#!/usr/bin/env perl
# thalports - Special-purpose port redirection tool
# License:  CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 Unported
# Revision: 121106

#                           important note

# This software is provided on an  AS IS basis with ABSOLUTELY NO WAR-
# RANTY.  The  entire risk as to the  quality and  performance of  the
# software is with you.  Should the software prove defective,  you as-
# sume the cost of all necessary  servicing, repair or correction.  In
# no event will any of the developers,  or any other party, be  liable
# to anyone for damages arising out of use of the software, or inabil-
# ity to use the software.

#                       help and/or usage text

                                # Label must be single-quoted here

All of the following switch formats should work:

    --offset foo   -ofoo     --dest foo    -dfoo
    --offset=foo   -o foo    --dest=foo    -d foo

OFFSET should be a positive decimal integer or zero. HOST should be an
IP address or hostname.

WARNING:  This program will overwrite the existing  "xinetd.conf" file
if it exists.

This program redirects a predefined set of TCP and/or UDP ports to the
specified host  at the same ports plus the specified offset.  The cur-
rent version operates as follows:

xinetd is required. inetd  should be uninstalled or disabled. The pro-
gram generates  an xinetd  configuration file that  sets things  up as
necessary.  If xinetd is started or restarted subsequently  the redir-
ects should take  place. For most modern Debian systems,  this step is
handled automatically.

If  normal  xinetd entries are desired,  in addition to the redirects,
they must be added to a template in this file.

To review or modify the set of ports involved, edit this file and look

To modify the default settings that "xinetd" will run with,  or to add
normal "xinetd" entries for system services other than redirects, edit
this file and look for $BASE_CONF.

#                        module initial setup

require 5.10.1;
use strict;
use Carp;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
                                # Trap warnings
$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die @_; };

#                           basic constants

use constant ZERO  => 0;        # Zero
use constant ONE   => 1;        # One
use constant TWO   => 2;        # Two

use constant FALSE => 0;        # Boolean FALSE
use constant TRUE  => 1;        # Boolean TRUE

#                         program parameters

                                # Short description of purpose
my $PURPOSE   = 'Special-purpose port redirection';

my $REVISION  = '121106';       # Short revision string
my $USE_LESS  = TRUE;           # Flag: Use "less" for usage text
                                # Absolute path name for output file
my $CONF_FILE = '/etc/xinetd.conf';
                                # Absolute path for Debian "service"
my $SERV_FILE = '/usr/sbin/service';

#                            misc. tables

# Specify the TCP and/or UDP ports  you'd  like to redirect in @PORTS_
# TCP and/or @PORTS_UDP as appropriate. A given port number may appear
# in either or both lists.

my @PORTS_TCP = qw (21 22 23 25 53 80 443);
my @PORTS_UDP = qw (53);


# To  modify the default settings that  "xinetd" will run with,  or to
# add normal  "xinetd" entries for  system services  other than redir-
# ects, change $BASE_CONF.  For more information about the format used
# here, see the official "xinetd" documentation.

my $BASE_CONF = << 'END';
    instances      = 60
    log_type       = SYSLOG authpriv
    log_on_success = HOST PID
    log_on_failure = HOST
    cps            = 25 30


# This is a template  for an "xinetd" redirection entry.  For more in-
# formation about the format used here, see the official "xinetd" doc-
# umentation.

my $CONF_ENTRY = << 'END';
service _SERVICE
    disable     = no
    type        = UNLISTED
    socket_type = stream
    protocol    = _PROTOCOL
    user        = nobody
    wait        = no
    redirect    = _REDIRECT
    port        = _PORT

#                          global variables

my $PROGNAME;                   # Program name (without path)
   $PROGNAME =  $0;
   $PROGNAME =~ s@.*/@@;

#                         usage-error routine

# Name:     UsageError
# Input:    None
# Returns:  Doesn't return

# "UsageError" prints  usage text for the current program,  then term-
# inates the program with exit status one.


sub UsageError
    $USAGE_TEXT =~ s@^\s+@@s;

    $USAGE_TEXT = << "END";     # "END" must be double-quoted here

    $USAGE_TEXT =~ s@\s*\z@\n@s;

    if ($USE_LESS && (-t STDOUT) && open (OFD, "|/usr/bin/less"))
                                # "END" must be double-quoted here
        $USAGE_TEXT = << "END";
To exit this "help" text, press "q" or "Q".  To scroll up or down, use
PGUP, PGDN, or the arrow keys.

        print OFD $USAGE_TEXT;
        close OFD;
        print "\n", $USAGE_TEXT, "\n";

    exit ONE;

#                            main routine

sub Main
    my $OptDest;                # Destination (hostname or IP address)
    my $OptHelp;                # "Help" flag
    my $OptOffset;              # Port offset (0+)
    my $n;                      # Scratch (integer)
    my $str;                    # Scratch (string )

# Initial setup.

                                # Note: Order is significant here
    select STDERR; $| = ONE;    # Force STDERR flush on write
    select STDOUT; $| = ONE;    # Force STDOUT flush on write

# Process the command line.

    if (scalar (@ARGV) == ZERO)
        print << "END";

For more information, specify -h or --help
        exit ONE;

    Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
    $n = GetOptions
        "h"        => \$OptHelp   ,
        "help"     => \$OptHelp   ,
        "o=s"      => \$OptOffset ,
        "offset=s" => \$OptOffset ,
        "d=s"      => \$OptDest   ,
        "dest=s"   => \$OptDest

    exit ONE unless $n;
    &UsageError() unless
        defined ($OptDest) && defined ($OptOffset);
    die "Error: Invalid --dest setting\n"
        unless $OptDest   =~ m@^[a-z0-9\-\.]+\z@i;
    die "Error: Invalid --offset setting\n"
        unless $OptOffset =~ m@^\d+\z@;
    die "Error: --offset setting is too large\n"
        if $OptOffset > 64000;

# Additional checks.

    die "Error: This program must be run as root\n" if $>;

# Create an "xinetd" configuration file.

                                # Open  output stream
    open (OFD, ">$CONF_FILE") ||
        die "Error: Can't create file: $!: $CONF_FILE\n";

                                # Adjust trailing white space
    $BASE_CONF =~ s@\s*\z@\n\n@;
    print OFD $BASE_CONF;       # Output base text
    my $ErrorFlag = FALSE;      # Logical-error flag

    for my $port (@PORTS_TCP)   # Process all  TCP ports
    {                           # Process next TCP port
        $str =  $CONF_ENTRY;    # Template for redirection entry
                                # Destination port
        if (($n = $port + $OptOffset) > 64000)
            print "Error: Port $port+$OptOffset == $n out of range\n";
            $ErrorFlag = TRUE;
                                # Interpolate settings
        $str =~ s@_PORT@$port@gi;
        $str =~ s@_PROTOCOL@tcp@gi;
        $str =~ s@_REDIRECT@$OptDest $n@gi;
        $str =~ s@_SERVICE@redirtcp$port@gi;

        $str =~ s@\s*\z@\n\n@;  # Adjust trailing white space
        print OFD $str;         # Output current entry

    for my $port (@PORTS_UDP)   # Process all  UDP ports
    {                           # Process next UDP port
        $str =  $CONF_ENTRY;    # Template for redirection entry
                                # Destination port
        if (($n = $port + $OptOffset) > 64000)
            print "Error: Port $port+$OptOffset == $n out of range\n";
            $ErrorFlag = TRUE;
                                # Interpolate settings
        $str =~ s@_PORT@$port@gi;
        $str =~ s@_PROTOCOL@udp@gi;
        $str =~ s@_REDIRECT@$OptDest $n@gi;
        $str =~ s@_SERVICE@redirudp$port@gi;

        $str =~ s@\s*\z@\n\n@;  # Adjust trailing white space
        print OFD $str;         # Output current entry
                                # Close output stream
    close (OFD) ||
        die "Error: Can't flush file: $!: $CONF_FILE\n";

    if ($ErrorFlag)             # Did a logical error occur?
    {                           # Yes
        unlink $CONF_FILE;      # Delete the output file
        exit ONE;               # Error exit

# Wrap it up.

    if (-f $SERV_FILE)          # Does "service" executable exist?
    {                           # Apparently - Start or restart daemon
        system "$SERV_FILE xinetd restart";
    {                           # No
        print << "END";         # Print a status message
A new copy of $CONF_FILE has been created
Restart xinetd to pick up changes


#                            main program

&Main();                        # Call the main routine
exit ZERO;                      # Normal exit

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