullying and the unpleasantness of the envir­on­ment, Grace used to need to go speak to Jim, submissively, in the right tone of voice, and find the right words to soothe Jim's feelings and to assure him that he was in charge.

It wasn't a rapid pro­cess.

But my mother and brothers understood that Jim was, in fact, sim­ply an adult child. Physically dan­ger­ous, yes, to the point that I had to smash my own hand in a car door once to distract Jim be­fore he could injure or kill my brother Ken. But Jim was a child regard­less.

And nobody in the family saw fit to explain this to me. It was all part of the strange “pretending” issue. Somehow, what was hap­pen­ing was sup­posed to be normal.

As a re­la­ted note, Ken was never even slightly afraid of Jim and so didn't mind provoking him. This didn't help matters. In add­i­tion to the smashed-hand incident, I had to take Ken out of the house on mul­ti­ple occasions to avoid Jim's explosions.

By age 17, I was strong enough to fight back against Jim physically. I could have used lethal force to protect myself and nobody would have blinked. Not even Jim's wife Grace; she was weary of Jim at this point, exhausted physically and emo­tion­al­ly, and would have welcomed his removal. But I saw Jim as frightening and con­tin­ued to see him this way until 2012.

That's all gone now.

I under­stand, now, that Jim Kiraly was a 4-year old all his life.

A “creepy” fig­ure, certainly, but also a boy frozen emo­tion­al­ly at age 4, when Jim's father Frank punched his mother Ann through glass and left forever. Jim internalized that type of be­ha­vior and was unable to grow past it as the decades passed.

For Grace Kiraly's part, she left Jim Kiraly not long into the marriage, small children in tow, but return­ed because there was nowhere to go. I was one of the small children. I re­mem­ber vomiting on the plane and wondering if my toys would be all right with­out me.

Less than a decade after Grace left Jim and return­ed, she ordered Jim out of the house.

Grace let Jim back into her life after he insisted on returning, but she con­sid­er­ed leaving him for good as late as the 1980s. She used to phone me, night after night, asking me what to do about Jim and about my youngest brother Scott.

Scott, a retarded boy, figured into Grace's exhaustion. He could only be helped to an extent, but Grace threw herself into mainstreaming him. I did what I could to help, myself.

At one point, Jim and Grace sent Scott to a Christian prison in rural Cal­i­for­nia, and I was the only one of Scott's brothers to visit him. On another occas­ion, Jim and Grace feared that Scott would kill Ken, so they sent Ken to stay with me.

Scott was incapable of empathy, as much as Jim was. He lived a pointless life, full of hatred of the dif­fer­ent, and was expect­ed to be dead by now due to weight in the 300 to 450 pound range. People of that weight tend to pass away be­fore age 50. However, I've seen some­body who seems to be Scott visiting my web­sites, so he's appar­ent­ly still alive.

As you might imagine, needing to deal with both Jim and Scott, Grace was burdened to a remarkable extent.

To read my 2016 birthday poem for Scott, click here.

Things settled down in the 1990s. But, still, Jim was furious if Grace wanted to go out on errands at night with­out him. Grace was also forced to eat meat despite her desire to be vegetarian. Jim liked meat and Grace had to eat what he did.

Today, there is a word for it: “Controlling”. Grace Kiraly had to be where Jim Kiraly was, when he wasn't work­ing. She had to eat what he ate. She had to sense his moods and respond to them or it was seen as a betrayal. A betrayal that would lead, at best, to pouting and, more often, to quivering rage, literal shaking, eyes bulging.

I need objective views. Is this type of thing normal? If it's combined with physi­cal violence, doesn't it cross a line? At what point does one say that some­thing is no longer cute, but is sick instead?

I should have told Grace to leave Jim when she asked me for my advice. But I was always the sensible one, the one who sought balance.

I was the fool.

5. The gag-order cases.

We're not to the main ques­tions. I should bridge the gap. This part is more dif­fi­cult for me.

5.1. I was a success as a software engineer. I retired in my 40s or, rather, went into semi-retirement. I con­tin­ued to work, indirectly, for the U.S. military at Northrop-Grumman. I both designed and implemented fighter-jet software.

5.2. Throughout my career, I was never a “people person”, but I was re­spect­ed and was told more than once that I'd been a mentor.

One Russian consultant that I managed in 2000 didn't speak English, but as he left to fly home, he hugged me and said, “You good man, Bob”.

This hap­pen­ed with a few homeless peo­ple as well. I didn't talk much to peo­ple outside of work. I did notice homeless peo­ple walking around. Until I lost my car in a 2000 auto accident, I'd drive them places. Even after I lost the car, I'd find them, try to check up on them, treat them as human.

Sometimes, they'd hug me. I was always startled when this hap­pen­ed.

The helping part is what some­body like me does. It's natural. To be honest, after seeing how “normals” treat the dif­fer­ent ones, I don't hold a high opinion of “normals”. They seem like animals to me.

But it's also natural for some­body like me to be objective. I know that dif­fer­ent people are dif­fer­ent. I seek the ones who see others as real and who there­fore are real them­selves. I collect such peo­ple and value them.

They aren't as common as they ought to be.

5.3. I work­ed, typically, 80 hours a week. During the dot-com era, it was up to 120 hours a week despite the fact that I was in my 40s. I slept on concrete floors for a few hours at a time, got up, work­ed as long as I could, and napped again.

I did my job.

5.4. I lost my mobility in 2001. I used a cane for a while and ulti­mate­ly ended up in a wheel­chair. I lost most of my life savings in the Crash of 2008 as well. But I rebuilt and was on my way back to a normal life by the end of 2011.

I never asked family members for help with medical care. Or for any­thing at all but connections re­la­ted to jobs. The latter request was denied despite the help that I'd offer­ed people over the decades.

My brother Ken Kiraly, in par­tic­u­lar... Ken was fright­en­ed of differential equations, so he dropped out of college. I let Ken live with me for 2 years rent-free, got him his first job, and taught him to code in 'C'.

A few years later, to show my faith in Ken, I put more money into his startup, Multiscope, than Ken did initially. When the money ran out, I told him not to worry about it. Ken denied later that all of this had hap­pen­ed.

Years later, Ken, now a lead at Amazon Corporation, wouldn't dis­cuss the possibility of a reference for a job for me. Oh, well.

BTW if you're inter­est­ed in startups, feel free to Google Multiscope and Ken Kiraly.

5.5. In mid-2011, I was largely immobilized for 2 weeks. I ran out of food and it took from half an hour to an hour to crawl to get water. Bathroom issues were com­pli­ca­ted.

My apart­ment manager was in the hospital with the cancer that would event­u­al­ly kill him, so there was nobody to talk to about letting peo­ple in to help.

Eventually, I made enough of a fuss that peo­ple came into my apart­ment. They were irritated at first, but this seemed to change after they found me sprawled on the living-room floor, using a pile of clothes as a nest.

I was given food. It tasted very good. I was given a wheel­chair. I took a job as a recruiter by phone. It took me 6 months to recover.

I went out on crutches too soon, twice, and wasn't able to make it back home either time. The issue wasn't pain. I leaned on the crutches and felt all right, but I couldn't move. The ability to move sim­ply wasn't there. It was odd.

5.6. An acquaintance, Paul, killed him­self during this period because I wasn't there for him. I phoned Paul's wife to see how he was do­ing. She sounded odd and I made a joke about it. Then she explain­ed that Paul was dead.

Paul killed him­self because he was an older de­vel­op­er who couldn't find a job. I was sup­posed to help him by teach­ing him Linux.

5.7. I made two new friends in 2011.

One was an unusual elderly attorney named DNA. Actually, his name was Gene, but DNA served for a while as a code-name used to protect Gene from the Kiralys. You can watch my videos of DNA on the fol­low­ing website:

And one of the applicants that I helped as a recruiter thought that I was nice. Eventually, he came roaring up on his motor­cycle to visit me in per­son. We've stayed in communication. I pass through his area some­times.

I've had dinner with him and his wife. I've taught knock-knock jokes to his 5-year-old son. This is as close to family situations as I'll be able to have now.

This was std::vector, another code name intended as protection against the Kiralys. He is Victor in real life. If you'd like to see a photo of std::vector and read a poem about him, visit either of the fol­low­ing two webpages:

“http”, “https”, “vector”, and “victor” should all work. I try to be flexible as the Kiralys have DDOSed the web­sites and may succeed in taking some of them down. DDOS is a felony, by the way, but felonies are perceived to be O.K. if wealthy peo­ple commit them.

5.8. In Fall 2011, I spent a lot of time thinking about life.

I had a num­ber of posi­tive phone discussions with my abuser Jim Kiraly. We talked about Jim's volunteer work, his computer experiments, and his house­hold repairs. Not a single conversation was unwelcome to Jim. Jim won't deny a word of this under oath, but attorneys should note that it needs to be under oath.

I also talked to Grace about the past. She was game and never once asked me not to call.

5.9. At Thanksgiving 2011, I felt confident enough to tell my parents that I was work­ing on a book about relationships. My father, Jim Kiraly, immediately ordered me never to call again or he'd go to the police. About what wasn't clear.

Jim did go to the police on the next bus­i­ness day. The police never contacted me, but I learned months later that they'd dismissed him as a crank.

I didn't under­stand any of this until later. The issue was, of course, that Jim Kiraly feared the book would be about the abuse. This was the last thing on my mind, but Jim never even asked. He just assumed.

5.10. About a month later, in early 2012, Grace Kiraly drove 200 miles unannounced to visit me. We ate at the Olive Garden in Mountain View, CA.

Subsequently, Grace initiated a series of phone calls to me in which she lectured me about the merits of Vitamin C.

I didn't phone Grace; instead, she phoned me. As a note to attorneys, there is no “he said she said” about this. I obtained Grace's phone records later on in Discovery. The records confirm that Grace called me on a reg­u­lar basis.

I asked Grace for per­mis­sion to interview her Pastor, at New Life Pismo Church, regarding the meaning of the term “Christ Follower” and the role of a Christian in the temporal world. Grace said, go ahead.

The Pastor and I made an appointment and chatted pleasantly. I also phoned a volunteer group that Jim had told me about and dis­cus­sed the group's mission and the meaning of the word “altruism”. The phone calls, I learned later, enraged Jim Kiraly. He was worried that I'd talk about the abuse.

5.11. Jim start­ed to tell peo­ple, “Don't be afraid to give me some­thing to prosecute Bob”. Which was ludicrous, but I'm autistic and was still easily fright­en­ed at the time. That part has been burned out of me now.

I phoned Jim Kiraly and I said one thing, and one thing only: “You can't hurt me any more, Jimmy. Wife-beater. Child abuser.”

5.12. I proceeded with my life. On my birthday in June 2012, I left everybody chilly but polite “Goodbye Forever” messages. Then I learned that Jim had filed for emergency anti-violence actions a month be­fore. And I hadn't been served or even notified.

I say “actions” plural because Jim persuaded one of my brothers, Tom Kiraly, CFO of Hanger, Inc., in Austin, Texas, to file for emergency anti-violence protection against me. This, despite the fact that Tom lived 3,000 miles away at the time and had never asked me not to call him. In fact, he'd invited me to do so.

If I under­stand correctly, Jim Kiraly got Tom Kiraly to do this by tell­ing Tom that false statements were going to be made re­la­ted to Tom's having had sexual relations with his children Rianne and James and also to Tom's having com­mit­ted violence against his wife Karen. Tom, being an idiot, jumped into the lit­i­ga­tion pool feet first.

5.13. I didn't under­stand the point of the actions, the gag-order part, until months later. I was too busy to think about this part for a while.

I phoned Nancy Grabow, a High School acquaintance I'd talked to occasionally in recent years. Nancy was a former romantic partner of our mutual classmate Akhil Amar, a lesser Supreme Court Candidate in 2008, and the head of Yale Law School.

Nancy asked Akhil if he'd help.

Akhil sent one of his brothers, Vikram Amar, then of U.C. Davis Law School, a few days later. However, I was dying, lit­er­al­ly, at the time, so Vikram took off. I like to joke that he went “Whoosh” and left a vapor trail. By the way, gee, thanks, Vikram :P

More about the dying part in a minute.

5.14. This is the same Akhil Amar who was honored recently by Obama. To be clear, Akhil and I were never friends. In fact, he's the rea­son that I never sought treat­ment for autism or even acknowledged that I was autistic until all of this hap­pen­ed.

Akhil was a pr*ck. But I valued him as my best enemy and measured myself against him for six years.

I'd have done bet­ter than he did in life, I think, if it hadn't been for the violent-abuse issue. If I'd accepted that I was autistic, this might have made a dif­fer­ence; I'm not sure. Akhil work­ed hard, regard­less, and deserves credit he's earned.

As an amusing footnote, Akhil and/or his staff seem to have studied my weblogs carefully to see what I've writ­ten about him. However, it might have been a ran­dom Yale student. I'm only sure that it was some­body at Yale who was very inter­est­ed in Akhil. They reviewed every reference to him, no matter how minor.

5.15. Akhil and I were con­sid­er­ed intelligent. My brother Ken was intelligent as well, but not at the same level. Grace told me once that Ken had stated this; it came as a surprise that he'd been so objective.

Grace Kiraly ranks a few notches be­low Ken Kiraly. Our brother Tom Kiraly has basic skills, but I'd consider him normal. Jim Kiraly is a dullard, but his OCD, which runs deeper than I'd realized as a boy, helps him to get things done in bus­i­ness. My youngest brother, Scott Kiraly, doesn't fit into conventional rankings.

One re­la­ted, and amusing, part of the Gag Order cases came at a point where Jim and Tom told the Court, in wri­ting, that “Bob thinks he's smarter than the Law”. I've told Jim and Tom, since then, “I'm not smarter than the Law, b*tches, but I sure as Hell am smarter than you”.

Tom is my younger brother, but not much younger. He and Jim have known me for all my life. They both have a sense of my abilities as well as the degree of commitment that I demonstrate when it's neces­sary. In fact, the Pleadings actu­al­ly say some­thing like this: “Bob is smart enough to have hacked us, so he must have done it.”

Jim and Tom must have known that their decision to commit abuse of pro­cess, and mul­ti­ple prosecutable crimes in add­i­tion to this, was like­ly to lead to le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able consequences for the rest of their lives.

If you know Jim or Tom, tell me, what were they thinking? I'm not being facetious. It's in­forma­tion that is need­ed.

5.16. As Court approached, I was distressed enough that I'd forgotten to drink water for most of a week.

It ap­pears that I went past the threshold that American Indians used to cross on vision quests. On the other side of the threshold, I met the Angel of Death.

I'm a literal, autistic, Coder, focused on that which is real. But I met Death, regard­less, and felt the touch of His wings as they brushed agains my face. It was sim­ply a glitch, of course, brought on by dehydration.

Or, at least, I assume that it was a glitch. We're of the World and can't really be sure of what is beyond it.

5.17. By the day be­fore Court, I was semi-conscious. I spent the day in the Emergency Room where I was treated for dehydration. I don't know for sure what I looked like, but I was told that my flesh had caved in.

The next day, I made it to Court, a long distance with­out a car for some­body who'd left the hospital late the night be­fore. I had no attorney and couldn't quite stand up.

Sometimes, I'm facetious about the Gag Order cases and say, “It was loads of fun”. But, really, it wasn't fun.

5.18. When the Court got to the part about proof of ser­vice, it was missing. This was because I'd talked to Michael Bonetto about the issue. He insisted that I'd been served, but it ap­pears that he quietly removed a faked proof of ser­vice from the file when he realized that I might try to make an issue of it.

I start­ed to tell the Court that I hadn't been served, but they shut me up immediately.

5.19. The condensed version of the year that followed, mid-2012 to mid-2013, is that Jim Kiraly refused to set­tle unless I agreed to a gag order.

I was sup­posed to go into a violence database, and pos­si­bly to jail, if I ever talked about the abuse or wrote about it.

A violent abuser, Jim Kiraly, was going to put his non-violent victim, in a wheel­chair, into a violence database for talking about the abuse.

I was never going to sign that.

As a note for attorneys, when I re­ceived the demand that I sign a gag order, I immediately posted the demand online.

Jim's primary attorney, Michael Bonetto of Hoge Fenton, sug­gest­ed that I was breaking a law, Evidence Code Section 1152, by posting the demand for a gag order. I posted a rebuttal which demonstrated that he was lying. He didn't seem to have much to say after that.

5.20. I wasn't accused of violence, or of threats of violence, or of any­thing specific and rele­vant. I wasn't even accused of unwelcome phone calls in 2012; after all, my mother had been the one who'd phoned me and who'd come to visit me unannounced. I should have filed for emergency anti-violence protection against her.

As a bonus, I was in a wheel­chair, I'd lost the use of my right hand, I lived 200 miles from Jim Kiraly, and I didn't even own a car.

In short, the case was awkward for Jim Kiraly's attorneys. It was abuse of pro­cess, which can be classified as a crime. Hoge Fenton, the law firm in­volved, took the case primarily, I think, because Jim told them that I was a pauper and would be trying to defend myself. In other words, I was sup­posed to be easy pickings.

5.21. Jim Kiraly claimed, with­out specifics, that I was making false claims of abuse. So I produced a witness, a 1970s boy from out­side the family, and shoved the witness up Jim's abuser fundamentals.

I offer­ed to let Jim's attorneys be photographed with the witness. Who they wouldn't be able to smear, I noted, because he'd grown up to be the quadriplegic head of a disability foundation. The claim of false claims of abuse was quietly dropped.

5.22. Jim Kiraly submitted postcards I'd sent him as “evidence”. Evidence of what wasn't clear, as the postcards were about asking Jim to stop threat­en­ing me.

But the best part was that I'd asked the Pismo Beach police to approve the postcards in advance. I men­tion­ed this and the postcards quietly disappeared from the case.

5.23. I demanded Jim's phone records in Discovery and demonstrated that Grace had been the one to phone me, not the other way around. I heard less talk about phone calls after that.

5.24. Jim Kiraly demanded all of my medical records back to birth. This is con­sid­er­ed inappropriate. I instructed my attorney (I'd found one by now) to tell the other side, “Look in my diapers, b*tches”.

I don't know if my attorney followed my instructions. However, I didn't hear any­thing further about infancy immunization records subsequently.

5.25. Ultimately, I realized that my attorney, John Perrott of Thomas Chase Stutzman in San Jose, was charging me thousands of dollars a month, but not do­ing anything. Most of the non-pro forma paper­work was being writ­ten by me, but somehow the legal bills were run­ning up to $5,000 to $8,000 per month.

As a bonus, John Perrott's law firm turned out to be headed by an attorney, Thomas Chase Stutzman, who was a borderline sex offender. Better still, one of the firm's paralegals, Lisi Zhang, told me to drop her firm because John Perrott was just going to take my money and not do any­thing. Those were close to her exact words.

5.26. Imagine that you're fighting to keep your abuser from sending you to jail for talking about the abuse. Which you weren't even going to do. Now imagine that you learn you're standing on quicksand with lim­it­ed options.

It was too late, in my view, to drop John Perrott. His firm wasn't going to return any of my funds. And I couldn't represent myself; i.e., act as a “Pro-Per”. This was exactly what Jim Kiraly had expect­ed and hoped for.

The plan was to dispose of me easily as soon as I made the slightest procedural error. The facts of the cases were never going to be examined.

I don't think that Jim's attorney, Michael Bonetto of Hoge Fenton in San Jose, expect­ed initially that Jim's and Tom's Pleadings were ever actu­al­ly going to be read.

I was sup­posed to show up with­out an attorney and get locked up through the sim­ple equation that a wealthy per­son usually beats a poor per­son in Court regard­less of the facts.

5.27. So, I start­ed talking to the public. Everybody seemed surprised, but it was an obvious move. Probably the only move that I could have made.

It was a good move.

Jim Kiraly was ridiculously vulnerable. Nobody was going to care about me personally, some broken down Old Coder in an obscure legal battle. But positioning is every­thing.

Jim Kiraly was a violent abuser seek­ing to place his non-violent wheelchair-bound victim in a violence database for talking about the abuse. Which his victim wasn't even going to do. It was all out of fear and rage on the abuser's part.

If I'd been able to get my message down to that short but striking paragraph in 2012, and had spent my remaining funds on publicity instead of watching my life savings burn, I'd have gotten much further much faster.

5.28. As part of my move into the public eye, I set up Free Speech web­sites in the name of each per­son involved, including Michael Bonetto. His site was, and is, located at:

One result was sort of funny. I don't know if the story is true. However, I was told that Michael wandered the halls of his law firm, asking for help to get my web­sites taken down. If I under­stand correctly, he was told to clean up his own mess.

5.29. Jim sug­gest­ed that I'd “hacked” Amazon Corporation.

There was no specific accusation. Just vague remarks which sug­gest­ed I must have done some­thing unspecified wrong and there­fore an emergency anti-violence ruling was appropriate. The cases were like this all the way through.

The Amazon story is funny. I wanted to get a message to my brother Ken, the inventor of the Amazon Kindle. So, I left a 10-minute voicemail re­la­ted to what was hap­pen­ing for an entire division of Amazon. Amazon had an unusually generous time allotment; my view is that it was perfectly reason­able to take advantage of it.

You can say a lot in 10 minutes. My re­col­lec­tion is that I did so.

But this was neither “hacking” nor illegal. It was le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able use of a facility that a company had offer­ed to the public. And, from a tech­ni­cal perspective, a bright chimpanzee could have done the same thing.

5.30. As a re­la­ted note, one consequence of Ken's involve­ment with Amazon Corporation was that I re­ceived two death threats.

The 1st death threat was supposedly from the company it­self. The 2nd death threat was odd. So odd that I've wondered, for 4 years, if the per­son who threat­en­ed me was Ken him­self.

5.31. Jim Kiraly stated that I must have “hacked” him personally.

Once again, there was no specific accusation. Just vague remarks, nothing to fight back against, but I had to respond to such al­le­ga­tions regardless and it cost thousands of dollars total.

This “hacking” al­le­ga­tion, the second one, had to do with my knowledge of Jim's plans.

I knew that Jim was hoping to try to charge me with “blackmail”, even though I'd never even sug­gest­ed that I was going to talk about the abuse. I knew because a cousin had told me. But Jim told the Court that I must have found out by “hacking” his PC.

I went through a year of this.

5.32. Jim Kiraly said that I'd demanded money for medical care. He provided no specifics. Once again, he made an al­le­ga­tion that I couldn't fight back against because there was no specific accusation.

And I had to pay to respond to these al­le­ga­tions despite the lack of specifics. Somehow, this was legal. Though, really, in context, it was abuse of pro­cess and a prosecutable crime.

Michael Bonetto seemed bored by the time that this issue was addressed. He asked me if this had hap­pen­ed, I stated under oath that it had not, and the subject wasn't raised again.

5.33. Tom Kiraly, whose legal case was technically separate from Jim's, but con­nec­ted to it, submitted Pleadings that, I noted at the time, were so inept that they prac­ti­cal­ly drooled on the floor.

Tom stated, under oath, that I'd start­ed to “stalk” him by phoning him in early 2012 to wish him a Happy Birthday. Tom neglected to mention that the call was arranged through his secretary, that he took the call with evident pleasure, that he invited me to call back, and that he took calls for months afterward and never once asked me not to call. In short, the state­ment was demonstrable perjury.

The rest of Tom's pleadings contained nothing that even made sense. He in­clud­ed a story about Jim in which he, Tom, didn't even appear. The story was worded carefully so that it didn't actu­al­ly state that any­thing had hap­pen­ed. It was like this: “We think that the police called Bob and warned him that he must not commit crimes, but we are not actu­al­ly saying that the police did call him.”

Tom also accused me of offering to leave copies of Ivan Kmeta's books of religious poetry to him in my will. There was language similar to this: “The offer of the books was in some way an attempt to harm my livelihood”.

I stated in my re­sponse that I was at a loss for words. This part is no longer true. Tom and I will be discussing what he was thinking.

5.34. Try to imagine living like this for a year.

You've had a rough few years, but you've start­ed to rebuild your life and your life savings. Then your abuser comes and files paper­work that never accuses you of any­thing specific and rele­vant. But you need to spend $5,000 to respond to one docu­ment, $3,500 to write another docu­ment. Month after month until every­thing is gone.

And it won't stop unless you sign a gag order. A gag order that will send you to jail if you talk about your abuser.

5.35. In the end, Jim Kiraly had nothing left. He'd thrown a lot of bric-a-brac at me and I'd turned most of it into rubble. Without an attorney's help, I might add. I did most of the non-pro forma work. John Perrott mostly sat there and took my life savings.

Jim had one thing left, and one only: Frightened voicemail messages that I'd left for my brothers. In the messages, I was clearly angry and there­fore “frightening”. But I made no illegal threats nor even used profanity that I recall.

More importantly, I don't recall leaving Jim any voicemail messages in 2012 save for one chilly but polite “Goodbye Forever” message. Technically, the voicemail messages to my brothers shouldn't even have been admissible in Jim's legal case.

I asked my attorney, John Perrott, to take actions re­la­ted to sorting out the voicemail messages and filing a motion to have some of them declared inadmissible. He declined to do so.

Jim, on his side, still had money to spend and Michael Bonetto was happy to take it. Michael decided to force me to be filmed so that my autistic manner of speech could be portrayed as frightening.

I think it was at this point, the demand that I be filmed so that the way that I spoke, the voice that I'd had since infancy, could be portrayed as monstrous sim­ply because of its rhythm and patterns, that I changed forever.

I became that which I am now. Adult, no longer fright­en­ed, and in full pos­ses­sion of the capabilities that I was born with.

I'm wise enough to under­stand my limits. We all have physi­cal, emotion­al, and practical limits and this includes me.

At the same time, my pos­i­tion when I encounter an attorney or other party who crosses the line is, “In a le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able sense, friend, one that is pro­tect­ed under U.S. and other laws, you belong to me now. You're my property.”

And it's true.

It's odd. I'm the per­son I was sup­posed to be now. Perhaps more like myself than I've been since 1971. 45 years ago now. I was always kind and now I'm kind consciously. It's a choice. But I'm dif­fer­ent from who I was for all the years in-between.

5.36. Michael Bonetto dropped the attempt to film me when Jim ran out of money and Michael decided that the cases were over. It was partly due to the fact that a plan to cheat Jim Kiraly had fallen through.

I know that Michael Bonetto was cheating Jim Kiraly, or planning to do so, because my attorney, John Perrott, tried to involve me in a scheme that he and Michael had cooked up.

The idea was to drive up Jim's costs by bringing my autism into the cases. I was forced to introduce the autism issue due to things that Michael had said, but I'd like to be clear that I had no involve­ment in the plan to cheat Jim, which I'm pretty sure was illegal.

5.37. In the end, I sign­ed agreements that I co-wrote.

There was no gag order. Instead, there was a page or two detailing my right to talk about the abuse, and the cases, to the entire world in email, on YouTube, in every pos­si­ble venue.

Jim got fewer concessions than I'd tried to offer him for a year. I'm told that Jim may have spent as much as $100,000. Whatever the actual fig­ure, it was a lot and Jim got less than he could have gotten for free. I like to remind him of that.

I managed to slip in a little edit that Jim's attorney Michael Bonetto didn't catch. It was intended to be a loophole for fallback use. It would probably have helped to some extent, but this wasn't guaranteed.

A contract specialist that I consulted told me that my edit could go either way because agree­ments are interpreted “as a whole”. My re­sponse was that Jim's “as-whole” be­ha­vior would be the deciding factor.

5.38. It all proved to be moot, because Jim and Tom violated the agree­ments less than a month after the cases ended. They had a blackhat in Dallas, Texas contact me to threaten me. I haven't been bound by the agree­ments since that day.

As a note for attorneys, I repudiated the agree­ments publicly. This gave Jim a presumptive violation. However, he'd violated the agree­ments himself and had com­mit­ted felonies as well. I felt pretty good about the repudiation.

So, not only did Jim spend perhaps $100,000 to get agree­ments weaker than the ones he could have gotten for free, he threw them away.

Technically, in fact, Jim Kiraly and Tom Kiraly owe me a $5,000 penalty each now for their initial violation of the agree­ments, the violation that released me from any obligation to comply with the agree­ments myself.

Contract specialists will raise an eyebrow at some of this, but, again, it isn't just agree­ments that are assessed “as a whole”. If Jim and Tom weren't wealthy, and I was worth now what I was worth a decade ago, they'd be in jail.

Will anybody deny that this is how the Law in America works? If you'd like to deny it, how was what Jim Kiraly and Tom Kiraly did to me for a year even possible?

5.39. It's been three years since Jim and Tom broke the agree­ments and a dif­fi­cult year ended.

But their actions cost me my life savings, my home of 25 years, most of my books that the boy loved, any chance for a family of my own, time to write, time to live, every­thing.

There is nothing left but the book that I set out to write in 2011. Actually, I first planned it in 1971. So, withhold judgment based on animal instincts.

“I know Jim Kiraly and he's an upright citizen. So, it's wrong to talk about the abuse and Jim's attempt to get a gag order.”

Feh. Tell me what I need to know. Which we now come to.

6. Questions for you.

I've asked a few ques­tions in the preceding text. Answer them, if you can. But the primary ques­tions are be­low.

6.1. What, if any­thing has Jim Kiraly stated to you, either verbally or in wri­ting, regarding his actions and my own in 2011, 2012, or the years since then?

This in­forma­tion is need­ed for legal actions against Jim Kiraly or, in the event he's deceased, against his estate, Grace Kiraly, Tom Kiraly, Jim's former attorneys, and other parties.

6.2. If Jim Kiraly's health has improved, has he return­ed to volunteer work? If so, is he around children?

This is perhaps the most important ques­tion. What children, either grade-school or teenagers, is Jim Kiraly around and is he ever left alone with them?

If you live near Jim, do you allow your children to visit his house with­out you being present?

6.3. Or, may I inquire, has Jim Kiraly passed away?

I know that his health declined prior to the move from 32 La Gaviota. There is in­forma­tion related to the decline in publicly accessible records.

Additionally, Jim's friends at Retired Active Men con­firm­ed directly to me that he was fading. And I suspect that the house at 6329 Twinberry Circle was chosen partly due to this issue. The layout at the new house is bet­ter for some­body with lim­it­ed mobility than the layout at the old house was.

I had an odd dream about Jim in Jan­uary 2016. It's dis­cus­sed on my weblog. But I don't be­lieve in supernatural telegrams. My subconscious was reminding me, I think, that Jim's time is short and I'm on a schedule as far as dealing with him goes.

I haven't checked for a death certificate yet because my feeling is that Jim isn't dead yet. Which is posi­tive, because there are matters to be addressed such as the mul­ti­ple felonies that Jim has com­mit­ted since 2011.

And, more importantly, answers to some of my ques­tions. Questions such as, “How was this possible? What should I tell others to do about the Jim Kiralys in their lives?” Feel free to com­ment on those issues yourself.

If Jim Kiraly has passed away, when and how did this take place? Was he the same self-centered brutal but comical fig­ure as always to the end? Did he show any signs of reflection?

6.4. Jim Kiraly had an asso­ci­ate in Dallas, Texas threaten me right after the end of the legal cases in 2013.

The context was that a second cousin, Russell Kerechanko, died at age 30 from a drug overdose. I wrote an obituary and posted it on my weblog.

The dead man's sister, Lisa Kerechanko, wrote to me demanding that I take down the obituary. I spent the night of July 3, 2013, wri­ting a re­sponse that I was proud of. I sent the let­ter to Lisa on the morning of July 4. This was my Independence Day cele­bra­tion. You can read my let­ter to Lisa at:

My let­ter led to a threat from Jim Kiraly made through a family friend located in Dallas, Texas. The family friend is what is known “in the business” as a “blackhat”. Fortunately, he isn't very good at what he does.

Jim's blackhat friend provided evi­dence that he were close­ly associated with Jim and told me that I'd be “hurt” if I didn't take down my weblog.

I traced the route of the blackhat's car as it traveled across Texas and to the corner in Dallas that his building is on. But I only know street addresses. Not suite num­bers and the buildings on that corner aren't small.

The blackhat responded with a DDOS attack on one of my servers. As I've noted, Jim's involve­ment in the DDOS is a prosecutable felony; spec­i­fic­al­ly, a violation of CFAA (Computer Fraud and Abuse Act).

Has Jim Kiraly ever talked about some­body in Dallas, Texas who has rudimentary blackhat skills? If so, this in­forma­tion is need­ed to aid in a criminal investigation and, ulti­mate­ly, prosecution of Jim and Tom Kiraly on felony charges.

6.5. Whether or not Jim has kicked the bucket, Grace is good for another 10 years. Physically, at any rate. Mentally, she should be able to navigate for another few years. However, the signs of dementia do seem to be present.

Grace values appearances above all else. You're not like­ly to see her as she is except in unguarded moments. This said, tell me what you can of Grace's rationalizations, what's hap­pen­ed to her mind, how she compartmentalizes things.

Be careful, by the way, if you're ever caught in a dis­cus­sion with Grace Kiraly re­la­ted to her life with Jim Kiraly.

I once men­tion­ed something that Jim had done to Grace. It was a casual remark. Grace shouted, “My husband is not a brute”. The interesting thing is, her remark didn't address what Jim had done. It was a vague value judgment with little or no con­nec­tion to what I'd said.

On a similar note, I once men­tion­ed something that Grace herself had done. Again, it was a casual remark. Grace snapped, “Is that what you think of me?” No con­nec­tion at all to the ques­tion of what had hap­pen­ed, which had, in fact, hap­pen­ed.

I think that more peo­ple are like Grace Kiraly than are like Jim Kiraly. This is good; the fabric of society couldn't carry the weight of many Jim Kiralys. But, if the majority of the population is like Grace, if there is no such thing as facts, remorse, or personal re­spon­si­bil­i­ty to most peo­ple, is there a point to pretending that moral codes are important?

Moral codes do matter. There needs to be a way to make sense of all of this. And I be­lieve that there is a way.

There are two types of peo­ple. First, those with moral codes. It's sim­ple to identify such peo­ple.

These are the peo­ple who work for­ward from the facts and make fact-based decisions that are dif­fi­cult but con­sis­tent with principles. Then there are those who work backwards. Who react to programmed patterns as animals do.

The resolution is to be aware of the two kinds of peo­ple.

So, tell me, and I've paid enough of a price to deserve to know, is my mother Grace Kiraly sim­ply an animal, a beast of the field, and are most peo­ple like her?

If you respond, do so based on that which is real; facts, observations, not animal patterns and templates. Be sentient. Be real.

Anything less makes you part of the horrors of history.

6.6. What churches do Jim Kiraly and Grace Kiraly attend? If they still attend churches, this raises le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able questions dis­cus­sed on the weblog.

6.7. You'll find contact in­forma­tion for me on the weblog. To locate the weblog, you can use any of the fol­low­ing Google searches:

Jim Kiraly Abuse
Grace Kiraly Harlot
Ken Kiraly Kindle
Kiraly Gag Order
Michael Bonetto Abuse
Tom Kiraly Idiot
John Perrott Attorney

6.8. As a final note to attorneys, a partial list of le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes may be read online at either of the fol­low­ing links:

Regards, Robert (the Old Coder)

6.9. P.S. You'll find what amounts to one chapter of the main book, which the Kiralys have mocked as non-existent, on-line at either of the fol­low­ing links:

May I close with a poem from the book?

1) For decades, I paid a price
For nothing that I re­ceived
In the end, I was deceived
I'm not nice
This needs to be understood
Look under the hood
I'm the Feral Coder now

2) Here is the lesson to you from me
Those who judge right and true
Based on what peo­ple do
As opposed to what they're perceived to be
Who embrace diversity
3) Who accept the constitutive other
These are the ones to call your Brother
Put aside God above
These are the ones to value and to love

This is be­lieved to be Grace Kiraly in the 1950s. However, the identity of the subject needs to be con­firm­ed.

To down­load a higher-resolution copy of the photo, click here.

Your phone or window is too narrow for the image. If it's a phone, try rotating the phone or switching to a PC. Or click here to go to a copy that may be zoomable.
Grace Kiraly 1950s

160927 Tuesday — Kiraly Assets Nicer Than Hounds Bassets

160927. Kiraly Assets nicer than Hounds Bassets.

In the Kiraly Gag Order Cases, legal actions that in­volved conspiracy to commit abuse of pro­cess, the Kiralys demanded a list of my assets. Which they prompt­ly smashed in a failed attempt to stop me from wri­ting a book.

The Kiralys were sup­posed to pro­vide me with a list of their assets in return. I'm still waiting.

Actually, I'm not waiting. For le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes, I'm “gathering information” re­la­ted to this issue as well as others.

A pos­si­ble asset turned up recently. But it was appar­ent­ly a false lead.

This post may be of inter­est, regard­less, as a look at the types of dead ends that can turn up when you're do­ing legitimate and reason­able research.

Recently, a licensed investigator informed me that some­body named James Kiraly was as­soc­i­a­ted with the property at ### Morning Star Lane, Newport Beach, CA 92660.

This wasn't noteworthy. There are quite a few James Kiralys in the United States.

The investigator said that his data broker was reliable, though. He was fairly certain that this was *my* James Kiraly. So, I decided to take a closer look.

1. The owner wasn't James Kiraly.

2. A reverse address lookup reported that the residents were a couple of my generation plus a young woman, in her 30s, probably their daughter. The Kiralys didn't show up at the address in ques­tion.

3. Real Estate records indicated that it was a 4-bedroom house. Orange County Property Tax records con­firm­ed this. So, there was room for one more per­son or couple as visitors or tenants. But it seemed unlike­ly that my parents were in the 4th bedroom.

4. On the other hand, I found the fol­low­ing phone listing for the address in Google:

Your phone or window is too narrow for the image. If it's a phone, try rotating the phone or switching to a PC. Or click here to go to a copy that may be zoomable.
James Kiraly phone listing

The phone num­ber shown above, 562-241-1904, matched one provided by the investigator. Note: Manhattan Beach seems to be part of the same area as Newport Beach.

The num­ber goes (or went) to a recording which says (or said) some­thing similar to, “The party you are trying to reach is not accepting calls”.

Not much evi­dence there.

5. Jim didn't own the Newport Beach property. Might he be a guest or tenant there? It didn't seem like­ly. If Jim had relocated to Newport Beach, what was he do­ing with his property at 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA? He just set up shop there last year and he's not really the hop-around type.

James and Grace Kiraly lived at 217 Gerry Court, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 for over 30 years. They lived at 32 La Gaviota, Pismo Beach, CA 93449 for over 16 years.

The Kiralys wouldn't move from Pismo Beach to Avila Beach, as they seem to have done, and then sim­ply run down to Newport Beach on a lark. Not with Jim's health declining as rapidly as his friends indicate that it is.

6. Additionally, 562-241-1904 is a landline phone in Southern Cal­i­for­nia. If my James Kiraly had some type of remote involve­ment with the Newport Beach property from Avila Beach, wouldn't the phone be (a) a cellphone or (b) a landline located in the San Luis Obispo area?

7. As a capper, two peo­ple familiar with the area and the house told me that they'd never heard of a James Kiraly.

8. So, probably no con­nec­tion.

Moral: If you need to do research, in con­nec­tion with legal cases or for books, it's best to re­mem­ber that even major data brokers will make mis­takes. Treat results as tentative until they're definite.

9. But what is the telephone listing shown a few sections above about? And why does a major data broker second the listing?

160901 Thursday — Demystify Hacking has my Backing

160901. Demystify Hacking has my Backing.

This post is a direct communication to my mother, Grace Violet Kiraly, last known address, disclosed for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes, 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, CA 93424.

Hi, Mom! :D

This post is more about perceptions of “hackers” than it is about techniques. Techniques are dis­cus­sed for illustrative and cautionary pur­poses.

The boys speaking be­low represent the current generation of hacker kids as well as ordinary kids.

These days, among both adults and kids, perceptions that peo­ple can “hack” things by magic... that no matter what the precautions, ghosts can walk through walls... are common.

It's just part of the back­ground in the dis­cus­sion below, but it's there.

Granted, this is all true if we're talking about the NSA. Or about peo­ple who are foolish enough to run Windows. But there's too much mysticism about the subject in general.

It's amusing to see mysticism as a casual thread of everyday life.

But, at the same time, these types of perceptions were used by the Kiralys and their as­soc­i­ates in 2012 to shatter my life. I was accused of “hacking” Amazon Corporation, my father Jim Kiraly, my brother Tom Kiraly, CFO of Hanger Inc., and others.

Except... I wasn't actu­al­ly accused of any­thing. The Kiralys said, in effect, “he might be a hacker burn the witch”.

So, these days, I see perceptions re­la­ted to “hacking” as hum­or­ous and serious at the same time.

Ironically — so many ironies in the Kiraly Cases — I know far more about le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able techniques today than I did be­fore Hoge Fenton came after me. However, more about that subject another time, Mom.

I was surprised to learn that these kids' toys include, not just Tor, but Ta*ls and Whon*x.

Tor, sure. Everybody knows Tor. But Ta*ls, which the NSA treats as a ter­ror­ist tool, as important to some kids as Geometry and Social Studies?

And Whon*x? It takes patience to get that thing up and run­ning. But I'll write a tutorial for both teenagers and adults at some point.

These kids aren't run­ning Q*bes yet. This much is as expect­ed. I'm not sure that I under­stand Q*bes yet myself. This said,

Remember, re­mem­ber
What's good enough for Snowden
good enough for Snowden
good enough for Snowden
Oh Lord, Lord
It's good enough for me

Before you start looking down
Look up your family tree
Know you've been re­la­ted to Coders
Just like me

Patience trumps abuse of pro­cess
Q*bes and Whon*x are free
No point in sighs, give yourself
A le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able chance to see

Remember, re­mem­ber
What's good enough for Snowden
good enough for Snowden
good enough for Snowden
Oh Lord, Lord
It's good enough for me


One point of the dis­cus­sion below, and of the post, is that I like to demystify “hacking” to the extent pos­si­ble.

No, “poke” wasn't “hacked”. He was just bored.

<poke> Hey guys, I'm DataDuster and I hacked poke, don't worry I won't harm him nor his account. Cya.
<poke> #*()& V@@ sorry duster, but pls don't use my account. thx.

<betterbutter> is there any­thing that can be done about this hack thingy?
<betterbutter> if it even is real?
<Sparky> find the real poke and set him a new password, maybe
<Sparky> they might actu­al­ly be the same per­son

<betterbutter> so DataDuster supposedly hacked poke
<betterbutter> he said he would do nothing to poke
<betterbutter> then poke said please dont use my account
<betterbutter> OldCoder, it could be com­plete­ly unreal or poke needs to change his password but i dunno

<OldCoder> That doesn't really happen
<Rudolph> ?
<OldCoder> That type of hacking
<Rudolph> ic

<OldCoder> <kid1> I will hack you
<OldCoder> <kid2> Oh no
<Rudolph> lol
<OldCoder> <kid1> It is magic of some sort
<OldCoder> <kid2> Oh no
<OldCoder> <kid1> You recite a magic spell and passwords are yours
<OldCoder> <kid2> IC
<OldCoder> <kid1> Yep. Magic has no barriers. Fear the might of my spells.

<OldCoder> ^ It isn't like that. Most “hacking” is about social engineering. Or failure to use end-to-end encryption.

<Rudolph> ive been threned b4, and told that they succeeded, but they couldnt prove it :3
<OldCoder> Well, there are tricks depending on the access you have
<OldCoder> But:

<OldCoder> <kid1> So, can I borrow your computer?
<OldCoder> <kid2> Um, why?
<OldCoder> <kid1> I have no access to your computer and your password isn't a dictionary word
<OldCoder> <kid1> Hmmm
<OldCoder> <kid1> Abracapass-word
<OldCoder> <kid1> Now your password is mine

<OldCoder> ^ This doesn't really happen

<OldCoder> Now... Those peo­ple who use “dog” as their password...
<Rudolph> XD
<OldCoder> Hard to call it magic to get that

<Rudolph> i “hacked” my way to sudo
<OldCoder> How did you gain sudo?

<Rudolph> lemme see if i can find the web­site i followed
<OldCoder> Never mind. You used an exploit that was documented on a site? That is mostly what I was...
<Rudolph> i went into rescue mode
<Rudolph> yea

<OldCoder> Well, yes. But stop and think. All you need is physi­cal access to a Linux system with an unencrypted primary partition.
<OldCoder> Boot a boot disk. And the system is yours. But it isn't magic. There's no such thing as magic.

<OldCoder> <kid1> Billy, thank you for letting me write to my Aunt on your PC
<OldCoder> <kid1> Now turn around for a minute
<OldCoder> <kid2> Um, OK
<OldCoder> <kid1> # boot a boot disk
<OldCoder> <kid1> ls /media/
<OldCoder> <kid1> cd /media/billy/etc/
<OldCoder> <kid1> cp -p shadow{,.save}
<OldCoder> <kid1> vi shadow
<OldCoder> <kid1> # Delete contents of password field for root
<OldCoder> <kid1> # Boot with­out boot disk and log-in as root
<OldCoder> <kid1> # Set up some lesser account for log-in and sudo
<OldCoder> <kid1> # Put orig­in­al shadow file back and reboot
<OldCoder> <kid1> Billy, you can turn around now
<OldCoder> <kid2> Um, OK

<OldCoder> ^ It's not about ghosts and wizards. It's more about carelessless or social engineering.
<OldCoder> Social engineeering means, peo­ple who lie or cheat. It isn't new in human experience. It's very old.
<OldCoder> It's inadvisable, by the way, to grant physi­cal access to anybody that you don't trust com­plete­ly.

<Rudolph> vi = vim ?
* OldCoder laughs
<Rudolph> oh well...
<OldCoder> vi is 40 years old. vim is a modern clone of vi.
<Rudolph> i was close! :D

<OldCoder> vim is vi's grand­son. Point is that you thought vi might be some variation of vim as opposed to the other way around.
<OldCoder> It shows how many years have passed; that's all.
<Rudolph> :)

Hackers are Late-Night Snackers

Perceptions of “hackers”. First work is by Ian Llanas, marked as downloadable, but list­ed without an explicit license.

There's some truth to both perceptions. It's a range as with any­thing else.

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Perceptions of hackers
Your phone or window is too narrow for the image. If it's a phone, try rotating the phone or switching to a PC. Or click here to go to a copy that may be zoomable.
Perceptions of hackers

160825. Ivan Kmet-a never met-a vendett-a.

I should have posted a birthday greeting on August 10 for my youngest brother, Scott Kiraly, last known res­i­dence address, disclosed for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes re­la­ted to the gather­ing of in­forma­tion, at 111 Cleaveland Road Apt 139, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523.

However, Scott is tedious, so I didn't really want to.

I decided to wait until today, instead, and to focus on Ivan Kmeta.

Ivan Kmeta was my grand­father; the only one that I knew, though I located the other, Frank Kiraly, on what his widow indicated had been the day of his death.

I didn't get to talk to Frank. Ivan was what I had for per­spec­tive on past generations until I met Joseph Kiraly, a great-uncle on Frank's side.

I should have valued both of these men more. They were irreplaceable.

Practical peo­ple sometimes note that “The graveyards are full of indispensable men”. It's true, but there's more than one layer of meaning to the state­ment.

Sparky and Microchip, I fig­ure that you'll find your way here. You're bright as well as sensible kids. You don't need much advice. But I'll offer some at times.

Don't respect your elders sim­ply because they're elders. The notion is rubbish. But recognize the ones you'll miss when they're gone.

I miss Ivan and Olga and Ed. I miss Anatol and Joseph most of all. I even miss Ann, a little.

I'm not sure where they are. They're right here, they were right here just a little while ago.

To read about Ivan's life, click here.

Today is Ivan Kmeta's 115th birthday. He isn't here to see it as he's been dead for about 18 years. Few among the living re­mem­ber him.

As of 2013, one woman that he'd known was still alive, at about 105 years old, but it was reported to me that she was no longer conscious of her surroundings.

Ivan's immediate family members, his friends, his lovers -- one who I met years ago was still living as of the 1980s -- all are gone save for his light-hearted whore of a daughter Grace Kiraly and me; the Young Coder who was going to fol­low in his footsteps.

I wanted to see to it that part of Ivan lived on. His books of gentle poetry. But my kind brother, Tom Kiraly, CFO of Hanger Inc. in Austin, Texas, love foremost in his mind, brought emergency anti-violence actions against me in 2012; actions in which he cited Ivan's books as an act of physi­cal violence.

This proved to be a setback. I can't arrange for Ivan's books to be translated now or even preserved and scanned. A life­time of creativity, art, and attempts to connect with the God that Ivan perceived, will sim­ply disappear.

In the years and decades to come, Tom and I will dis­cuss the “choices” that he made in the matter. Naturally, the discussions will be le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able.

By the way, Tom Kiray, my sweet b*tch for le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able pur­poses, Hi! :)

Today, I'm announcing a change to these sites that I've been work­ing on. Ivan would have no mental model for this. He wasn't entirely certain of what a computer was. But I'm thinking of him as I proceed.

The world goes round and round
And changes with every spin
What recently I've found
With a foolish grin
Is that mobile ground
Is the place one must be in

I've managed to make these sites, or at least the latest page, responsive with­out the use of Bootstrap or, in fact, JavaScript at all.

It isn't a great trick, but it's new to me
Responsive my sites shall be
Whether the device is fat
Whether the device is thin
Needs to be responsive as Rin-Tin-Tin

I use JavaScript for special pur­poses. I may add PHP5 or Perl server-side frameworks as well in the future. However, JavaScript and server-side frameworks are and/or will be optional for primary content.

There are two reasons for this:

* I don't want to require JavaScript, because peo­ple might turn it off.

* These sites are sup­posed to work offline so that they can be copied and dis­trib­u­ted. So, server-side code needs to be optional.

The first tech­ni­cal decision that I made was to give up the hamburger button that peo­ple often add to responsive sites.

With the hamburger button gone, I didn't need JavaScript. A few carefully crafted divs and CSS3 media queries were suf­fi­cient.

The basic “body” type for the non-JavaScript responsive sites are pretty sim­ple. My first take looks like this:

body {
color     : black   ;
font-size : 1.1em   ;
margin    : 0       ;
padding   : 0       ;
width     : 900px   ;

background-color :
#000000          ;
font-family      :
arial, helvetica,
sans-serif       ;

I use a series of CSS3 media queries similar to the fol­low­ing to adjust the body width. I'm still fiddling with the num­bers.

@media (min-width: 320px) { body { width: 300px; } }
@media (min-width: 360px) { body { width: 340px; } }
@media (min-width: 375px) { body { width: 355px; } }

There's probably a bet­ter way to do this, but I'm still learning this.

Additionally, note that one of my requirements was to sup­port responsive be­ha­vior without the use of JavaScript. The constraint limits pos­si­ble options.

The fundamental container for a block of ordinary text inside a “body”, typically one or more paragraphs or sub-containers, is a div of type “ocbox”:

.ocbox {
color      : #000000 ;
min-width  : 300px   ;
text-align : justify ;

background-color     :
#ffffff              ;
border-radius        :
15px                 ;
margin               :
25px 10px 20px 10px  ;
padding              :
15px 25px 15px 25px  ;
vertical-align       :
top                  ;

I use CSS3 media queries again to adjust this structure, in this case to tweak margins and padding:

@media (min-width: 600px) { .ocbox { margin: 25px 20px 20px 20px; } }
@media (min-width: 700px) { .ocbox { margin: 25px 30px 20px 30px; } }

And, actu­al­ly, this small set of code fragments provides much of what is need­ed to sup­port a set of sim­ple, responsive, single-column text boxes with­out JavaScript.

I've added a page skeleton to tie things together. The skeleton includes a page header, page footer, and sec­tion header blocks, one per post. All of the pieces are responsive.

I've also added and debugged subcontainers; most importantly, the structures need­ed to put two columns into an “ocbox” while keeping them responsive.

The idea here is to sup­port two columns that sit side by side if the window is wide enough but fold neatly into a single column when neces­sary. Typically I use this feature to float a small image next to as­soc­i­a­ted text.

The two-column code is moderately complex, but I may present it at a later date.

The final result has glitches. But it works well enough in Firefox, UC Browser, Chrome, and Safari regard­less of device orientation.

The minimum width sup­port­ed is pre­sent­ly 320px.

Fenek says that the output looks good in general, but not on 260px width devices. I might try to work in sup­port for such devices later, but that is pretty narrow.

It doesn't work in Dolphin Browser, but that browser seems to be flaky in general.

The biggest issue that I encountered was making things work correctly when a mobile user rotated his or her phone or tablet.

The conventional solution is to add the viewport code shown be­low to <head> blocks:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />

I went with this.

Chrome for Android proved to be flaky in this context. I had to tweak things for this browser. Chrome users may still need to zoom in or out manually at times.

Here's a little chat fragment that occurred while I was wri­ting this post:

<Chaos> ?
<OldCoder> I fell asleep for two hours. I just woke up.
<OldCoder> I dreamed I was younger
<Chaos> about me?

<OldCoder> I dreamed *I* was younger
<OldCoder> That my time in the World wasn't gone
<Chaos> ok. was I in it?

<OldCoder> No. It was just me talking casually to some­body IRL.
<OldCoder> Noting that I was 20 years old. I was thinking...
<OldCoder> 20 wasn't too old
<OldCoder> Then I woke up and I was old

<Chaos> hug
<Chaos> ur young to me
<OldCoder> Thank you

Toys 50 Years Ago Whoa

Photo of room shared by OldCoder and Tom Kiraly about 50 years ago. Top shelf includes Bob's Stegosaurus, Phantom, and Lost in Space models. The Lost in Space model is the barely glimpsed prone fig­ure; it's a cyclops hurling a boulder.

Shelf #2 headed down has Tom's pony plus some ship models probably belonging to Tom. Shelf #3 has a dan­ger­ous toy shared by the brothers when they were younger; the submarine, which fired genuine little missiles. It would be banned today.

Shelf #4, on the right, has the start of Bob's book col­lec­tion. The one that the Kiralys de­stroy­ed in 2012.

The black book on the far right is a copy of Gulliver's Travels that the b*tch Grace Kiraly owned when she was young. Interestingly enough, James Kiraly's mother Ann Kiraly owned the book as well when she was a girl, though it was a dif­fer­ent edition.

There are also copies of Andersen's Fairy Tales, War of the Worlds, and a few more books.

On the desk, you can see Bob's globe and an airplane that probably belonged to Tom. The closet shelf holds a wood-burning set, another toy that is probably less common today, and a few games.

Both of the boys seem to have a coin sorter, one on shelf #1 and one of shelf #2. The photo on shelf #2 is of Tom.

There are no electronic gadgets. This was be­fore cellphones, CD players, DVD players, and even calculators. Probably be­fore affordable port­a­ble AM radios and tape recorders as well. Such a tech life. But we thought of it as modern.

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OldCoder and Tom Kiraly room 50 years ago

160714 Thursday — Midnight Sun Proxy Fun

160714. Midnight Sun Proxy Fun.

Sometimes, things are clear. Sometimes, they're cloudy like beer.

Today, a visitor stopped from IPV4 It ap­pears that this was an employee of the Contra Costa County Office Of Education. However, geolocation turned up odd results:

ISP: Contra Costa County Office of Education
City: Vallejo or San Pablo or Richmond

Everybody agreed that the visitor was using a CCCOE network. But some APIs sug­gest­ed that the visitor was in Vallejo, which isn't even in the same county as CCCOE. Other APIs didn't agree on whether he or she was in San Pablo or Richmond.

However, geolocation is often hit or miss. Additionally, the visitor came in by way of Google, which is pretty common, and went to an unremarkable page.

So, nothing of inter­est here.

But, 6 hours later, another visitor came in from IPV4, in the Netherlands, and went through a dozen pages.

The second visitor seemed to be clicking manually and not using a spider. However, it can be dif­fi­cult to be sure of this.

The odd part was that the U.S. visitor and the Netherlands visitor were using the same device, an iOS mobile with a unique fingerprint, and were probably the same per­son.

It should be noted that it doesn't matter if he or she was actu­al­ly using an iOS mobile. What matters is that, if you care enough to route your packets, you're sup­posed to change your device fingerprint. If you don't do this, real or fake, devices can be used to link your accesses.

I suppose that there are in-between cases. I've some­times used ssh tunnels to shift my apparent location with­out attempting to conceal my identity. If that's the goal, one doesn't necessarily need to rotate things on the other side of the tunnel.

But the CCCOE per­son was appar­ent­ly hoping that I wouldn't notice him or her. Flailing about with proxies sort of guarantees the opposite.

I've tried to tell the Kiraly Proxy People that they need to be anonymous as well as pseudonymous. I'd planned to mock them tonight for ignoring the advice. But this one is in a grey area.

Tom Kiraly and I have a tech-aware former asso­ci­ate, Randy Kahrer, who works for a school district in Contra Costa County. In fact, here's Transparent California's page on Randy Kahrer:

I've seen web­site visits from the Walnut Creek area be­fore that I've assumed were from Randy. I've made the assumption because the visits seemed to come from the network that he'd be using at work.

But Randy isn't located near Richmond or San Pablo. And there's no solid evi­dence that he's con­nec­ted to or inter­est­ed in the events of recent years.

However, the fact that the CCCOE per­son (1) is as­soc­i­a­ted with the school system that my brothers and I attended, (2) came in, initially, on a normal con­nec­tion, and then (3) routed things through the Netherlands suggests that I might know them.

So, perhaps there's a mystery “old friend” in the CCCOE organ­i­za­tion. But, beyond a certain point, speculation is of lim­it­ed use.

Shrug. This case will need to wait for more in­forma­tion.

Shrug Oh For a Kiraly to Hug

If you think about it, the historian's task is like that of the detective. — David Herbert Donald

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Ken Kiraly and Tom Kiraly are naturally kind people

160709 Saturday — Message Sends for Proxy Friends

160709. Message Sends for Proxy Friends.

This is a short message for Kiraly Gag Order Cases Proxy Friends.

Um... guys... learn the dif­fer­ence between anonymous and pseudonymous.

If you plug in a low-grade proxy and visit sever­al of my pages in succession, and the proxy sim­ply rotates your IPV4, not only doesn't it hide you, you stand out like a sore thumb.

A proxy of this sort makes you pseudonymous. If the goal is to be anonymous, you're sup­posed to avoid any­thing that can be used to link accesses.

At the very least, use a proxy that rotates your user agent as well as your IPV4. Or, bet­ter, use T*ils or Whon*x. Maybe I'll post instructions for you.

Kiraly Family Greetings are not Fleetings

Love is a dove from above.

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Sandy Kerechanko and Grace Kiraly are cousins in law

160701 Friday — Tribute is Quite a Hoot

160701. Tribute is Quite a Hoot.

I'd like to assemble a tribute which will demonstrate the respect that Jim Kiraly and Grace Kiraly of 6329 Twinberry Circle, Avila Beach, Cal­i­for­nia have earned and the esteem in which they're held.

To this end, I “gather information” in le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able ways, including but not lim­it­ed to inquiries made to third parties who wish to assist with a posi­tive and productive tribute, such as current neighbors, neighbors from decades past, Church members, and as­soc­i­ates of dif­fer­ent types.

I haven't explored the option of talking to local merchants, libraries, Chamber of Commerce staff, or the like, because many of the peo­ple I'd reach on the way to as­soc­i­ates would know Jim and Grace only by sight.

The photo­graph below may be use­ful in this context. It's a recent portrait of a couple, Jim and Grace Kiraly, that is typically active in com­mun­i­ty affairs, though this may have changed with the decline in Jim's health.

Parties in Avila Beach, Pismo Beach, and San Luis Obispo are like­ly to recognize the couple. They may offer, as peo­ple are some­times good-hearted, to help to ensure that two interesting peo­ple receive the type of attention that is appropriate.

If you'd like to offer thoughts re­la­ted to Jim and Grace Kiraly, feel free to write to:

160825 Thursday — Scott Kiraly Rhyme

160825. Just the rhymes from a 160825 arti­cle related to Ivan Kmeta and Scott Kiraly. Note to self: Add a link here to the arti­cle.

Scott Kiraly is full of joy

Scott Kiraly is full of lots of thoughts
But the thoughts are inane
Write about Scott is a pain
Little more can be said
'bout the brother I thought dead
Except sing a friendly refrain

Scott Kiraly, fight the good fight
Let nobody your deficiencies slight
You're a waste of skin
and not very thin
But, what the heck, you love to hate
If you're happy, that is great

Scotts, thoughts, hate, great, fat, thin
It's my little brother for the win

160630 Thursday — You Cannot Kill the Dead
Jim Kiraly of Avila Beach


Moments on a deeper shore
Cast the net and bring up lore
If I pray who can say
Bonetto Kiraly Perrott and more
Those who com­mit­ted crimes
Walk the Earth not just in rhymes

Tom Kiraly of Hanger, Inc.

Moments on a deeper shore
Cast the net and bring up lore
Pray say work all day
Bonetto Kiraly Perrott and more
Walk talk laugh cry
What they took will not die

best test is bet­ter than rest this I can attest in you honor shall vest at your behest

It's best not to trust appearnces

You cannot kill the dead
What is in your head
The dead cannot be killed or fed
Roles goals upon destiny shoals shall you rest
After your quest puts you to the test

In God's sight, what is right?
Skeletons are a fright
We should fight for what is right
This is the plight
If not, we'll be contrite

Light bright floods the night

Light bright floods the night
The fight is in God's sight
Also the nuns' web­site
This is your invite
Fight for right is your right

web­site night is not a plight bright sight is your invite nuns runs until dones sons always seek the light

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You cannot kill the dead

Next, two Minetest sessions that led to the doggerel. Woof.

OldCoder likes to rhymes all the times. Here, another kids makes a bids to outrhymes and doesn't quite earn a dimes.

This is all extemporaneous. As a interesting note, two of the peo­ple in these two sessions are a real-life father and son.

And I'm old enough to be the father's father and the son's grand­father. This is odd.

<CodeWarriorRN> FRED: 3 planks on top of each other
<Sir_FRED> Planks! thanks!
<sonic875> guys
<OldCoder> Thanks planks more fun than Tom Hanks planks are highly ranks

Fighting skeleton

<sonic875> I found a bunch of castles close together
<OldCoder> Castlevania
<counterstrike> All I wanted was to kill those darn skeletons
<counterstrike> I was on a quest
<counterstrike> And all my armor broke

<sonic875> I was on a quest to be the very best better than all the rest so I put myself to the test
<OldCoder> best test is better than rest this I can attest in you honor shall vest at your behest
<sonic875> that was way bet­ter :)

Kiraly Cases Buttery Goodness

<OldCoder> better is like butter
<sonic875> lol
* OldCoder needs to move on with­out explain

<OldCoder> Get off the plane and play would you fain
<Ayla> i want to see it
<OldCoder> butter is better than the rest for you on your quest
<counterstrike> Sadly
<counterstrike> My quest is postponed
<counterstrike> For losing all that coal

Skeleton in the closet

<OldCoder> You are on the phoned?
<OldCoder> Losing coal was not the goal?
<counterstrike> I was gonna kill skeletons

<OldCoder> goal coal quest best get out there with the rest
<counterstrike> While my stuff was getting cooked
<CodeWarriorRN> counterstrike take those coal

<OldCoder> bones on the phones
<OldCoder> <skeleton> you cannot kill the dead
<OldCoder> <skeleton> what is in your head
<OldCoder> <skeleton> the dead cannot be killed or fed
<OldCoder> <skeleton> coals goals upon destiny shoals shall you rest
<OldCoder> <skeleton> after your quest puts you to the test

<counterstrike> Yeah
<counterstrike> You can REALLLY rythme
<sonic875> lol
* OldCoder practices rhyme as he drinks tea of thyme

<OldCoder> <skeleton> rhyme thyme test best proceed now with quest
<counterstrike> Ok I want to get my scythe today

Kerechanko Baby

This is one of the Kerechanko babies decades ago. I be­lieve that it's one of the girls, pos­si­bly Lisa Kerechanko, but I'm not certain.

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Kerechanko Baby, might be Lisa Kerechanko

<bugzapper> My thoughts tend more toward puns than rhyming.
<OldCoder> puns are funs, sons
<cricket> yeah... Minetest really puts your best to the test

<OldCoder> so, to puns you can runs for funs in the mid-day suns
<bugzapper> ...or the nuns get the runs in the mid-day suns.
<OldCoder> Um
<cricket> is this supposed to be punny or funny?
<OldCoder> Both
<cricket> YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<OldCoder> nuns runs is not puns it has been dones
<cricket> I WAS RIGHT
<OldCoder> right?
<bugzapper> When I rhyme I have to work for it.

<OldCoder> In God's sight, what is right?
<OldCoder> Skeletons are a fright
<cricket> we must fight for what is right!
<OldCoder> That is the plight
<bugzapper> or if not we'll be contrite.

Cricket Warrior fights for rights

<OldCoder> fight for right or be contrite
<OldCoder> Do not stop to fly a kite
<OldCoder> Fight through the night in the light
<cricket> Kite? Where is this kite?

<OldCoder> Light bright floods the night
<OldCoder> The kite is in God's sight
<OldCoder> Also the nuns' website
<bugzapper> If you're in a bad mood tonight, have a food fight, that will make the dude alright.

Kite is in God's sight

<OldCoder> Bad mood is not 'tude it is not a blight
<OldCoder> nuns runs fight until dones with all your might
<OldCoder> To fight for right you are invite
<cricket> Invite them to fight them through the night for what is right... on the website
<OldCoder> Yes
<OldCoder> website night is not a plight bright sight is your invite nuns runs until dones sons always seek the light

Number One Doggerel Woof

<cricket> Yay!
<bugzapper> :D
<bugzapper> You win.

160619 Sunday — Fathers Day Hoo-Ray!

This was a happy song that I wrote for my father on the occas­ion of Father's Day 2016.

Jim Kiraly needs to eat more for health

I've wondered, in the years since 2013,
have you enjoyed the taste of
excrementum meum, sapidum et salubri?
I'd like you to live long enough
that you can serve your pur­pose
So, have some more

It'll perk you up
You'll be like a pup
Jim it's tasty for her and for him

Come and indulge
Your tummy will bulge
You'll enjoy the food of health
That can't be bought with wealth

There is much more
For you to adore
excrementum meum, sapidum et salubri

Jim Kiraly of Avila Beach Love Dove does beseech

My father, my abuser, my b*tch, my whore
Jim Kiraly SSN 038-20-and more
For le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able purposes disclosed
Is anybody present opposed

Let me show you the respect that you've earned
So much Time, decades, but the wheel has turned
Earned turned disclosed opposed
Oh, Jim Kiraly, love is a dove from above

Jim Kiraly's pleasure at the truth builds

Let me show you consensual love
Gentle as befits those who care
Upon you alights Christ's own dove
You're caressed with pur­poses fair

Into you the truth, stiff as it is, slides
Up and up your pleasure glides
If you've passed away, it is what it is
You and the whore and the bore we adore
You're mine as well as His

And while I wait to affection shower
There's no need for you to glower
Be pleased by the depth of my love
Oh, Jim Kiraly, love is a dove from above

Christ and I will ride Jim Kiraly

Singularity or Rapture, I don't care
As long as both of you are there
I'll have you either way to love
Love is a dove from above
You're mine, b*tch
Here's the sitch, there's no hitch
You won't be gone with­out a trace
My buddy Christ and I are going to ride Grace and you
Love and joy will ensue
Don't the le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able prospect deride
Yee-Haw! It's a respect­ful Jimmie ride!

Happy Fathers Day to Jim Kiraly of Avila Beach

But I respect you, Jim
No need to be grim
You're a violent abuser
It's sort of a confuser

You filed emergency anti-violence CLETS
To stop a book, you made a foolish bets
So sad, so sorry, you lost
It's time to pay the le­gi­ti­mate and reason­able cost

If wealth and hatred are your tools
You'll find that I'm no fools
Let me show you respect, Jim
No need to be grim
Respect is yours, forever more
The world will know you're there to adore

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