TO: George Kerechanko, 1543 Fairway Drive

Paso Robles, CA 93446-3434

TO: Gail Cheda, 2451 Augusta St (unconfirmed)

San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-5301


George and Gail, if this document reaches you, good day.


The two of you are different. George is kind and Gail is more of a brittle spittle type. But you have something in common. Each of you puts a human face on the things that people do to people and on the denial that makes it possible. You're ordinary people, typical though different in temperament, who see perceptions as true because they must be true.


In this manner, you make the horrors of history possible, the Holocaust, the slaughters before and after, and the smaller tragedies that don't make the news. Every child who suffers abuse owes it to you, the deniers. I intend to make a difference by holding up a mirror to denial until it's melted by its own heat and what's left runs like tears, the tears of every child who dies for the sake of denial, denial of the Word that is the Light.


George, through legal means, I obtained a letter that you and your wife sent to the Kiralys. The letter suggested that my abuser Jim Kiraly was a sensible person, like you, and positioned me as a failure simi­lar to your dead son Russell simply because “it must be so”. Even though Jim Kiraly was a psychotic who used to shake and quiver with rage, his eyes bulging, who beat up your cousin Grace, and who terrorized me until my death in 1971.


You know who I am, don't you, George? But let's discuss your son, Russell. Is the truth that you and Sandy were responsible for his death, or if it was something inevitable that was part of him, is the issue that you can't accept Fate and must see his failings as “choices” ? Was it truly necessary to smash my life to validate this rubbish?


I worked my ass off for decades, George. I traded assets totaling 10 times more than you'll ever be worth. No disrespect is intended, but I wasn't the “poor” cousin. You were. Your perception that I was some sort of lazy bum was ridiculous. But you took my home of 25 years, my life savings, the books that the boy loved so much, and my ability to help people.


Gail, you, in your turn, are remarkable. I didn't even know you. I interacted with you briefly in 2012 and proceeded as sensibly as possible for somebody whose life was being smashed to pieces by a wealthy psychotic. But, with all due respect, you came across as deranged.


Both of you, in no context that makes sense, offered to testify against me in emergency anti-violence actions that didn't even include allegations of violence and that were brought by a violent abuser against his disabled victim 200 miles away in a wheelchair. What would you have said? “He am bad” ? “Him be different” ? “Abuser in tribe good” ? “Me am tribe protect” ?


We're going to discuss this in the years to come. Right now, I'm concerned about the fact that Jim's health is declining. I need to move the time-table for legitimate and reasonable steps up. If Jim kicks the bucket before matters are addressed, I can't say that I'm going to be pleased. I'm assessing where the two of you fit in. You'll have the opportunity to speak your minds. In fact, I'll insist on it.


Regards, Robert (the Old Coder)

TO: Tom Kiraly

9520 Westminster Glen Ave (*)

Austin, TX 78730-3408

(*) unconfirmed


CC: Ken Kiraly

2181 Gordon Ave
Menlo Park, CA 94025-6519

RE: Jim Kiraly

6329 Twinberry Circle (*)

Avila Beach, CA 93424

(*) unconfirmed

CC: George Kerechanko

1543 Fairway Drive

Paso Robles, CA 93446-3434

CC: John Perrott

4516 Bucknall Road

San Jose, CA 95130-2017

CC: Scott Kiraly

111 Cleaveland Road APT 139 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523-3892


This is revision 160118 of this document. There should be 8 printed pages starting with this one. If there are not 8 printed pages, this copy is incomplete.


This document is not confidential. Redistribution is permitted and encouraged. The following standard license applies: Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivs 3.0 United States (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 US). For attribution purposes, the rights-holder is OldCoder. The author's Twitter is: BoldCoder


Tom, Happy Birthday.


This document is intended for a representative to be designated by you. This part should be viewed as a polite introduction and as related and reasonable instructions. The formal purposes of this document are enumerated in part 4.


A bottle of wine may have been delivered with this document. If so, enjoy the gift as an acknow­ledgment that you've reached the milestone of 56 years of age and as a token of sibling affection, affection that is expected to deepen as the years pass.


I asked that a light variety be selected. If you don't presently drink wine, or if this variety isn't to your liking, perhaps a Church group or neighbors will be interested. You attend Church, I believe, as you've talked about services.


I see that your son, and my nephew, James, is working on Redshift at Amazon. Did Ken's name, given his roles as a lead at Lab126 and inventor of the Amazon Kindle, get James the job? If so, this is ironic, isn't it? It's a fine start to a career, though. I'll check to see if I know anybody on the Redshift team. I could call them and ask how things are going.


By the way, say Hello to Ken and Virginia. And what is your other son, and my other nephew, Michael, up to? He's an adult now, right? I assume that he's healthy, stable, and doing well.


I trust that your daughter, and my niece, Rianne has settled into a marriage that will be pleasant and long-lasting. What will it be like for you to be a grandfather and to think about family issues from a new perspective?


It's good to look at things in new and different ways

Consider the past, startle and amaze

As we age, reflection helps us to be sage

Life is about stories, page after page

A bet, Tom, I'll wager

By now you're sager

Happy Birthday, the future will ensue

Felicity without end for me and for you


I was sorry to learn that our father, Jim, is in declining health and is unable to meet his former responsibilities at Retired Active Men.


I've talked to a number of people, including the Mayor of Pismo Beach, about a public tribute to Jim. The Mayor wrote back and offered to help, as did others. Ideally, the tribute will be filmed for YouTube and other social media. Ken has received a copy of a poem that might be used as narration, but he hasn't commented yet.


BTW Did you see the Christmas YouTube video that the kids made for me? It's on my Twitter. The director played the music himself.


I hope to identify an appropriate venue in Pismo Beach or Avila Beach, near the new house, this year. It shouldn't wait too long. There are things that ought to be said before Jim passes away. I'm sure that you agree. I look forward to discussing details.


Of course, after Jim joins the choir invisible, I'll still have Grace and you. Grace takes care of herself. There will be years to offer thoughts. In the end, she'll know how each of us feels.


The rest of this letter, subsequent to this section, is intended for and directed to the attention of your representative.


It's my understanding that you discontinued your arrangement with the representative that you employed from 2012 to 2013 about 2.5 years ago. Whether or not this is the case, forward this docu­ment to the party who represents you presently.


If there is no such party, and you elect to represent yourself, note that the remainder of this document is addressed to your representative regardless. You're responsible for the choice of representative as you're responsible for other choices in your life.


Responses, if any, should sent by email as discussed at later points. As this document explains to your representative, and as you're aware, agreements to provide a snail-mail address were publicly repud­iated over two years ago as a legitimate and reasonable response to prosecutable crimes, including though not limited to felonies, that you committed personally or were involved in. Most people would agree that you were impolite as well.


In short, this document is legitimate and reasonable communication for specific purposes permitted under the terms of the agreements, the snail-mail address that you were provided with in 2013 is no longer valid, you've known for over two years that the agreements have been repudiated, attempts to enforce the address clause, or any part of the agreements, are likely to backfire in regrettable ways, your representative is advised to use email to communicate with me, the felonies that you committed will be addressed, and say Hi to Karen.


It's suggested, as a friendly note, that your representative be unusually polite. You're referred to public statements related to Super Attorneys and their role as a crunchy and nutritious part of a complete breakfast.


To the representative of Tom Kiraly:


Table of Contents


01. Context vis-a-vis Initiation of Communication

02. Regarding Responses

03. The Dallas, Texas Black-Hat

04. Purposes of Communication

05. Obligation to Identify Employer

06. Failure to Respond

07. Tip-Toe through the Tulips with Me

08. Repudiation Technical Note

09. Obligation to Provide Physical Address

10. Email Addresses

11. Haggis Hell

12. In Conclusion


1. Context vis-a-vis Initiation of Communication.


The delivery of this document takes place in the context of five issues. The five issues are listed below. This isn't a list of purposes of communication, but context vis-a-vis initiation of com­munication. Purposes are listed in part 4.


(1a) Tom Kiraly's failure for 2.5 years to provide me, as he is obligated to do under past agreements, with the identities of his employers.


(1b) A request for confirmation of a physical address to which communications required by past agree­ments may be delivered, the request being reasonable due to the fact that Tom Kiraly's previous repre­sentative, whose address, if I recall correctly, was provided initially, seems no longer to be his repre­sentative, though this needs to be confirmed.


(1c) My legitimate and reasonable need to make a change, as is actually required under past agreements, related to a snail-mail address that was provided in connection with the agreements in question.


(1d) Tom Kiraly's signed consent to hand-written edits to the agreements alluded to previously. It is suggested that the exact wording of the edits be reviewed.


Agreements are, of course, interpreted, as a contracts specialist has explained to me, as whole units, but I look forward to discussing them in this context; i.e., as-whole. It will be clear to attorneys that as-whole is the most appropriate legal term and that it is applicable both to the agreements and to Tom Kiraly.


But this issue is moot, for the moment, taking (1a) through (1c) and other factors into account.


(1e) Prosecutable crimes, including though not limited to felonies, that Tom Kiraly has committed or has been involved in. Such crimes were committed both to extort past agreements and subsequent to signing of the agreements.


The practical note isn't that the crimes may weaken the enforceability of the agreements, but that attempts to enforce the agreements, combined with the fact of the crimes, may backfire in regrettable ways, regardless of the outcomes of new cases, and may help me to accomplish legitimate and reason­able goals.


I'm interested, as a related note, in getting Tom and other Kiraly Family members on the stand or into depositions. It will be no great trick for them to exclude testimony related to the felonies that they've committed or the events of decades ago that Jim and Tom thought my book was going to be about. However:


'Tis a lesson you should heed: Try, try, try again

If at first you don't succeed, Try, try, try again


But this issue is moot, for the moment, taking (1a) through (1c) and other factors into account.


2. Regarding responses.


Five issues related to responses should be noted:


(2a) Responses, if any, should be transmitted, via electronic means, to email addresses to be obtained as discussed in part 10.


Any snail-mail address provided in the context of past agreements is withdrawn, and has been with­drawn for over two years, as Tom Kiraly is aware due to his involvement in DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service), a highly prosecutable violation of CFAA (Computer Fraud and Abuse Act), said felony being committed by a Kiraly Family black-hat located at or near 1911 North Lamar Street, Dallas, Texas, who downloaded thousands of copies of the announcement that past agreements had been repudiated.


A reasonable person will agree that thousands of copies of an announcement, obtained in the course of the commission of a highly prosecutable felony, is sufficient notice to the parties who commit the felony.


(2b) The offer of email addresses doesn't constitute agreement that proof of transmission of communi­cations by email is proof of receipt. Nor does it constitute agreement that email may be used for legal service.


(2c) Responses or actions related to this communication will not be treated as confidential. They will be quoted, analyzed, blogged, and/or redistributed in appropriate venues. Claims to confidentiality based on intellectual property rights will not be respected.


(2d) Legitimate and reasonable research related to parties who respond or are otherwise involved will be conducted. Such parties are invited to review the Legitimate and Reasonable Purposes list on the websites discussed in part 11.


(2e) Meta-information embedded in the standard email protocol will be analyzed and used for legiti­mate and reasonable purposes.


The Kiraly Family associate in Dallas, Texas will be able to explain to you what this means. You may ask him, if you like, about the throwaway accounts that he used when he posed as a Class of 1976 alumnus of Las Lomas High School, Tom's former school and my own.


3. The Dallas, Texas Black-Hat.


The Kiraly Family black-hat in Dallas, Texas, as a minor but interesting point, provided me with clear and convincing evidence to the effect that he was acting on instructions from Tom Kiraly and/or other Kiraly Family members to harass and threaten me. He added that I'd be “hurt” if I didn't take down my websites.


Tom reacted to abuse by his father Jim Kiraly by becoming moody and acting out. As a young man, age 17 or 18, Tom used to threaten to shoot me in the head and laugh as my brains dripped out. But the black-hat described Tom as an All-American Boy. I'm not sure if this was intended to be ironic or what.


The black-hat added that Jim Kiraly, a wife-beater and controlling OCD type who flew into actual shaking, quivering, rages if his wife Grace tried to go out at night, was a respected member of the community. The abuse part was, for some reason, left out. Possibly Tom's friend neglected to check his notes.


The black-hat characterized Tom's brother Ken, the inventor of the Kindle and a sociopath who is special in one other way, as a “meek genius”.  The word “genius” is fair, though Ken says that he ranks below me. However, “meek” isn't accurate.


Ken was always the most dangerous person in a family that included a violent abuser father, Jim, and an OCD youngest son, Scott, who was sent to a Christian prison of sorts partly due to fears that he might kill Ken.


Ken was dangerous because he had no fear. I had to smash my own hand in a car door once to distract Jim and keep Jim from killing him. Ken didn't give a quacking duck that Jim was four times larger than he was. He'd just stand there and tell the lovable paterfamilias and wife-beater to go to Hello Dolly.


Of course, these days, I have no fear myself. It's been burned out of me.


For decades, I paid a price

For nothing that I received

In the end, I was deceived

I'm not nice

This needs to be understood

Look under the hood

I'm the Feral Coder now

Here is the lesson to you from me

Those who judge right and true

Based on what people do

As opposed to what they're perceived  to be

Who embrace diversity

Who accept the constitutive


These are the ones to call your


Put aside God above

These are the ones to value and to love


I responded to the black-hat's threats by geolocating him and tracking him, for legitimate and reasonable purposes, across Texas. He seemed to be a little perturbed by this, but that's a story for another time.


4. Purposes of Communication.


The primary purposes of this document, and communication, include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:


(4a) A formal request that Tom Kiraly either honor his legal obligation to provide me with the identities of current and future employers or formally repudiate past agreements. This paragraph is not the request itself. For the request itself, see part 5.


(4b) A formal request that Tom Kiraly, pursuant to past agreements, confirm one or more physical addresses at which printed communications may be delivered. This paragraph is not the request itself. For the request itself, see part 9.


(4c) A formal request for the identity of Tom Kiraly's current representative in legal matters. In addition to the preceding issues, there are legitimate and reasonable steps to be discussed. The request is hereby made.


5. Obligation to Identify Employer.


Tom Kiraly is presently obligated, under the terms of past agreements, to provide me with the identity of his current employer and formal notice of each transition to a new employer and the identity of that employer.


To the best of my recollection, Tom has not met this obligation, even once. It's past time for him to do so. I request that he either state the identity of his current employer or that he formally repudiate the past agreements.


6. Failure to Respond.


Failure to respond, by email as discussed in part 10, will be interpreted as an informal acknowledgment to the effect that the prosecutable crimes committed by Tom Kiraly were probably a bad idea and that Tom would prefer to tiptoe away before the situation becomes more awkward than it already is.


7. Tip-Toe through the Tulips with Me.


I'm not a tiptoe-away sort of person these days. I used to be. I was shy and frightened. I had Tom's father Jim, and Tom, to thank for that.


I lived quietly, ended up in a wheelchair, accepted this, and started to write a book. Tom wanted to stop the book, as the gag order that I refused to sign proves. Tom committed Abuse of Process of a new order of magnitude. I lost my life savings and my home of 25 years. I can't help people as I used to. I've changed quite a bit.


There isn't going to be any tip-toe away in the current matter. There are legitimate and reasonable steps to take. I'll comment further after I have the identity of Tom's representative and have confirmed it.


8. Repudiation Technical Note.


If Tom declines to honor his legal obligations under past agreements, to what extent does this weaken enforceability?


I'm counting more on the fact that Tom committed or was involved in multiple prosecutable crimes.


I had the sense that, by the end of the legal cases that led to the agreements, Tom's attorneys, though pleased to take perhaps $100,000 of Kiraly Family money in a failed attempt to stop a book, were concerned that the matter might actually go to Court and that the facts might slide happily and with confidence into a fundamental region where, it's said on a proverbial basis, illumination of a solar nature is not present. It's one of my legitimate and reasonable goals to ensure that the journey takes place.


9. Obligation to Provide Physical Address.


Tom Kiraly was required, by the terms of past agreements, to provide me with a physical address which could be used for the delivery of legitimate and reasonable documents such as this one.


If I remember correctly, and I may be mistaken, Tom provided an address just once, in 2013, and it was the address of his representative at the time. Tom apparently ended his formal association with the representative in question subsequently.


As the facts aren't clear, it's reasonable for me to request that Tom confirm one or more addresses at this time.


The request is hereby made. However, if delivery of this document is successful, the point is moot, and the request is temporarily withdrawn.


10. Email Addresses.


As the Kiraly Family black-hat at or near 1911 North Lamar Street, Dallas, Texas, has made repeated attempts to limit or erase my presence online, it isn't possible to provide a list of email addresses that will be guaranteed to work long-term.


If possible, communications should be sent to two email addresses concurrently so as to improve the chances of delivery. Two initial and temporary email addresses are listed below:

- There is no period between the two words in this case

- This one has a period between the two words


If there's no confirmation of receipt of email within a reasonable period of time, new addresses, if such exist, may be obtained from a set of anti-abuse websites related to the current matter and to the prosecutable crimes that Tom Kiraly has committed. Tom is aware of one or more domain names asso­ciated with the websites in question.


The mention of confirmation of receipt in the preceding paragraph isn't a commitment to provide such confirmation.


See part 2 for remarks related to responses and responders.


11. Haggis Hell.


You're invited to review materials related to the issues alluded to in this document. Some of them, such as an attempted gag order that Tom's former attorney fought to take down from the Web, are interesting. They may be obtained from the attorney in question, Michael Bonetto at (408) 947-2468, or from the websites alluded to previously.


To locate the websites, in the event that the domains change, do a Google search for the word Kerechanko or for the three words Tom Kiraly Felony.


The WikiDot website, which Kiraly Family members managed to take down for a while, is outdated; it was produced at the start, in 2012. It's recommended that new readers start with the Haggis Hell pages.


The Haggis Hell pages can be reached presently at:


The Twitter feed mentioned previously, BoldCoder, also links to pages that may be useful or of interest:


12. In conclusion.


I look forward to positive, productive, and detailed discussions in the months and years to come.


Regards, Robert (the Old Coder)